Last updated on  30 SEP 15


30 SEP 15: SNEA (I) MH Circle congratulates,  Com. Dhondu Vishnu Botale, Asst Director, Circle office Mumbai, on his superannuation retirement as on today, 30/09/2015 and wish him & his  family members “A Very Happy, Peaceful & Long Retired Life”.

Com. Dhondu Vishnu Botale, AD PG Circle office Mumbai {9423992570} has started his carrier in CTO Mumbai as Telegraphist in year 1975 & has rendered services as ASTT, JTO, SDE/AD in CTO, Raigad & Circle office Mumbai in capacity of SDE TAX, SDE CSC, AD PG etc and given his best for DOT & BSNL. He has played vital role in up gradation of Exchanges on introduction of Mobile services, procurement of equipments, Inspection of Exchanges & resolution of many of PG Cases and helped many of the customers, Staff and officers of BSNL.  Com. Botale has good leadership quality and has led the Class III National level union from 1981 to 1989, has played active role in strengthening TRC Club at CTO , and has rendered services as active leaders of union of ASTTs i.e. AITASA. Com. Botale who is known as “Dada” in his friend Circle due to his loving nature, is very punctual & hard worker & has always taken full responsibility of work given to him. Since introduction of SNEA(I), he is die- hard member of SNEA (I) and has always taken active part on all activities on the platform of SNEA (I) and supported with total devotion. 

SNEA (I) MH salutes sincerity, dedication and affection Com. Dhondu Vishnu Botale towards BSNL and SNEA (I) and on behalf of thousands of Comrades of SNEA (I) Maharashtra Circle, we wish him and his family members “A Happy, Peaceful, Healthy & Long Retired Life”.


30 SEP 15:  As per notification issued by Com. S.A Bhadane,  DS SNEA(I) Nashik, the Special General Body  Meeting of SNEA(I) Nashik will be held at TRC Club, Canada Corner, Nashik today i.e. on 30/09/2015 sharply from 1700 Hrs for felicitation of Com. M.S. Adasul, newly elected DyGS SNEA CHQ and to discuss organisation.  The meeting will be attended & addressed by Com. M.B. Sangle, EX JS CHQ (W), Com. A.R. Manani, EX VP CHQ, Com. S.V.Bhad, CP, Com. V.B.Kokate, VP, Com. S.R. Kalmegh ACS East, Com. S.R.Bhise, ACS West , Com. S.B. Bhosale, CT, Com. N.D. Barde JS North, Com. G.G. Karpe, CWCM, Com. P.N.Patil Auditor, Com. Bharat Sonawane, DS Pune, Com. Anil Dubey DS Mumbai, Com. M.N. Kotambe, DS Kalyan, Com. M.A.Mali DS Dhule, Com. L.U.Choudhary, DS Jalgaon, Com. V.V.Pimparkar, DS Ahmednagar and all the leaders of SNEA(I) Nashik.   Com. Bhadane appeals all comrades of Nashik SSA to attend the meeting well in time and make it grand success. Notice <<<>>>



30 SEP 15: BSNL CO urgently calls for stay particulars of SDEs from left out Circles mainly from NCNGN, BBNW Circle for posting to substitute to SDEs who have completed hard tenure. Letter <<<>>>


30 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued letter for empanelment of Dr Lal Path labs throughout India for pathological tests on production of BSNL ID and on cash payment basis which will be reimbursed as outdoor medical expenditure. Letter <<<>>>


29 SEP 15: Congratulations !!!: Joint Committee recommendations on the agenda of a) CPSU Cadre hierarchy and b) first TBP uniformly after 4 years to remove the anomaly is signed by all the Committee members. We thank Sri Mohammed Ashraf Khan, Chairman of the Jt Committee to complete the task in time.

Ø The Joint Committee was reconstituted with new Chairman after SNEA agitation in April – May, 2015 and our discussions with CMD, DIR (HR) and ED (Fin) on 06.05.2015. The Committee has given time up to 15.08.2015.

Ø  The 3rd agenda of first TBP after 4 years also become part of the Joint Committee agenda as a result of our agitation. Earlier Jt Committee could not do anything in this regard.

Ø Ultimately our struggle for that last two years, from February, 2014 onwards demanding finalization of standard pay scales of E2, E3 replacing E1A and E2A, implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy and first TBP uniformly after 4 years are getting positive recommendations from the Joint Committee, a very positive and bold step towards the total resolution of the issue.

Ø  Our efforts to get the proposal of E1A and E2A scales rejected by DoT and DPE was the turning point in the struggle.

Ø  The report will be submitted to CMD, BSNL on 05.10.2015, after his return from tour.

Ø  As expected, two committee members from official side, Smt. Madhu Arora, GM (Estt) and Smt. Smitha Choudhary, GM (EF) given dissent note. While GM (Estt) given some alternate suggestions at least, GM (EF) completely disagree with all the positive recommendations which benefits the company as well as the Executives.

The main recommendations are:

a.     JTO to SDE and equivalent eligibility shall be 5 years of regular service in the grade and a benchmark to be kept as Good and not more than one Average. For SC/ST candidates two Average may be allowed.

b.    SDE to Sr SDE and equivalent eligibility shall be 5 years of regular service in the grade and benchmark to be kept as Good and not more than one Average. For SC/ST candidates two Average may be allowed.

c.      Sr SDE to DE and equivalent eligibility shall be 5 years of regular service in the grade and benchmark to be kept as Good and not more than one Average. For SC/ST candidates two Average may be allowed.

d.    DE to DGM promotion will be restricted to the availability of posts. The balance DEs may be promoted as Jt DGM (parking Lot). DE to DGM and equivalent eligibility shall be 5 years of regular service as DE and bench mark to be kept as Very Good and not more than one Good. For SC/ST candidates not more than two Good.

e.     DGM to JAG- SG and equivalent may be promoted in the grade of E6 in 5 years as per existing time bound promotion scheme with the bench mark of Very Good and not more than one Good.

f.       The bench marks in above (c) & (d) are same as in Schedule -II of existing CPC as per Group ARRs.

g.    There are some UPSC recruited DEs or equivalent of 1995 batch etc as on today. All UPSC recruits of all batches may be promoted en-bloc to DGM if they meet the bench mark. The executives already promoted to higher post on post based promotion will stand senior en-bloc.

Agenda No.3: To examine the implementation of first time bound promotion uniformly after four years w.e.f. 01.10.2000: Committee is of the view that after the recommendation given above for CPSU cadre hierarchy, this issue gets resolved partially. As per recommendation already given for Agenda 1 in the third meeting of committee on 09.07.2015, the minimum service required for up gradation from E2 to E3 as proposed in (a) above is 5 years.

To address the anomaly, the committee recommends that first pay scale up gradation will be given in maximum of five years instead of six years, notionally w.e.f. 01.10.2000. However, existing provision of first time bound promotion after reaching minimum of net higher scales in four years shall remain unaffected.

Joint Committee recommendation <<<>>>

Dissent Note given by GM (Estt) <<<>>>

Dissent Note given by GM (EF) <<<>>>



28 SEP 15: Highly successful, Grand District Conference of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai and Grand welcome & Felicitation of DyGS SNEA CHQ: {Report by Com. P.B.Jadhav DP & Com. Anil Dubey DS SNEA Mumbai}:

Ø On first arrival at Mumbai of Com. M. S. Adasul, as DyGS in Mumbai on 09/09/2015 grand welcome was given to him at Circle office gate with large colorful garland, beautiful flower bouquet and loud cracker sound with distribution of sweet among  comrades gathered at Gate.  Welcome PHOTOs <<<>>>

Ø As per the notification issued by Com. Anil Dubey, DS SNEA Circle Office Mumbai, the District conference and function for grand Welcome and felicitation of Com. M. S. Adasul, Deputy General Secretary SNEA CHQ was conducted on 15/09/2015 at 1130 hrs at jam packed 2nd Floor Conference Hall wherein more than 300 comrades of different wings in Circle Office Mumbai were present. .

Ø This District Conference of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai was attended by following dignitaries.

1.       Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ,

2.       Shri. Praveen Malhotra, Sr. GM (HR & Admn) MH Circle,

3.       Com. A. R. Manani, Ex Vice President SNEA  CHQ,

4.       Com. Sudhir B. Bhosale, Circle Treasurer  SNEAMH,

5.       Com. Vijay J.Bhandirge, Joint Secretary SNEA MH HQ Mumbai

6.       Com. S. M. Sahare , Joint Secretary SNEA NRU

7.       Com. S.V.Pawar,  OS SNEA NE II

8.       Com. D.S. Kamble, CEC Member SNEA CO Mumbai

9.       Com. Anil Dubey, DS SNEA CO Mumbai

10.            Com. M. N. Kotambe, DS SNEA Kalyan.

11.            Com. P.B.Kolhe, VP SNEA Kalyan

12.            Com. Ganesh Hinge,  CT BSNLEU MH & Secretary LCM

13.            Com.Avinash Londhe, DS BSNLEU Mumbai

14.            Com. Shripad Chanderkar, BSNLEU LCM Member

15.            Com. Milind Ingale, DS NFTE BSNL Mumbai

16.            Com. Anil Sawant,  OS  NFTE BSNL MH,

17.            Com. Ajit Pagare DS SCSTEWA Mumbai

18.            Com. B.N. Surati DP SCSTEWA Mumbai.


Ø The meeting started with BSNL prayer Itanai Shakati Hame dena data” in chorus. Then house observed two minute silence for departed souls & especially to Ex President of India Late Shri. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

Ø All the dignitaries, leaders of Unions & Associations were given warm welcome by Comrades of SNEA Circle office Mumbai by offering beautiful flower bouquets.

Ø Shri. Pravin Malhotra, Sr  GM (HR & Admn) MH Circle was felicitated with Shawl Shrifal and beautiful flower bouquet by hands of Com. Anil Dubey DS SNEA Mumbai with standing ovation and thundering claps given by the august house.

Ø Com. A. R. Manani, Ex Vice President SNEA CHQ was honored with shawl Shrifal and beautiful flower bouquet by hands of Com. Bhagwan Appa, DT SNEA Circle office Mumbai.

Ø Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ, was felicitated with Shawl Shrifal and with beautiful flower bouquet by hands of Shri. Pravin Malhotra, Sr GM (HR & Admin) MH Circle with standing ovation and loud thundering claps by august house.

Ø As token of love & affection from all the comrades of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai Com. Anil Dubey, DS Mumbai presented Apple I-Phone 6 Gold to Com. M. S. Adasul and reminded him to be in continuous touch with the comrades of SNEA Maharashtra in general & specially with comrades of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai. 

Ø Further with innovative idea of Com Sudhir Bhosale CT MH Circle and Com. Omprakash Jangid AO Mumbai Com.  M. S. Adasul DyGS SNEA  CHQ was honored with Rajasthani Feta specially brought from Jaipur, Rajasthan

Ø On behalf of comrades of BSNLEU Mumbai Com. Ganesh Hinge, CT MH & his team specially felicitated Com. M. S. Adasul by presenting Shawl, Shrifal bouquet and with Momento as a token of love from comrades of BSNLEU Mumbai.

Ø On behalf of comrades of NFTE BSNL Mumbai Com. Milind Ingale, DS NFTE BSNL Mumbai & his team felicitated Com. M.S.Adasul DyGS SNEA CHQ.

Ø On behalf of SCSTEWA comrades Com Ajit Pagare, DS SCSTEWA Mumbai & his team felicitated Com. M.S.Adasul DyGS SNEA CHQ.

Ø On behalf of Civil, Electrical wing comrades Com. Mangesh Wase, VP SNEA Mumbai and his team of Civil/Electrical wing comrades felicitated Com. M. S. Adasul with Shawl Shrifal and beautiful flower bouquet.

Ø Com Mrs. Kusum Kumari Amma Ex President SNEA  Mumbai & then AGM (S&M) Mumbai who specially attended this function & felicitated Com. M. S. Adasul & showered him with blessings for further & higher success in association activities. To share moment of happiness Com. Kusum Kumari Amma also distributed chocolates to all the dignitaries and comrades present in the meeting hall.

Ø Com. Prashant Jadhav District President SNEA Mumbai, in opening & welcome speech gave warm welcome to  all the dignitaries, leaders of other unions & associations  and specially congratulated Com. M. S. Adasul for making one more record in SNEA  Maharashtra History  by becoming first ever Deputy GS of SNEA CHQ. He also shared his experience while working with Com. Adasul and updated the house about the happenings in AIC Jaipur and how Com. Adasul has been unanimously elected as DyGS.  He further shared the some of the glorious moments of AIC Jaipur and active role of comrades of SNEA Maharashtra. In his brief speech Com. Jadhav shared the motivation speech delivered by CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Shrivastav, updated the house with important issues discussed at AIC Jaipur like viability of BSNL, 30% superannuation benefits for direct recruited BSNL employee, First TBP after 4 years, CPSU hierarchy, Untiring Kerala Struggle etc. He also narrated the house regarding views of majority of delegates/Circle Secretaries and Sr leaders gathered at AIC Jaipur regarding requirement of services of Com. M. S. Adasul, CS Maharashtra at CHQ New Delhi and unconditional and unanimous support extended by all of them for honoring services of Com. M.S Adasul with post of Deputy General Secretary SNEA CHQ New Delhi which is specially created with amendment in constitution of SNEA CHQ. He informed house regarding selection of Com. Pandurang Naik, Com. Chinmay Sahoo, Com. Manish Samadhiya all the three BSNL recruited DR JTOs who are in New CHQ body as Asst General Secretaries and how majority of delegates/observers in AIC Jaipur were young comrades.

Ø Com. Anil Dubey, DS SNEA Circle Office Mumbai, in his address speech congratulated Com. M S Adasul, on becoming Dy GS and shared his experience of cordial approach by Com. M. S.Adasul, in resolving many of the critical issues in day to day activities and how he is helping every executive & non-executive not only in Circle Office, but all over Maharashtra. Com. Anil Dubey also shared his experience about style of working of Com. M.S. Adasul and given new nomenclature of post of Dy GS as Dynamic GS & expressed happiness on selection of our beloved Com M S Adasul for this post at CHQ New Delhi. He further shared that it is difficult to spare Com. M.S.Adasul from Mumbai, but as he is given higher responsibility by comrades all over India, with heavy heart he has to agree with it. He specially appealed Com. Adasul that after his shifting to Delhi, he should specially visit to Circle Office Mumbai and continues his guidance for SNEA comrades. Regarding HR issues in Circle office, he praised Shri. Praveen Malahotra, Sr GM (HR/Admn)  Mumbai  for taking care of HR issues and due to timely actions by GM HR/Admn Mumbai as DS Mumbai he  has never met Shri. Malahotra in his tenure of DS on any HR issues. He added that Sr GM HR /Admn is  also taking care of  welfare of employees in circle office on priority basis and supported for arrangement of many  seminar and medical camps in our complex for well being of employees.  At the last he thanked all the officers and members of the other Unions & Associations for attending the conference and felicitation program of Com M S Adasul Dynamic GS CHQ New Delhi and assured to have stronger unity among the executives & Non executives of Circle office Mumbai. He also appealed all the executives & Non executives in Mumbai for helping hand to all the comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle for prompt & active assistance in development & maintenance works, which field units require on works pending at Circle office Mumbai.  

Ø Shri Praveen Malhotra, Sr GM (HR /Admn) MH Circle, the Chief Guest of the function in his address speech congratulated Com. M. S. Adasul, for his new role in SNEA and expressed that he was aware of association activities over the period & personally he was expecting higher position for Com. M.S Adasul. He conveyed best wishes to Com. Adasul for this new assignment, shared the style of working of Dy GS and informed the house that, he has told in earlier meeting that such leader should be at CHQ level so that Development of BSNL can get momentum. Sr GM HR/Admn also told that SNEA is not only taking care of the transfer posting of executives but also taking active part in development issues of BSNL. He specially mentioned that SNEA is never behind any individual case and always demanding for uniform policy working for all the executives and hence it is very easy for his office to take care of all. He further added that present BSNL CMD is energetic and he is always behind the revival of this company. Shri. Malhotra, addressed meeting with very positive, affirmative manner and given courage to the comrades present in the conference hall. He added that he and CGMT MH are always keen in addressing HR issues with amicable solutions and all the executives should concentrate on their office working and contribute more and more towards growth of BSNL. He specially mentioned that the role of members of SNEA is bigger and hence they have to lead it from front and get solutions for the different issues for growth of BSNL. He conveyed thanks to organizers to give opportunity to address such huge gathering of executives in Circle Office Mumbai & conveyed best wishes for remaining proceedings of the meeting. 

Ø Com. S. M. Sahare, Joint Secretary NRU SNEA MH, congratulated Com. M.S. Adasul for being elected as DyGS & conveyed best wishes for this new & higher assignment in association activities. .He shared the contribution and efforts taken by Com. M. S. Adasul for awarding special post of Joint Secretary Non recruiting Unit at SNEA MH circle body and how it has been helpful for comrades of WTP, WTR, ITPC, and DNW for resolving different issues faced by them. He shared his experience of working style of Com. Adasul and firmly assured that this working style has made him to reach this respectable position in SNEA and only this working style will make him to achieve the dream of Maharashtra Comrades.    

Ø Com. M. N. Kotambe, DS SNEA Kalyan in his speech appreciated the team of Circle Office comrades for arranging such grand function and conveyed thanks for inviting him. He shared his experience in AIC Jaipur and explained how the SNEA Maharashtra Comrades were instrumental in overall functioning of AIC Jaipur & to conclusion of unanimous CHQ body for SNEA (I). He congratulated Com. Adasul for being elected as DyGS and conveyed best wishes for this new assignment for better future of SNEA (I). He narrated how the constitution was amended to accommodate Com. Adasul at CHQ. In his marathon speech he narrated the house about journey of Com. M.S. Adasul in SNEA & how he reached up to prestigious post DyGS with stronger unity among the executives throughout Maharashtra Circle. He shared his memories with Com. M. S. Adasul while in Kalyan and narrated house about his hard work, devotion during association activities as well as office responsibilities and specially during flood at Kalyan in July 2005, Efforts taken by Com MS Adasul for taking circle office membership to reach magic figure of 300 membership, explained tireless efforts taken by him for formation of transfer policy and its uniform implementation to avoid injustice to SNEA comrades. He conveyed best wishes for his new assignment as Dee GS and full support from Kalyan comrades.

Ø Com. A. R. Manani, Ex Vice President SNEA CHQ in his address first congratulated Com. Adasul for becoming Dy GS and shared the journey he had with Com. Adasul since he was DS Kalyan. He shared important moments wherein he was of the opinion of very aggressive stand and Com. Adasul guided his to be calm and to have patience for better results and this strategy has given much more success to the SNEA(I). Com. Manani further expressed that in association activities he & Com. Adasul has mutual understanding and he has given “Vetto” power to Com. Adasul and he has used it in the interest of SNEA comrades. He shared special experiences wherein it was feared that the talks with the concerned authorities were about to fail, and how Com. Adasul has been instrumental in converting it towards success. He expressed during his prolonged services and association/union activities throughout life, he has seen so many occasions and how it was prestige to work with Com. Adasul. He shared many of experience while he was DS/CS and he was first introduced with Com. Adasul as diplomat on part of management, how he inducted him in association activities, how both have combinely built up SNEA Kalyan and then SNEA MH. By sharing experience at Airport Mumbai for meeting with then CMD BSNL, he mentioned that he has experienced that at the level when his thinking stops, the actions of Com. Adasul starts and his ideas gives the final and fruitful success. He also shared his working experience on different capacities of association/unions in Maharashtra Circle, experience in AIC Jabalpur and appreciated role played by Maharashtra Comrades in AIC Jaipur. He conveyed thanks to organizers for inviting him for this District Conference and felicitated him on this occasion.

Ø Com. M. S. Adasul DyGS SNEA CHQ in address conveyed gratitude and sincere thanks to all the comrades present in the August House & leaders of Unions & Associations for such memorable felicitation & expressed to feel proud to be part of such energetic association. He mentioned that it was strong support of SNEA comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle which has given this prestige to him and he has done nothing special four it. It was strongest unity of SNEA comrades which has created history in SNEA that after prolonged period in an historic achievement the elections were held unanimously.  He conveyed thanks to especially to Com. Anil Dubey, Com. M.N. Kotambe, and Com. Ajit Kumar important District Secretaries who have always taken initiatives for giving him important portfolio in association activities. Further he shared the important events in AIC Jaipur and narrated the feelings expressed by CMD BSNL, Director CFA, Director HR, ED New Business and leaders form the different Unions & associations.  He shared new slogan of Behatar Sevaki Nai Lagan” by CMD BSNL and how he has assured for every help in growth & development of BSNL and his commitment towards next PRC. He conveyed appeal of CMD BSNL towards all employees of BSNL to come forward and contribute to the growth of BSNL. By sharing experience of complaints during files visits he appealed all the comrades in the Circle office Mumbai to resolve the issues raised by field units on day to day basis and no work should be kept pending for next day. If it is pending for any reason, it should be taken care on priority. Such support by comrades in Circle office will be real helping hand for the executives & non executives working in the field units and they will contribute more and more towards BSNL. He shared his experience in formation of new branch of SNEA Mumbai under leadership of Com. A.R. Manani then CS SNEA MH and how it pride moment for him to have such stronger branch. He appreciated efforts taken by Com. Anil Dubey, Com. V.J.Bhandirge & Com. Dilip Kamble, Com. Sudhir Bhosale and all active leaders for stronger SNEA Mumbai.   He appealed comrades to have positive thinking and keep themselves away from all negative thoughts and persons with negative thoughts and narrated how it will be benefitted for them. He explained the different HR issues discussed in AIC Jaipur and the stand taken by SNEA CHQ and all such important issues. He specially mentioned that on HR issues of executives in Maharashtra Circle, SNEA MH is always keen and many of the issues are settled and some are on the way to final outcome. He added that Shri. Pravin Malhotra Sr GM HR/Admn Mumbai has very positive approach on the resolution of HR issues uniformly and even he takes some more time to understand the genuineness of the individual representing his case, he is keen to give justice to every body and at the same time he is firm on rejecting non-genuine and cases presented on bogus grounds. He has maintained very clean and healthy atmosphere in HR section.  He specially mentioned that Shri. Malhotra has given assurance that by end of October 2015 he will settle majority of pending cases including some possible solution on Rule 8 transfer of JTOs and pending request transfer within Maharashtra Circle. He also shared that officers in Circle Office should have more personal touch with the staff working under their control and should built up on stronger faith among the staff and if any of the staff is coming late and going early as regular matter or right then it is duty of his/her immediate controlling officer  to ask the reasons and assured on behalf of the leaders of unions that no union/association will support such late coming/early going officers/officials which was reciprocated by all leaders. On most important demand of Five Days week in Circle, he assured house that he will make all possible efforts for it if the comrades are ready for biometric attendance attached directly to pay role and it was appreciated by the house with claps. He conveyed thanks for giving such prestigious memento by comrades of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai which he does not deserve as he has done nothing special for it. He firmly assured that he will be in continuous touch with the comrades in Mumbai and Maharashtra Comrades and will be ready to extend hand to everybody when it is needed for any reason. While conveying sincere thanks to one & all, he expressed that he has no words for expression of his feeling at this momemt as it is difficult for him and assured that till the Circle Conference scheduled at Pune during November 2015, he will continue to function from Mumbai and thereafter he will shift to Delhi. He appealed all the comrades in Circle office Mumbai to come forward for stronger unity of executives and non executives and be united for any cause and mainly to safeguard interest of BSNL.     

Ø At the conclusion of open session Com. Bhagwan Appa, DT SNEA Circle Office Mumbai conveyed vote of thanks in his special style. 

Ø Com. Vinay Phadke, DT SNEA Mumbai presented account of SNEA which was approved in one voice & with loud claps.

Ø Thereafter as per agenda, the Elections for New District Body were announced and Com. P. D. Rade, DGM HR/Admn was elected as Election Officer.

Ø As per public demand and need of special branch for issues of Civil Electrical executives it was proposed by some of comrades of Civil /Electrical wing to have separate District Branch for the executives of Civil /Electrical wing in Mumbai, Kalyan & Raigad SSA with HQ Mumbai. Thus elections were separately conducted for SNEA Circle Office Mumbai & SNEA Civil/Electrical Mumbai. This will be 35th Divisional Branch of SNEA Maharashtra.

Ø In unanimous Elections held Com. Prashant Jadhav,  Com. Anil Dubey, Com. R.S.Potual were elected as DP, DS & DT of SNEA Circle Office Mumbai and Com. Sameer Chakraborty, Com.  M. A. Wase  & Com. A.K.Thakare were elected as DP, DS & DT of SNEA Civil/Electrical Mumbai. Com. A. R. Manani gave oath of alliance to the newly elected office Bearers of both the District branches.

Ø The presence of total 38 members from Civil & Electrical wing including senior Com. Sandip Mandal, EE C, Com. P. K. Agarwal, SDE C, Com.  Ahuja SDE C, Com. S. Y. Sharma, SDE C , Com. Farkade SDE C, Com. B. A. Khairnar, SDE C, Com. Thite SDE C, Com. M. V. Randive, SDE C, Com. Yadav JTO C, Com. Mrs. Deokar SDE C, Com. Sankpal JTO C, Com. Sheikh JTO C, Com. Sanjay Singh JTO C, Com Khatavkar JTO C, Com. Mrs. Kamble JTO E, Com. S. B. Bhise, JTO E,  Com. Z. H. Sayed,  JTO E, Com Dinesh Jadhav,  JTO E, Com. S. R. Kamil, SDE E, Com S R Shinde JTO E , Com Sisodia SDE C, Com Shinde JTO C, Com Khatavkar JTO C etc in this meeting was the important step towards stronger unity of Civil/ Electrical wing comrades, which was basis for formation of separate District Branch SNEA  Civil/Electrical Mumbai.  

Ø With special initiatives of Com. Omprakash Jangid OS SNEA Mumbai  for inviting to newly recruited JAOs to be part of this District conference  of SNEA  CO Mumbai and to listen update on different issues of BSNL and to know about their carrier in BSNL. 

Ø On addressing house on the occasion Com. M. A. Wase, Newly Elected DS SNEA Civil Electrical Mumbai conveyed thanks to all the executives for attending this meeting & conveyed best wishes from the new branch to Com. M. S.  Adasul  on being elected as Dy GS SNEA  CHQ  &  also  specially thanked  Com. M. S. Adasul,  DyGS SNEA  CHQ New Delhi the man behind the formation of this branch just to focus on the issues of comrades of Civil /Electrical wing throughout Maharashtra Circle with more dedicated approach.  Com. Wase further conveyed thanked Ex Vice President Com. A. R.  Manani, Com. Anil Dubey, DS CO Mumbai & Com Sahare Jt Secretary NRU for always giving full support to Civil / Electrical wing & also thanked other Comrades for taking efforts in formation of Civil & Electrical branch. He assured to pursue all the issues of Civil /Electrical wing comrades with more devotion and personal attention and make all out efforts for resolution of issues and stronger unity of Civil /Electrical wing comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle on the platform of SNEA(I). He conveyed special thanks and gratitude to all the executives of civil Electrical wing Mumbai for stronger unity of Civil Electrical wing comrades and initiative for formation of separate district  branch which will now directly represent the issues of Civil Electrical wing in CEC Meetings, Circle Conference & AIC of SNEA(I).

Ø The Circle/District Office Bearers and SNEA comrades Com. Sudhir Bhosale, Com. Vijay Bhandirge, Com. Dilip Kamble, Com Anil Dubey, Com Prashant Jadhav, Com. Vinay Phadake, Com. B. K. Jagtap, Com. S. R. Potul, Com Bhagwan Appa, Com. S. Krishnan, Com. S.K. Sangle, Com. Gujjette, Com. M. S. Hanchate, Com Anil Akhade, Com Hari Praveen, Com Prabhakar etc made entire arrangement of district Conference & made it grand success.

Ø The meeting which started at 1130 hrs was nicely anchored by Com. Vijay Bhandirge, Ex- Joint Secretary HQ SNEA MH, concluded at 1430 hrs with National Anthem and slogans of Unity.

Ø The entire gathering and the guests of meeting were provided delicious lunch after conclusion of meeting.

Ø New District Body:

o   SNEA  Circle Office Mumbai <<<>>>

o   SNEA  Civil/Electrical Mumbai <<<>>>

Ø PHOTOS  <<<>>>  By Com. Hari Pravin, JTO & Com. Prabhakar JTO.


26 SEP 15: Update on JTO to SDE Promotion court cases:

ü JTO to SDE Promotion case at Hon CAT, Chandigarh which stayed the promotions in 67% quota with reservation was scheduled to be heard on 21.09.2015, but posted to 09.10.2015.

ü  BSNL filed an application to club all the similar cases where stay order is issued by the Hon CAT, JTO to SDE LDCE case, JAO to AO promotion, AO to CAO promotion etc. It is expected that on 09.10.2015, Hon CAT will decide on clubbing the cases and hearing it together.

ü  Meanwhile BSNL CO decided to seek legal opinion from the Attorney General or Solicitor General of India on this constitutional issue.

ü  In the Ernakulam case, BSNL CO is replying to the queries made by the BSNL lawyer, by next week. Necessary information is collected by Pers section from all other sections.

ü  The case at Hon PCAT against promotion to EE (Civil/Electrical/Arch) wings is listed for 27.09.2015. The clarification issued by BSNLCO and the approval of the same in the Board meeting on 28.08.2015 will be appraised to the Hon PCAT.



SNEA Maharashtra wish all, Happy & Prosperous Eid-ul-Azha/Bakari Eid.


25 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued posting order in AGM DE LA arrangement in Circle Office Mumbai. Letter <<<>>>


25 SEP 15: BSNL CO calls for APRs of 164 JTO Civil for their promotions as SDE Civil on Regular basis & it is specially directed to send attested copies of APRs & not the original APRs. Letter <<<>>>


25 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued DE Regular Promotion order in which Com. R. D. Bhamare from Dhule is promoted as DE Regular. Congratulations to Com. Bhamare!!!. Letter <<<>>>


25 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued Tenure transfer of substitute SDEs for All India Hard Tenure transfers in which three SDEs from WTR are transferred to hard tenure Circles. Letter <<<>>>



24 SEP 15: CMD BSNL writes letter to all Circle Heads for special efforts for reducing call drops as serious concern has been raised by Hon. Prime Minister of India with warning for fixing responsibility with CGM concerned in case of failure. Letter <<<>>>     

Comrades, it is very positive step that CMD in this letter assures to extend every help required for restoration of GSM services & improvement of quality of GSM services and now it is our responsibility to look into all the issues/difficulties in keeping GSM services above the benchmark fixed for quality services to BSNL customers and if any individual is unable to resolve then all such difficulties should be brought to the notice of concerned officers without any delay and such unresolved issues, issues intentionally neglected/delayed by the officer responsible for its resolution beyond certain time of 2-3 days should be reported to Com. Anil Dubey, SDE NWP GSM Mumbai on email id Landline: 022-26467385,  Mobile,  9423991974.


24 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai endorsed orders for retention of SDE under transfer to NETF Circle up to of 31/03/2016 at Satara in Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>

·     This is good news for all the SDEs who are under transfer or due for out of Maharashtra Circle to hard tenure Circles that Personal Cell BSNL Corporate office has changed its earlier adamant stand and is now humble to grant the retention at least for certain period and there are firm chances that the transfer orders will be cancelled at later stage. 

·     Thus SDEs who are under transfer to hard tenure Circle need not be under fear of transfers but needs to apply for retention and cancellation of such transfers as nowadays BSNL Corporate Office takes very lenient view and even do not bother to ask comments/recommendations of Circle Head.

·     The recent procedure formed by BSNL CO for recommendation of such cases by Circle Heads that to in prescribed format also seems to be scrapped by BSNL CO and individual & direct representations are also being given due consideration.   

·     As such all the SDEs who are under transfer to Hard Tenure Circles & not willing to join Hard tenure Circles are requested to represent their cases directly to BSNL CO and one copy for just formality may be given through proper channel, which has no meaning, but after all it is formality and we should abide by it for getting personal benefits.

·     When BSNL CO has taken so lenient view, the Maharashtra Circle also is not lagging & rather taking more lenient view and such officers who are granted retention by BSNL CO are being further considered for choice posting within Maharashtra Circle as within no time representation of the said SDE is being considered for posting at Pune SSA thus retention will not practically at Satara SSA & it will be Pune SSA.

·     This special transfer within Maharashtra Circle during remaining six months of retention period that to be to choice station having 30% HRA will be directly beneficial & most economical to individual SDE if in case he has to join NETF & thus he will be benefitted by 60% HRA in place of present 20% HRA.

·     Thus 40% gain in monthly payment that be for period of two or more than two years as the case may be and it will come about Rs 15000 per month & approximate total amount will be Rs. Four lakhs during tenure period.

·     This is sign that the financial condition of BSNL is improved and money is available within BSNL for all such economical help to sufferer SDEs.

·     Only condition is that one has to make expenditure of some thousands of rupees may be out of Rs. Four lakhs money being specially paid by BSNL by granting extra HRA due to lenient views by Circle as well as BSNL CO.

·     When everybody from BSNL CO to Maharashtra Circle has changed their adamant stand and now working in very co-operative manner to support individuals with sympathetic consideration so as to get lakhs of rupees of BSNL just by official gimmicks and hence all such affected SDEs are requested to send their representations as above and get benefits of the lineament approach by the BSNL CO as well as Maharashtra Circle.

·     It is more important that all long stay officers also ask for transfer to location having 30% HRA and get benefit of 60% HRA during All India Hard tenure transfer. 

·     This seems to be very special offer & will be only for limited period and hence all affected SDEs should act immediately & grab the opportunity. SNEA (I) will also grab this offer & opportunity to extend special help to SDEs under transfers and will support all these comrades for their retention in Maharashtra Circle.    


24 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued posting order of SDEs joining from other Circles to Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>  Letter <<<>>>   


24 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued guidelines for reversion of JTO to his/her TTA cadre in which directions are issued for recovery of training expenses & TA/DA, leave for the period of training & with condition that after declining promotion the official will not be considered for JTO promotion for period of one year. Letter <<<>>>


24 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued clarification on payment of EPF contribution as one time measure in old cases by BSNL during pre induction training of BSNL recruited employees. Letter <<<>>>


24 SEP 15: AD Comp Mumbai endorsed guidelines issued by BSNL CO on disposal of computers & peripherals. Letter <<<>>>


24 SEP 15:  GS SNEA CHQ writes to Director HR BSNL requesting to conduct LICE from TTA to JTO immediately with reduced qualifying service of 5 years as per the new JTO RR to meet the acute shortage in JTO cadre. Letter <<<>>>


24 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued cancellation of transfer order and retention in Akola SSA. Letter <<<>>>     


23 SEP 15: GS SNEA CHQ writes to CMD, BSNL expressing sincere gratitude for approval of the amendments to JTO Recruitment Rules in the last BSNL Board meeting held on 18.09.2015. Letter <<<>>>


23 SEP 15: GS SNEA writes to DIR (HR), BSNL requesting immediate action to regularise all the Officiating JTOs as a onetime measure as per the new JTO RR. Letter <<<>>>


23 SEP 15: AD Staff Mumbai published SSA wise working staff strength of Executives as on 19/09/2015.  Letter <<<>>>



22 SEP 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai endorsed order for cancellation of transfer of Com. D.R. Edake SDE Solapur issued by BSNL CO in Year 2011 to NETF Circle. Letter <<<>>>

    This was long pending request of Com. D.R. Edake, SDE Solapur for cancellation of transfer order on medical grounds and same was being continuously pursued by SNEA (I) and he was earlier given relief by giving retention and now finally his order has been cancelled. Com. Edke also has kept long patience & faith on SNEA (I) and finally has overcome the hardship faced by him for prolonged period as his transfer is finally cancelled & he is retained at Solapur. SNEA (I) MH conveys sincere thanks to Com. V.M. Wankhede, Ex AGS SNEA (I) CHQ, who has taken special efforts for this cancellation order.   


22 SEP 15: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for four week pre appointment field training of 85 JAOs which will commence from 28/09/2015.  Letter <<<>>>



22 SEP 15:  CE Elect Mumbai issued transfer & posting orders in respect of two SDEs in Electrical wing. Letter <<<>>>


22 SEP 15: Special General Body Meeting & Grand felicitation of  Com. M S Adasul,  Deputy General Secretary SNEA(I) CHQ: {Report by Com. Mukesh Wadhwani JS Kalyan SNEA (I) MH}:  By taking note of the positive outcome of SNEA(I) MH in the XXIX All India Conference held at Jaipur & unanimous election of Com. M. S. Adasul as Deputy General Secretary SNEA(I) CHQ, the special General Body Meting of SNEA(I) Kalyan was held on 14/09/2015 was held for felicitation of Com. M. S. Adasul, in  Kala Bramha Hall, Kala Talav, Telephone Bhavan,  Kalyan.  Felicitation program was presided by Com U.P. Mishra, DP SNEA (I) Kalyan. The following dignitaries attended the special felicitation meeting, graced the occasion & addressed the gathering:

1.     Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

2.     Shri. L. S. Ropia, Sr. GMT Kalyan ,

3.     Com. V.N. Savdekar, DGM NWP KYN,

4.     Com. D.G. Kulkarni, DGM Admn Kalyan.

5.     Com. Miss. Sashikala Madikunt, DGM Finance Kalyan.

6.     Com. M. M. Wadhwani, Joint Secretary Kalyan,  SNEA(I) MH,

7.     Com. A. M. Singh, CEC Member SNEA Kalyan

8.     Com. M.N. Kotambe, DS SNEA (I) Kalyan.

9.     Com V.K. Bhamre, Treasurer SNEA (I) Kalyan.

10.            Com. Ashok Ugale, DS NFTE Kalyan,

11.            Com. B. S. Garud DS SCSTWEA Kalyan.

ü The meeting started with two minute silence to departed souls & especially to late Com. D.M. Chandanshive Ex DS, EX DP, Ex Joint Secretary Kalyan, EX Area Secretary Vasai    

ü All the dignitaries & guest were given warm welcome by offering bouquets by the different comrades of SNEA (I) Kalyan.

ü Com. M.N. Kotambe, DS SNEA(I) Kalyan shared the glorious moments of association activities by late Com. Chandanshive in capacity DS, DP, DT, Joint Secretary Kalyan,  Area Secretary Vasai, CEC Member & expressed how the sudden demise of Com. Chandanshive has created big vacuum and heavy loss to SNEA(I)Kalyan.

ü During this meeting cheque of Rs. 1,00, 000.00 (Rupees One Lakh Only) of Welfare Claim received from SNEA (I) CHQ on sudden demise of late Com. D.M. Chandanshive Ex DS, EX DP, Ex DT, Ex Joint Secretary Kalyan, Ex Area Secretary Vasai, Ex CEC Member Kalyan was handed over by hands of Dy. GS Com. M S Adasul to Smt. Shashikala Chandanshive, the spouse of Late Com. Chandanshive who was specially invited for the meeting. Mrs Chandanshive was emotional while accepting the cheque after recollection of memories the active contribution of Com. Chandanshive.  

ü In opening & welcome speech Com. M. M. Wadhwani,  Joint Secretary SNEA(I) Kalyan, SNEA(I)MH, gave warm welcome to  all the dignitaries, leaders of other unions & associations  and specially congratulated Com. M.S. Adasul on becoming first ever DyGS of SNEA(I) CHQ. He also shared some of glorious moments of AIC Jaipur and active role of comrades of SNEAI) Kalyan.  

ü Com. D. G. Kulkarni, DGM Admn Kalyan in his address congratulated Com. Adasul, on becoming DyGS and shared his experience of cordial approach by Com. Adasul, in resolving many of the critical issues in day to day activities and how he is helping every executive & non-executive regardless of his/her membership.

ü Com. V.N. Savadekar, DGM NWP Kalyan while congratulating Com. Adasul shared moments of AIC Jaipur which he has witnessed personally being at Jaipur and how the Kalyan comrades are instrumental in electing Com. Adasul as DyGS.      

ü Com. Miss. Sashikala Madikunt, DGM Fin Kalyan congratulated Com. Adasul for being elected as DyGS & conveyed best wishes for this new & higher assignment in association activities.  

ü  Com A.M. Singh, CEC Member SNEA (I) Kalyan recollected glorious moments of achievements of SNEA (I) Kalyan & congratulated Com. M. S. Adasul for this additional feature of DyGS. By sensing the opportunity of the presence of Sr. GMT Kalyan in the meeting he briefly presented his views about obstacles in the development of Kalyan SSA & stressed for overcoming it with stronger unity.

ü Com. Ashok Ugale, DS BSNL NFTE Kalyan in his address congratulated Com. Adasul for becoming Dy GS and representing Kalyan SSA at Delhi. He further shared the historical achievements on platform of JAC Kalyan and leading role played by Com.Adasul.

ü  Com. B. S. Garud, DS SCSTEWA Kalyan expressed his happiness over the election of Com. Adasul as DyGS & expressed proud feeling for such highest representation from Maharashtra Circle. He also shared his experience of working with Com. Adasul and appealed Com. Adasul to give priority of the issues of Kalyan SSA. 

ü  Com. M. N. Kotambe, DS SNEA (I) Kalyan in his speech narrated the house about journey of Com. M.S. Adasul in SNEA & how he reached up to prestigious post DyGS with stronger unity among the executives throughout Maharashtra Circle. He wholeheartedly admired the hard work, dedication & devotion of Com M S Adasul for SNEA & BSNL. In his unique style shared glorious moments of SNEA Kalyan in resolving issues of executives as well as issues related to growth of BSNL. He also highlighted some of the prominent & burning issues faced by Executives in Kalyan SSA and requested Sr. GMT to resolve it at the earliest.

ü  Thereafter Com. M. S. Adasul was felicitated with large, colourful Garland & a beautiful flower bouquet by hands of Shri. L. S. Ropia, Sr GMT Kalyan.  Com. M.N. Kotambe, DS Kalyan offered a momento as token of love & affection from all the comrades of SNEA (I) Kalyan. On behalf of comrades of BSNL NFTE Kalyan Com. Ashok Ugale & his team and on behalf of comrades of SCSTEWA Kalyan Com. B.S. Garud and his team specially felicitated Com. Adasul by presenting bouquets.

ü  Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA(I) CHQ,  in his reply to the felicitation addressed the house & expressed sincere thanks & gratitude for the continuous & unconditional love & affection shown by comrades of Kalyan to reach this position in association leadership. He further added that whatever he has on the platform of SNEA is due to dedicated support of Kalyan comrades. Kalyan has taught every good quality and given path for the better services for association as well as BSNL. He specially mentioned to feel proud for being basic member of SNEA (I) Kalyan and assured house till last he will be basic member of Kalyan. He shared some of important & successful activities due to united efforts of team SNEA (I) Kalyan.  He reminded house how Kalyan has glorious history of achievement of big goals and how Kalyan has more than 4.5 lakhs lines and workforce of Kalyan was working day night for providing services to customers. He explained the critical reasons for present condition of poor services of Kalyan SSA and how it has reached from top to bottom on the basis of performance on different achievement. He added that Kalyan is having best manpower and it is need of time that everybody has to come forward and share his best for betterment of Kalyan. Kalyan has got best SSA Head who is keen on the many of the issues, who is taking keen interest on growth of Kalyan SSA. He added that whatever differences SNEA (I) has with Mrs. Marina George, Sr GM Fin Mumbai, but SNEA (I) appreciates and thanks Mrs.  George for posting Miss. Madikunt as DGM Fin Kalyan who also is in supportive actions for growth of Kalyan. When important portfolios of Kalyan SSA are headed by humble and keen officers and when there is best workforce available in Kalyan SSA, it is only lethargy & careless approach by some individuals which is giving bad name to Kalyan. He explained that in Circle office name of Kalyan is being quoted mainly for non-receipt of different reports and shared ideas how to send report in time and how it will help in getting support on different issues from Circle Office. He shared the message of CMD BSNL in AIC Jaipur for quality & better services to customers by grabbing opportunities of two important schemes by BSNL i.e. Free All India Roaming on GSM and free night hour calling from landline to any network in India. He also reproduced that CMD BSNL has given direction to work on productive directions and CMD has assured to make stores available for all the work increasing its customer base and thereby firm commitment of increasing revenue.  He added the new slogan given by CMD BSNL with new long form of Behetar Sevaki Nai Lagan” and how CMD BSNL is taking keen interest for turnaround of BSNL and how it will support in getting next PRC for all of us.  He cautioned house, if Kalyan cannot perform in these days then there is no chance to improve further and hence one has to raise up for the occasion. He narrated the message of CGMT MH Circle for his commitment of availability of stores and resolve all the issues of Kalyan SSA on top priority and further endorsed special appeal by Shri. G. K. Upadhyay, CGMT MH Circle to Kalyan comrade for committed growth of more than 25000 landline connections, increase in FTTH connections. He conveyed special thanks for Com. M. N. Kotambe & his team for continuous support over the period and to send him to such prestigious position in the association. He added that it is need of time that individuals have to keep themselves away from the persons with negative mind set and concentrate on the own works with positive energy and more devotion. He added that executives and staff should not leave offices when there are major problems in exchanges and telecom services. He assured Kalyan comrades for timely help in resolving every issue of Kalyan SSA and expressed his commitment in helping hand to every comrade who is working for growth of BSNL. In conclusion of his motivating address with all plus minus with BSNL, he appealed comrades to show their talent & creativity in day to day actions & the way of hard work by everybody will definitely bring the Kalyan to top to its traditional position. He conveyed house sincere thanks for such lovely & grand felicitation from his basic branch and for extending strong & unconditional support and assured to reciprocate it in days to come.

ü The chief Guest of the meeting Shri. L. S. Ropia, Sr GMT Kalyan in his address congratulated Com. M. S. Adasul, for his new role in SNEA. Shri. Ropia expressed that he is aware of association activities over the period & personally he was expecting higher position for Com. Adasul. He conveyed best wishes to Com. Adasul for this new assignment and expected that now the issues of Kalyan will get more and faster speed. He narrated that he has experienced over the period of long experience as SSA Heads in different SSA that majority of the active executives in day to day office works are members of SNEA (I) and hence role of SNEA is having important responsibility on its shoulders. He shared that he is committed for growth of Kalyan SSA and is expecting more from each and every individual. He added that individuals should come out of fear factor and look into issues in time bound manner to give fault free services to the customers. He added that as on today Kalyan is having minimum required stores in CFA section and informed that more stores is required in Transmission side. He stressed that there is need of more Battery sets & services. He stressed upon increase in GSM customer base and without customer base the expenditure executives to have economical working in day to day functioning. He expressed his ideas about overall growth of Kalyan SSA in landline, GSM & FTTH sector and how these ideas are to be implemented in days to come. While assuring every support to working executives he cautioned to act against non-performers. He also expressed his concerns about the state of Kalyan SSA and shared how he feeling embarrassed while attending different development meetings in Mumbai and at BSNL Corporate office & guided house how to overcome the situation. He appealed the executives to work hard & bring back the lost glory of Kalyan. He also requested Com. M S Adasul to keep visiting Kalyan for motivating & encouraging our executives & make efforts for betterment of Kalyan SSA by resolving various pending issues. While conveying thanks for giving his opportunity to be part of this meeting and to have direct interaction with all the executives of Kalyan SSA, he concluded his motivating address with best wishes to Com. Adasul and with firm commitment for more efforts for growth of Kalyan SSA & appealed the executives in Kalyan SSA to reciprocate it in similar manner. 

ü  In Presidential speech Com. U. P. Mishra, DP SNEA (I) Kalyan summarised the entire proceedings and shared his experience and the situation he has faced in AIC Jaipur. He specially mentioned that SNEA Kalyan feels proud that one of its basic member is achieving different positions in SNEA (I) and assured firm commitment of Kalyan Comrades for highest position in SNEA in days to come. He shared his experience of working style & 24 hours service by Com. Adasul. In conclusion he assured for total commitment of comrades of SNEA (I) Kalyan or growth of BSNL.

ü  The District office Bearers namely Com. M. R. Sanap, Com R. K. Nagdekar, Com. J. D. Kolhe, Com. K.B. Patil, Com A.V. Patil, Com. R.S. Bhalerao, Com. S. T. Nikumbh, Com. Raju, Com. J. P. Raut, Com. M.V. Gujar Com. N. N. Kapadnis, Com. H. S. Pawar made entire arrangement of meeting with short notice of single day which was attended by about all comrades of SNEA (I) Kalyan.

ü  The meeting which started at 1600 hrs was nicely anchored by Com. N. N. Kapadnis ADS SNEA (I) Kalyan, concluded at 2000 hrs with vote of thanks given by Com. K.B. Patil Area Secretary Dombivali SNEA (I) Kalyan and national anthem. 

ü  PHOTOS <<<>>>



21 SEP 15:  By endorsing different promotional offers in Maharashtra Circle Sr GM M&S Mumbai writes SSA Heads for special efforts for SIM sale and increase in revenue.  Letter <<<>>>



21 SEP 15: CAO FC Mumbai calls for VCs of third TBP of finance wing officers.  Letter <<<>>>



21 SEP 15: CGMT MH Circle writes SSA Heads on poor redressal of PG cases.  Letter <<<>>>



19 SEP 15: Special efforts for improvement in GSM Network throughout Maharashtra Circle: As resolved in CEC Solapur, SNEA (I)  has taken up matter for improvement of Quality of GSM services throughout Maharashtra Circle both for Voice as well as Data. Since last one year SNEA (I) MH has taken many of the efforts in this direction starting for pursuing allotment of new Battery sets, allotment of power plants, replacement of Faulty & irreparable/RNP cards, allotment of laptops to the field units, issues related to AMCs of GSM equipment’s, AMCs of GSM BTS Mtce etc. and there is certain improvement as per administrative say.

Ø We also find that condition of some of Battery sets have been improved, there are no major complaints about the Power Plants, many of the laptops have been received by field units and distribution of laptops as per last allotment to the SDE/JTO in charge at site has been started as new Laptops are received at Pune/ Nagpur, others will get it very shortly. 

Ø As many of the efforts have been done by management for improvement of quality of service but till there is no desired improvement in the overall quality of GSM Voice & Data Services as expected by today’s customer & also there is no justified increase in GSM revenue reported as expected by the management on the basis of expenditure is being made for it.

Ø We have to recover at least expenditure made by BSNL on these works with topmost priority and hence special efforts are required by everybody in Maharashtra Circle. Though we are observing that many of the GSM customers porting in to BSNL network, but till there is need of special & personal efforts in each and every SSA & mainly all have more expectations from the GSM Mtce teams.

Ø We are aware that our teams are very active and they are not able to give their best for certain reasons which are not in their control and there is no desired support given by vendors and even by our own officers at different level to resolve certain issues.

Ø When we have discussed these issues with Shri. G.K. Upadhyay, CGMT MH & Shri. Ashok Purohit, PGM CM Mumbai both have shown readiness to resolve each and every issue being faced by field units and have stressed for improvement of quality of GSM services at any cost.

Ø It seems that these is much gap in communication of real difficulties by the field  units to the PGM CM Mumbai and CGMT MH Circle even though both competent authorities are ready for resolving issues, we find many of the genuine issues are unattended as same are not reported to competent authorities. We also find that practical difficulties are being suppressed at some levels and faulty BTS are kept nonfunctional for days together. This is not fare practice and all the field officers are requested to put on the paper the real problems in giving proper services to customers and they should continue writing issues to competent authorities fearlessly till the matter is not resolved finally.

Ø If any vendor/superior is not responding or pressuring for suppressing fault either in system or in reports, same should be opposed by individuals or may be brought to the notice of DS SNEA (I) concerned who will take up matter with the concerned officers or will reports to Com. Anil Dubey, SDE NWP GSM Mumbai & DS SNEA (I) Mumbai who will bring it to the notice of PGM CM Mumbai for resolution of issues.

Ø Apart from such individual cases of BTS there are many general cases not being taken care by some of our own officers or mainly by vendors and are directly affecting GSM services in each and every SSA. All the concerned filed officers, DS SNEA(I), COBs & SNEA(I) activists from that particular SSA  are requested to look into issues personally,  list out all the issues with probable  solutions & names of offices/officers from which assistance/support is required and email it to Com. Anil Dubey on email id  Contact Number: Landline: 022-26467385,  Mobile:  9423991974.

Ø If anyone has any fear about putting facts on paper and he/she is feared that what boss will think if he/she puts reality on paper then all such comrades are requested to please share your experience telephonically we will take note of all such issues and we will see that all such issues are also resolved to its root cause.

Ø Comrades, if we put it on paper and if these issues are not resolved by management, then at least present blame game against employees & officers in Mobile section about their poor performance will be stopped and SNEA(I) will surely take lead to point out such inefficient officers not dealing with issues when reported to them.

Ø But if it is found that BTS are faulty or quality of services is not up to mark in particular are due to negligence or intentional careless by field officers & he even do not put it on papers to higher or competent officers/offices then there are chances that management will take action against such negligent officers/staff and we hereby inform that in such cases of negligent approach by individual, SNEA (I) will not support these officers even if they are members of SNEA(I} At the same time if any officers is being harassed just for raising  issues of poor services, SNEA(I) will stand behind him/her & support him by all means.

Ø Comrades, when everybody from CMD, Director CM, Director EB, CGMT MH Circle, PGM CM Mumbai is ready to help us in improving GSM services & we also are ready for then communication gap should not be reason for it rather, it is now our prime responsibility that we should put the real facts & problems in the field units on paper without any fear in mind & bring it to the notice of the concerned officer/office.

Ø If for any reason, you have any boss fear in mind then please email it to DS SNEA (I) or Com. Anil Dubey on above email, we will keep it top secret. SNEA (I) MH will take up all such secrete issues also to appropriate level and to the root cause of problem. If we miss the bus this time when everybody is in supportive mode, it will be difficult for us and we will have to face worst situation in days to come.

Ø Hence all the executive as well as non-executive comrades throughout Maharashtra are appealed to raise for the occasion and respond this call for improvement of quality of GSM services throughout Maharashtra Circle.

Ø Let us make sincere efforts for improvement of quality of services with positive mindset that “Nothing is impossible for dedicated workforce of BSNL”.         


19 SEP 15: Congratulations!!!: Amendments to SDE RR 2002 was approved in the last Board meeting on 28.08.2015 and the amended RR provisions will be notified soon. In the amendments, the seniority issue is addressed by defining the seniority in the ratio 2:1, vacancy year wise.


19 SEP 15: JTO to SDE case at Ernakulam: While drafting the counter reply, BSNL lawyer sought some more data and clarifications from BSNLCO. BSNLCO is in the process of replying to the queries to Kerala Circle for filing proper reply and Assn is pursuing the matter. The case will be further heard after filing the reply by BSNL. 

19 SEP 15: Meeting with GM (Pers): GS Com K Sebastin, President Com A A Khan and Jt Sec Com A Dahiya met GM (Pers) and discussed the following issues: a) Declaring Rajouri, Poonch etc as 1.5 year tenure as recommended by CGM/J&K, b) Officiating committee meeting, c) modification of transfers from ITPC, d) relieving of Executives from tenure Circles especially NE II, Assam etc.

19 SEP 15: Congratulations!!!l: Today, BSNL Board approved the amendments to JTO RR. The RR was pending before the Board for approval since 10.06.2014. By the new RR, Offtg JTOs will be regularised as a onetime measure and qualifying service for TTA to JTO promotion is reduced from 7 years to 5 years. By this one of the major demand of the assn to regularise the Offtg JTOs will be materialised.

Assn was pursuing the amendments for the last two years and almost all the suggestions given by the Assn incorporated in the new RR.

Now Assn will be pursuing the JTO recruitment (Direct) to shortage Circles and tenure Circles. Side by side, TTA to JTO LICE also will be pursued.


18 SEP 15: Report on Special General Body Meeting of SNEA(I) Kalyan on 14/09/2015 & District Conference of SNEA(I) Circle Office Mumbai on 15/09/2015 will follow.


18 SEP 15: Mass Participation in Full Day Dharna hled on 16/09/2015: As per call given by Forum of Unions & associations CH, hundreds of Executives & Non Executives Comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle participated in the full day Dharna held   on 16/09/2015 at Circle & different SSA HQs and registered their protest against the cabinet decision to form separate Tower subsidiary company.

        SNEA (I) MH conveys sincere thanks to all the comrades of different unions & associations for their active participation in full Day Dharana and making it grand success.

PHOTOS <<<>>>


18 SEP 15:Special General Body Meeting of ITPC Pune & Feliciation of Com. M. S. Adasul, newly elected Dy GS SNEA(I) CHQ: {Report by Com. Vijay Kokare DS SNEA (I) ITPC Pune}: As notified, Grand Special General Body Meeting of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune was held at 1630 Hrs on 11/09/2015 in Conference Hall RTTC Chinchawad Pune. This meeting was attended addressed by following dignitaries,

1.     Com. M. S. Adasul, Dy. General Secretary SNEA (I) CHQ.

2.     Com. S. V. Bhad, Circle President SNEA (I) MH.

3.     Com. S.B. Bhosale, Circle Treasurer SNEA (I) MH,

4.     Com. Bharat Sonwane, District Secretary SNEA (I) Pune. 

5.     Com. Kisan Jadhav, District President ITPC Pune.

6.     Com. Vijay Kokare, District Secretary SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

7.     Com. Sunil Pawar, District Treasurer SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø After formation of Dias, the dignitaries were given warm welcome and felicitated by beautiful bouquet.

Ø Com. Kisan JadhavDistrict President SNEA (I) ITPC Pune congratulated and felicitated to Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH by offering Shawl, Shrifal, bouquet on his unanimous election as Dy. General Secretary in All India Conference Jaipur.

Ø By taking note of important activities at all India Conference of SNEA(I) at Jaipur, the following Comrades have joined SNEA (I) ITPC Pune  which were felicitated and welcomed by auspicious hands of our beloved Com. M.S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH & now Dy GS SNEA(I) CHQ.

1.       Com. P. Mahindra, JTO,

2.       Com. Sachin Khandelwal, SDE,

3.       Com. Nandkishore Pande, JTO,

4.       Com. Lalit K.Nagalkar, JTO,

5.       Com. Pradip S. Kale, TO,

6.       Com. Rajendra M.Mandaokar, JTO,

7.       Com. Shivkumar Karnawar, JTO,

8.       Com. Deepak Kamthekar, JTO,

9.       Com. Girish Deshpande, SDE,

10.  Com. Nitu Sankhla, JTO,

11.  Com. Dipshikha Pal, JTO,

12.  Com. Vivek Pawar, JTO.

Ø With & increase in revenue thereof of joining of these new members the membership of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune branch has crossed hundred and now reached to total 105 which is record achievement by leaders of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø Staring proceedings with Welcome speech, Com. Vijay Kokare DS SNEA (I) ITPC Pune, welcomed to Dy. General Secretary Com. M.S. Adasul. He presented the report on the AIC Jaipur giving updates on important issues discussed in AIC Jaipur and results thereof. He expressed sincere thanks to Com. M.S. Adasul for the support he has extended to ITPC Pune branch in capacity of CS SNEA MH Circle. He appreciated the total and committed support by Com.Rishkesh Dani, Com. Sagar Kashikar, other active comrades of ITPC Pune for taking the efforts to joining the new members to SNEA (I) ITPC Branch. He also told about the views of CMD, Director HR, Director CFA, ED EB related to HR issues & specially related to direct recruited JTO’s. He is also thanks to Com. Sunil Dudhalkar, ComNanekar, Com. Sunil Pawar, and Com. N. R. Patange for their support in organizing this meeting in short period.

Ø Com.Bharat Sonawane, DS SNEA (I) Pune addressed the gathering & congratulated SNEA ITPC Branch for taking first programme of felicitation of Dy GS. He congratulated and welcomed the newly joined members to SNEA ITPC Pune & expressed happiness on the increased strength of SNEA members. He expressed the view of  SNEA towards the  directly recruit JTO’s & extended best wishes for grand success of Special General Body meeting of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø Com. S.B. Bhosale, Circle Treasurer SNEA (I) MH addressed the house. He specially conveyed thanks to arrange last GB meeting with CS before AIC Jaipur & first meeting after AIC Jaipur & for first felicitation of Dy GS in Maharashtra circle. He congratulated the newly joined members and told about the detail happenings at Jaipur AIC about the election and the enthusiasm of Maharashtra Comrades.

Ø Com. M. S. Adasul, Dy. General Secretary SNEA (I) MH in his marathon address of one & half hour, appraised house about all the activities in Jaipur AIC. He congratulated ITPC Branch leaders for keeping their word and crossing membership of ITPC Pune beyond hundred.  He explained details on Standard Pay scale and promised to get it settled before third PRC. He also expressed views on first time bound promotion in four years & happenings in AIC Jaipur on this subject. He also explained the issue related to EPF & how it was taken care to its root cause by SNEA (I) MH. He also congratulate and welcomed to newly joined Members and also ask house to join SNEA in large members so that SNEA(I) CHQ will fully concentrate on their issues & all pending issues  will be resolved at earliest. He narrated the house the message of CMD BSNL, Director HR BSNL, Director CFA BSNL & ED NB BSNL. He also shared views expressed by the General Secretaries of different Association & Unions in Open Session of AIC Jaipur. He added that within month or two the Circle Conference of SNEA (I) MH will be held at Pune and ITPC Pune will be co-host for this Circle Conference along with SNEA (I) Pune. He also narrated the house about latest happenings in Maharashtra Circle and how SNEA (I) MH is taking efforts for pending HR issues of executives in Maharashtra Circle. He shared the outcome of CEC Meeting Solapur. Com. Adasul conveyed sincere thanks & gratitude to comrades of ITPC Pune for keeping faith on him and for their unconditional support for the association activities and assured to reciprocate the love & affection to SNEA (I) comrades by more devoted services to SNEA (I) comrades. 

Ø Com. S. V. Bhad, CP SNEA (I) Maharashtra addressed the gathering wherein he appreciate the comrades of ITPC for excellent work on the Association ground and for such a huge gathering in very short time. He explained efforts taken by SNEA (I) MH for formation of policies and its uniform implementation to avoid injustice to SNEA (I) comrades. He shared experience in AIC Jaipur and explained how the SNEA (I) Maharashtra Comrades were instrumental in overall functioning of AIC Jaipur. He congratulated Com. Adasul for being elected as Dy GS and conveyed best wishes for this new assignment for better future of SNEA (I). He narrated how the constitution was amended to accommodate Com. Adasul at CHQ and how broad views of Maharashtra Comrades, history has been created as about first time the SNEA(I) CHQ Body was elected unanimously giving message of stronger strength to management. He conveyed thanks to SNEA (I) ITPC Branch for arranging beautiful meeting in very short period and making it successful.

Ø Thereafter the newly joined comrades have asked many of the queries and doubts about their issues pending at CHQ which were satisfactorily answered by Com. M.S. Adasul Dy GS SNEA (I) CHQ.

Ø Thereafter Com. Kisan Jadhav, District President ITPC Pune in his Presidential Address summarized proceedings of the house, congratulated Com. Adasul for being elected as Dy GS and conveyed vote of thanks to the comrades present for this special general Body meeting.

Ø The entire proceedings of meeting were nicely anchored by Com. Rishikesh Dani.

Ø After elaborate discussions on different issues the meeting concluded at 2030 hrs with National anthem & slogan of unity & BSNL Zindabad.

Ø  PHOTOS <<<>>>


18 SEP 15: Message from Com. K. Sebastin, re-elected GS SNEA (I) CHQ. <<<>>>



18 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Election of New office Bearers of SNEA (I) CHQ:  {Report by Com. S.R. Kalmegh ACS East SNEA (I) MH}: After detail deliberations on different HR & development issues & approval of amendments of constitution of SNEA (I) CHQ by 0200 hrs in late night hours, the existing body was CHQ dissolved & Com. George Varghese CS Kerala & Com. Tapas Ghosh CS West Bengal circle were elected as election Officers for election of new CHQ office Bearers.

ü Before election proceedings Com. R.Rajan Treasurer CHQ narrated house about the Circle wise paid up membership and voting powers thereof. Total paid up membership of SNEA (I) CHQ is about 17500 & with total 2816 paid up membership SNEA (I) Maharashtra Tops in the Circle wise membership and is merged as the biggest Circle of SNEA(I) in membership &Tamilnadu is the second largest Circle with  1800 paid up membership.

ü As decided in Circle Secretary meetings history has been created in All India Conference as may be first time in the history of CHQ, new CHQ Body has been elected unanimously. 

ü In historical election proceedings completed within period of less than hour, entire new CHQ Body was elected unanimously in which Com. A. A. Khan, Com. K. Sebastin, Com. M. S. Adasul, & Com. R. Rajan are respectively elected as President, General Secretary, Dy. General Secretary & Treasurer SNEA (I) CHQ. 

ü It is important that by recognizing the activities of SNEA (I) MH under able leadership of Com. M. S. Adasul, the new post Deputy General Secretary created with amendment of constitution of SNEA (I) was offered to Maharashtra Circle and Com. M. S. Adasul is elected first Deputy General Secretary of SNEA (I) CHQ & will be functioning from SNEA (I) Head Quarters New Delhi.

ü Apart from this Com. Shankar Sharma, from host Circle is elected as Vice President, Com. P. Padmanabha Rao, Com. A. Chandrasekar, Com P. K. Shukla, Com Chinmaya Sahoo, Com Manish Samadhiya are elected as Assistant General Secretaries of SNEA (I) CHQ, Com. Arvind Pal Dahiya, Com. Rakesh Mehta, Com. Jasvir Singh, Com. Panduranga Nayak, & Com. Sankar Sanyal, are elected as respective Joint Secrearies of Central, West, North, South & East.

ü By honouring long and highly succesful services rended by Com. G.L. Jogi, he honoured as “Chairman“ of SNEA(I) CHQ and he will continue to officer his services to SNEA(I) to meet different challanges before SNEA(I) CHQ f“or better future of executives in BSNL & overall growth of BSNL.

ü Com. Sudha AO BSNL Corporate Office is nominated as Advisior (Accounts & Finance), who will specailly take care of issues of Finance & Account wing members of SNEA(I) at CHQ.  

ü The entire elections proceedings with oath of alliance to all the newly elected office bearers & address by newly elected office bearers completed by 0345 hrs in the morning with loud slogans of unity and SNEA/BSNL Zindabad.

ü Photos <<<>>>


SNEA (I) MH Wish Happy Ganesh Chaturthee & Ganesh Festival To one & All  


17 SEP 15: Congratulations to the valiant comrades of Kerala Circle: Shri. M. S. S. Rao, CGMT, Kerala transferred & placed under “Compulsory Wait” with HQ at Trivandrum.  Shri L. Anantharam, GM AP Circle is posted as new CGMT Kerala. Congratulations to all the right thinking employees of Kerala Circle for supporting the struggle. SNEA(I) MH conveys sincere thanks to comrades of BSNLEU & SNEA throughout Maharashtra Circle for their unconditional support to Kerala Comrades.

Order for change of CGMT Kerala <<<>>>

Withdrawal of strike notice <<<>>>


17 SEP 15: GS SNEA(I) CHQ writes protest letter to CMD, BSNL for ignoring the strategic cadres of JTO and SDE while deciding to give first TBP from AAO to AO and Sr AAO to CAO after four years. Letter <<<>>>



17 SEP 15: Committee meeting on Officiating pay fixation/Pay protection: The Committee reconstituted by the management under the chairmanship of Sr GM(SR) after our agitation in April-May 2015 to examine pay fixation and pay protection on officiating promotion had a meeting today, 15.09.15 to discuss the issue. GM (Pers), GM (Estt) and GM (FP) are other members of the committee. GS attended the committee meeting and explained the issue in detail to the committee members. The officiating promotion ordered by DoT and BSNL before implementation of EPP, pay fixation under FR 22(1) (a) (1) on officiating promotion, double fixation on officiating promotion from lateral JTO to SDE, DoT order counting split spells of officiating period for the purpose of granting increment in the promoted scale, continuation of same pay when officiating promotion is followed by regular promotion etc explained by the GS. Further the apprehension that it will lead to pay anomaly and stepping up is dispelled as Hon SC itself ordered that it is not a pay anomaly and hence stepping up of pay is not allowed.

In EPP also officiating promotion and pay fixation under FR SR continued. The clarification dated 30.05.2007 withdrawing the fixation of one increment on officiating promotion from same scale to scale created problems. This clarification is against the EPP order dated 18.01.2007. Further clarification dated 19.02.2010 disallowing the pay protection resulted reduction of pay by two to three increments for the Executives and all are facing recovery of pay for lakhs of rupees. Even though recovery is stopped by BSNL, at the time of retirement, CCA is making recovery for lakhs of rupees. Thousands of Executives, officiated during DoT and BSNL period from JTO/JAO to SDE/AO and SDE/AO to DE/CAO and absorbed in BSNL from 01.10.2000 are affected by these orders. If these orders are not withdrawn, all the Executives officiated prior to 2010 in DoT and BSNL will face reduction in pay including the retired Executives.  

GS pleaded with the committee to examine these two clarifications and recommend withdrawing them as it is against the provisions of FR SR and EPP order.


17 SEP 15: Court case on officiating JTO pay fixation under FR22 (1) (a) (1) without the restriction of FR 35: SNEA filed the case in the Hon PCAT, New Delhi in the month of July, 2015. After strong persuation from our side, the final arguments on the case completed in 2 months time and the judgment is reserved. In the case filed by SNEA, not only the pay fixation of the present officiating JTOs, the pay fixation of the regular JTOs who officiated earlier also will be covered. The lists submitted by different Circles also submitted as part of the document. In addition to the list given, all the members of SNEA in the above two categories also will be covered. 


16 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued instructions for relieving of SDEs under long stay transfer to tenure station through ERP. Letter <<<>>>


  16 SEP 15: BSNL CO issued clarification on counting of residency period in case of Child Care Leave (CCL) & Extra Ordinary leave (EOL). Letter <<<>>>


  16 SEP 15: AGM Estt Mumbai calls information in prescribed format from executives in Circle Office Mumbai who are due for TBP by June 2016 & individuals have to submit the information by 23/09/2016. Letter <<<>>>


  16 SEP 15: AGM S&M Mumbai issued minutes of Brainstorming session held on 07/09/2015 in Circle Office Mumbai. Letter <<<>>>


16 SEP 15: Full Day Dharna against formation of separate Tower Subsidiary Company: As per call given by Forum of Unions & associations CHQ, day long Dharna will be held today on 16/09/2015 at Circle & SSA HQs throughout Maharashtra Circle  protesting the cabinet decision to form separate Tower subsidiary company. All comrades are requested to participate in Dharna in mass and register their strong protest and make it grand success giving a strong message t the Govt which tries to dismantle the company.


16 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Resolutions : After three days of details discussions on the different issues as per the agenda of AIC at conclusion of AIC Jaipur the house unanimously passed the following resolutions. 

1.     Promotions in various streams, amendments to different RRs and seniority related issues:

a.            AIC deliberated on the status of various DPCs from JTO to SDE, SDE to DE, DE to DGM, SDE(C/E) to EE(C/E), JAO to AO, AO to CAO, SDE(TF) to AGM(TF), LDCE from JTO to SDE etc and court cases at Ernakulum and Chandigarh affecting various DPCs. In the AIC, it is decided to take all the possible steps to get the stay vacated from Hon Kerala High Court on JTO to SDE promotions. Similarly all efforts may be taken to get the stay vacated from Hon Chandigarh Tribunal on various promotions so that JTO to SDE, JAO to AO, JTO to SDE (LDCE), AO to CAO promotions can be completed. SDE to DE promotion is under process. JTO (TF) to SDE (TF) LDCE to be conducted early by finalizing the syllabus. DE to DGM promotions are to be expedited once the seniority list 1 to 5 is finalized as per Hon Supreme Court order.

b.           Amendments in SDE RR 2002 and BSNLMS RR 2009 for Civil/Elect wing are approved by the BSNL Board on 28.08.2015. By the new SDE RR amendment, interpolating seniority in the ration 2:1 on vacancy year basis, the seniority issue between seniority quota and LDCE quota promotions will be resolved for the future promotions. Amendments in JTO RR and BSNLMS RR for enhancing the quota from existing 50% to 75% for the Accounts wing pending before the BSNL Board are to be pursued vigorously.

c.             Revision of seniority list no 1 to 5 based on Hon SC judgment is underway. The expert Committee is examining the consequential benefits to be extended to the SDEs. Revision of seniority lists 6 & 7 as per Hon SC order based on date of joining is completed. It is a fact that in the revised list, quota also not able to maintain. As decided in Bhopal CWC and Nanded AIC, Association never recognized “Date of joining” as the criteria to decide the seniority, the seniority and subsequent promotions will be based on the recruitment year or vacancy year for which the recruitment or promotion took place. Association will maintain the same stand. In the same line, Association defended the JTO to SDE case at Chennai and Ernakulam. The seniority dispute in list no 6 and 7 and in the seniority of the SDEs in the subsequent promotions will be addressed in the CPSU cadre hierarchy or by suitable mechanisms where the promotions will be linked with recruitment year or vacancy year for which the recruitment or promotion took place.

2.     Discussion on E2, E3 pay scales, Implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy and first TB promotions uniformly after 4 years to address anomaly:

a.            The Joint Committee reconstituted on 08.05.2015 after the agitation of SNEA in April-May, 2015. The Jt Committee finalised the recommendations on standard pay scales. The committee recommended to replace the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A with E2 and E3 scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007, without cascading effect. The AIC appreciated very much the efforts taken by SNEA to reconstitute the committee and getting a very positive recommendation from the Joint Committee within short time.

b.           The Jt Committee came up with a road map for implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy up to DE/CAO level. The details are to be worked out. The bench mark tightened with “Good” as bench mark for promotions up to DE/CAO level. Promotion to DGM posts will be based on availability of posts. Promotions from DE (E4) scale to DGM (E5) scale and DGM (E5) scale to SG JAG (E6) will continue.

c.             Discussion on first TBP uniformly after 4 years w.e.f. 01.10.2000 to address the anomaly is to be discussed in the Joint Committee. This has become part of agenda only because of the agitation by SNEA in April-May, 2015. AIC decided to pursue the matter vigorously in the Joint Committee for a logical conclusion.

3.      30% superannuation benefits for the BSNL Recruited employees: Significant improvement observed when CMD mentioned in the AIC proposing an increase in the contribution from 3% to 6%, taking the total contribution to above 24%. However AIC observed that all efforts are to be made to get the full 30% contribution from BSNL as it is the only social security measure available for the BSNL recruits. The scheme has to be implemented without further delay after maximum negotiations with the BSNL Management. On Full pension option for the EPF, Assn will pursue with management. Legal options also will be explored to get the option changed to “full pension option”.

4.      Struggle by Kerala & ETR Comrades:

a.            The AIC took serious note of the struggle going on in Kerala Circle for the last 16 months against the CGMT, facing massive charges of corruption. His intentions are to destroy the healthy working atmosphere in Kerala Circle to help private operators, by dismantling the monitoring mechanisms which made Kerala Circle a role model for other Circles. AIC condemned the action of some Associations openly supporting the CGMT who unleashed series of vindictive actions against the employees and trade unions when corruption charges are taken up. AIC unanimously resolved to actively support the struggle of Kerala Comrades led by SNEA and BSNLEU and may launch trade union actions at All India level to restore normalcy and prestige of the Circle, by shifting the CGMT and also to safeguard the trade union rights.

b.           AIC appreciated the struggle by ETR/Bihar comrades against the vindictive attitude of DGM/ETR. The commitment given by the management during the agitation to be honored.

5.     Civil/Electrical /Accounts wing related issues:

a.            AIC appreciated the efforts of CHQ to bring uniformity in promotions to EE cadre in Civil/Electrical etc wings by the clarification dated 16.07.2015 and Board decision on 28.08.2015.

b.           The issue of notional fixation of E1A and E2A scales w.e.f. 01.10.2000 for JTOs and SDEs in Civil/Elect/Arch etc wings at par with JAOs to be pursued to bring parity in pay scales.

c.             AIC appreciated the singular efforts of SNEA to end Adhocism in DE promotion and enhancing the quota from 50% to 75%. However Adhocism still continuing in Accounts/Civil/Elect wings and the regular quota continues as 50%. AIC decided to take lead in resolving the issue for Accounts/Civil/Elect wings by suitable amendments in the BSNLMS RR to end adhocism and increase the quota from 50% to 75% as SNEA done for Telecom Engg wing.

6.     Rule 8 & Tenure transfers:

a.            Relieving of Executives from Tenure Circles on completion of tenure period is a genuine problem. It is to be taken up with management on priority. In the AIC, it is suggested to relive the substitutes from the non tenure circles, immediately on issue of transfer order.

b.           Rule 8 transfers from various Circles delayed for years together especially from WB, Karnataka, Kol TD, tenure Circles etc. The AIC strongly felt that the Rule 8 transfer of JTOs after completion of 5 years should be dealt on priority by utilizing the officiating JTOs getting regularized shortly or by JTO recruitment.

c.             Special JTO recruitment to tenure circles and Circles having acute shortage to be taken up with the management. This will be feasible once new JTO RR is notified.

7.     Reversion of JTOs in Assam/UP (West) Circles: AIC decided to take all possible organizational and legal actions to avoid reversion from JTO cadre in Assam and UP (West) Circles.

8.     Appreciation of Rajasthan Comrades: AIC appreciated the efforts taken by the comrades of Rajasthan Circle under the leadership of Com. S.S.Rajput, CS SNEA (I) Rajasthan Circle for comfortable, suitable and most beautiful arrangements for stay and proceedings of All India Conference Jaipur.


16 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Felicitation & Farewell to Heart touching Com. G.l.Jogi President SNEA(I) CHQ:  {Report by Com. S.A.Sarode JS Vidarbha SNEA(I) MH }J Respecting & recognizing the prolonged services of more than 40 years rendered for association activities by Com. G.L. Jogi, President SNEA(I) CHQ in different capacities of CS/AGS/GS/President JETA, TEOA, SNEA(I),  on conclusion day i.e. 08/09/2015, All India Conference felicitated Com. G.L.Jogi President CHQ. In a special session held at 1900 hrs which was presided over by Com. A.R.Manani, VP SNEA(I) CHQ, the house felicitated Com. G.L. Jogi & his spouse Com. Mrs. Lalita Jogi, by offering special Rajasthani feta, garlands and Momentum as token of love and affections from  SNEA(I) comrades. Com. Jogi was felicitated by all the Circle Secretaries, CHQ office Bearers, Prominent leaders & activists by garlands and momentos. On behalf of Maharashtra Comrades Com. A.R. Manani, Com. V.M. Wankhede, Com. M.B. Sangle & Com. M.S. Adasul felicitated Com. G.L.Jogi by offering garlands.  

On this occasions many of retired leaders of SNEA (I), JETA. TEOA were present on the dais prominently Veteran leaders Com W. Seshagiri Rao, Com. S. L. Reddy EX President SNEA(I) CHQ, Com Inderjit Singh, Ex VP SNEA(I) CHQ, Com Rupak Sen, Ex AGS CHQ, Com K. D. Sebastian EX CS Kerala, Com N. A Abraham, Ex CS Kerala  Com Anupam Kaul EX CS NTR Delhi,  Com R C Tripathi and Com. M. Gopinathan CS SNEA(I) Tamilnadu Circle and also shared the historical and glorious moments of their experience with Com. G.L.Jogi & Mrs. Lalita Jogi and appreciated their lifelong concern towards the SNEA(I) and all its comrades.   

Every speaker narrated superb & heroitic role played by Com. G.L.Jogi, in JETA, JTOA and SNEA in organizing various struggles for the upliftment of the cadre. Struggle for 1640-2900 scale, joint struggle for lateral advancement in 1990, promotion of 8000 JTOs as SDEs in 1993-94 to avoid the reversion of 550 SDEs to JTOs, joint struggle with TEOA demanding terms and conditions for absorption in BSNL, TBP policy in 2007, implementation of 2nd PRC for BSNL executives in 2009, BSNLMS RR in 2009 etc are memorable one. He continued to guide SNEA in 78.2% IDA fitment, increasing the DE quota from 50% to 75% ending adhocism, standard pay scales of E2, E3 etc, CPSU cadre hierarchy etc.

Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao in his address Quoted Com. Jogi as ”Militant Leader”  & shared moments of such militant actions by Com. Jogi for betterment of SNEA(I) comrades. He also shared many of the successful moments with Com. Jogi and

Com. G.L.Jogi in his reply expressed the gratitude towards the entire workforce of SNEA (I) & conveyed sincere thanks for extending unconditional support for his leadership in good and bad times also. He shared important occasions of life which has made him successful in many of the milestone achievements for executives in BSNL. While quoting Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao as life time leader for association activities and shared moments how Com. Seshagiri Rao has helped him rather made him leaders of executives. He expressed sincere thanks and gratitude towards Com. W. Sheshgiri Rao for his valuable guidance and unconditional support for prolonged time and expressed that nothing was possible without Com. Rao. He appreciated special qualities of Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao & shared how these qualities have helped TEOA, JETA & SNEA in resolving many of the crucial issues. He expressed that he will be available for any help required by SNEA (I) comrades at any time and directed comrades present in the house to have more devotion to the association activities and raise the flag of SNEA (I) high & high for betterment of executives in BSNL. He specially called the comrades to be alert for safeguarding interest of BSNL with top priorities. In conclusion he conveyed thanks for such lovingly and memorable farewell.  

The felicitation and farewell function lasted for more than two & half hours and concluded at 2130 hrs with thundering claps and loud slogans of Com. Jogi Zindabad, SNEA(I) Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad.

 Felicitation Photos <<<>>>


16 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Delegate Session :  {Report by Com. M.M. Wadhwani  JS Kalyan, SNEA(I) MH} In the  delegate session started on 06/09/2015 after approval of agenda of AIC,  Com. K.Sebastin submitted his GS report to the house on different activities carried on platform of SNEA(I) CHQ. The report of Com. Sebastin was approved by the house with loud claps.  Copy of GS Report <<<>>>

Then Com. R. Rajan, Treasurer SNEA(I) CHQ submitted   audited accounts of SNEA(I) CHQ from AIC Nanded to AIC Jaipur and same was approved by the house  with laud claps.

Thereafter AIC deliberations continued with details agenda points related to HR issues of executives in BSNL and issues related to growth & viability of BSNL. Agenda points discussed in AIC Jaipur. <<<>>>


15 SEP 15: Tower Subsidiary Company formation: Day long Dharna on 16/09/2015 at BSNLCO/ Circle /SSA HQs protesting against the cabinet decision to form separate Tower subsidiary company. All comrades are requested to mobilise the employees in coordination with other Union & Associations to make the programme a grand success giving a strong message to the Govt which tries to dismantle the company.


15 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Open Session on 05/09/2015: {Report by Com. S.R. Bhise ACS West SNEA(I) MH}: A grand and highly successful Open Session of 28th All India Conference of Sanchar Nigam Executives’ Association (India) was conducted in the evening at Tagore International School Auditorium at Jaipur , Rajasthan. The Open Session was marked by  the remarkable presence of supreme dignitaries of BSNLCO and CHQ leaders of all most all unions and associations in BSNL with more than 1400 delegates/observers of SNEA(I) sitting in the beautiful auditorium  to listen the words of  beloved CMD and other dignitaries.

The overflowing packed house gave standing ovation to CMD and Director CFA with loud and thundering claps on each and every step of the guests entered in, shouting the slogans of BSNL Zindabad, CMD Zindabad, Director CFA Zindabad, SNEA Zindabad, Our Unity Zindabad.

After the dais formation, dignitaries on the dais were given warm welcome with beautiful bouquets. 

Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA (I) CHQ presided over the Open Session which was graced and   addressed by:

1.     Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL & Chief Guest,

2.     Shri I. K. Bhat, Director, NMIT, Jaipur

3.     Shri N. K. Gupta, Director(CFA) BSNL board

4.     Shri R. K. Mishra, CGMT  Rajasthan Circle

5.     Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA(I) CHQ New Delhi,

6.     Com. V. N. Namboodiri, Veteran leader BSNLEU,

7.     Com Baby Thomas, Secretary General NCOA,

8.     Com Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE

9.     Com Swapan Chakraborty, Dy General Secretary BSNLEU

10.            Com W. Seshagiri Rao, Veteran leader SNEA(I) TEOA,

11.            Com V.K.Thomar, President NCOA GS MTNLEA

12.            Com A. K. Kaushik, General Secretary TEAM

13.            Com Rakesh Sethi, General Secretary AIBSNLO,

14.            Com R. P. Shahu, General Secretary AIGETOA

15.            Com Rajendra Khanna, President SNATTA,

Ø It was also attended by prominent SNEA Leaders Com. S. L. Reddy, EX President CHQ, Com Inderjit Singh, EX VP CHQ, Com. Rupak Sen EX AGS CHQ, Com K. D. Sebastian, Com N. A. Abraham EX CS Kerala, Com Anupam Kaul EX CS NTR Delhi, Com. R. C. Tripathi & Com V Sundar, Senior Comrades of SNEA (I).

Ø Guests of the function were felicitated by offering garlands & beautiful bouquets and presented a momentous as a token of love and affection from SNEA (I). Program was conducted in the big & well decorated Air Conditioned Hall having attractive, colored, innovative dais in the front. Com. S. S. Rajput, CS SNEA Rajasthan welcomed all the dignitaries on dais.

Ø The Open session was started with melodious, inspirational song Itni Shaki Hame Dena Daata in one voice.

Ø Discussion of this session began with opening remarks of Com. G. L. Jogi, President CHQ who welcomed everyone present in the august house and conveyed his special thanks to Director CMD, Director CFA and CGM Rajasthan for attending the function.

Ø Thereafter Com. K.  Sebastin GS SNEA(I) CHQ delivered key note address & touched important issues related growth of BSNL as well as important HR issues. Key Note Address <<<>>>

Ø Com. Baby Thomas, GS NCOA in his opening address, congratulated Com G L Jogi, Com. K. Sebastin and entire employees of BSNL for smooth running of BSNL’s services in spite of various hurdles and shortage of resources. He expressed his surprise why government is not recognizing the importance of PSU like BSNL and others as used earlier for building the nation. He categorically mentioned that he is utilizing BSNL’s services and not others. He told that BSNL is the biggest communication company in telecom industry and extended NCOA’s support to BSNL. He uttered his displeasure over the move of government in sidelining BSNL from Digital India project.

Ø Com. V. N. Namboodiri, Veteran Leader BSNLEU shared in his address that Com G L Jogi is the shining star in organizing and keeping the struggle live. He mentioned that present CMD Shri Anupam Shrivastava has given new path for the growth of BSNL and expressed his confidence that under his vibrant leadership BSNL will definitely restore its past glory. He reiterated how government policies are against the PSUs which are in fact the pillars for the growth of India. Govt is repeating the process of merger/division specifically in telecom sector. Initially joint telecom sector was disintegrated in the process of division and MTNL, BSNL and VSNL were formed. Later on VSNL was sold to the TATA Telecom. Now they are initiating the process of merger to weaken BSNL and MTNL. He mentioned how the BSNL was not allowed to grow in mobile sector. Most of the Govt policies are being initiated to support the growth of private instead of PSUs. He pinpointed that peoples of this country wants BSNL and nobody can destroy BSNL if workers unites and stand like a rock. Initial PPP-Pay Promotion-Pension has now become Public Private Participation. He congratulated BSNL workers that together through United Forum did not allow privatization of BSNL in spite of Govt eagerness. He requested CMD to look after the issue of contract workers, considering them as the part of this company.  He expressed worries about the situation in Kerala Circle and expressed his annoyance the way the victimization of leaders of Kerala circle done by the CGM Kerala. He mentioned that CGM Kerala has stopped the growth of Kerala which is prominent revenue earning circle and requested CMD to initiate the process of removal present CGMT Kerala. Lastly he appealed all to increase our customer base on the line, One Day-One Customer-One Employee and take initiatives in protecting the interest of customer, considering his importance as they pay money to BSNL. Com G L Jogi in reciprocating the expressions of Com Namboodiri appealed CMD BSNL to save Kerala, not just for employees /officers but in the larger interest of BSNL.

Ø Com. A. K. Kaushik, GS TEAM in his address, pinpointed how government is responsible for the losses in BSNL and MTNL. He mentioned that government has taken cores of rupees from both these PSUs as unjustified spectrum license fees and employees are made to suffer & struggle. He told that recently MTNL has reduced the loss to some extent. He pinpointed that existing CMDs of both BSNL and MTNL have the capacity to change the loss making PSUs into profit making PSUs. He put forth the need of merger of BSNL and MTNL so that issues common in both the PSUs can be untidily dealt with. 

Ø Shri. I. K. Bhat, Director NMIT Jaipur, in his inspiring speech explained what BSNL means for common man. As a whole , BSNL is giving communication, support system , connecting institutions, global communication etc and best telecom provider in India but he expect uninterrupted 24 hours service. He expressed surprise why the mobile calls are being dropped. It is essential to improve the quality of service. He told that everybody in the company shall be proud of what he is doing , what he is giving to others because you are not only generating revenue for this company but also you are contributing for the country. Please set goal and achieve it. In between there will be challenges which you have to overcome. He asked why BSNL can’t become number 1 Telecom Company once again. He told that everyone in this company have to improve their self, improve your services thereby improving the position of BSNL. If it happens then all your HR, safety, entertainment and welfare issues will definitely get settled. Lastly he told that courage is important and each and every one sitting here can do wonderful job by setting goal and achieving it with consistent efforts. At last he expressed   gratitude for inviting him in the AIC and hoped for grand success of this conference.

Ø After the speech of Shri I K Bhat, Com Jogi President explained how BSNL has made investment in rural and giving services in rural in spite of losses as a part of its social obligation. He told the main reason of call drop is mainly due to switching of voice channels into data channels by most of the private mobile operators since they want to earn revenue by giving preference to data than voice. 

Ø Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS NFTE expressed that govt policies, shortage of material are mainly responsible for the present financial crunch in BSNL. He explained how past management have procured excess unwanted equipments which are lying idle. He explained how BSNL as a PSU has made its contribution in nation building, saved flood victims in J&K, Orissa, Uttarakhand and Cyclone victims in Andhra Pradesh when private operators ran away from field. He put forth the struggle made by the BSNL employees since 2007 to save BSNL and not allowed to get sold to private operators. He appealed all being chairman of Joint Forum to be united and get ready for struggle against govt policies. He told that Joint Forum is going to oppose the move of govt to make separate subsidiary tower company from BSNL because this company is going to be formed without having any participation of our CMD in IFG committee.

Ø Appealed made by Com Chandeshwar Singh was supported by Com Jogi by saying that he will never allow to disintegrate BSNL and make stiff opposition against it

Ø Shri Anupam Shrivastav CMD BSNL and Chief Guest of the open Session started his speech with encouraging words “Backbone of BSNL sitting in front of me”. He referred Com G L Jogi as “Senapati” of SNEA (I). Speaking on this occasion, CMD told that today is very auspicious day and he is very glad to be with all of you on teacher’s day. Teacher’s day remind me the process of learning. What he learned by seeing today’s gathering that some of you may be having difference of opinion but when united it becomes your strength. He told that BSNL is big and self-reliant company, 250000 employees are our strength, BSNL has cores of rupees of turnover and it is spending 145000 core rupees on employee’s salary. He told that BSNL is not dependent on others for our expenses. He mentioned that 7800 core loss is mainly coming from huge unutilized asset. We should work together targeting 3rd PRC. Unless this backbone joins with me, I cannot make any progress, he added.  He told that recent initiatives of the management in “Night free call” and “free national roaming” are to be given wide publicity and marketing. By this, BSNL got a good opportunity to bounce back. The landline, mobile and broadband figures of July and August is very much encouraging. BSNL added 16 lakhs of mobile connections in the month of July which is 100 % more than previous month. He urged to join hands, give toughest competition and make BSNL profitable. He outlined the various initiatives taken by the Management and Govt in reviving the company. He mentioned that in 2006, BSNL was in no 1 position but due to non-procurement of GSM equipment, we lost almost the entire 2G market up to 2012 when the mobile sector growth was at its peak. After that, now Phase VII expansion almost completed. Potential western zone suffered due to ITI. We are trying to address west zone issues also. He told that south zone is the best zone by virtue of which we are earning 60% of total revenue. East zone is the most neglected zone, he added. We missed the 2G bus of voice but we should not miss the data bus. BSNL is going on a large scale on Wi-Fi hotspots to compete with other operators. Transmission network will be expanded especially for eastern zone. On Tower subsidiary, its pros and cos are to be evaluated and accordingly decision is to be taken. It shall have transparent structure, he mentioned. He also explained the proposal to join hands with other operators for giving intra circle mobile roaming & how it will be beneficial for BSNL customers. He specifically mentioned challenges before us are the persons with “Dhan Chori & “Kamchori” meaning that corruption & non performers are enimies of BSNL and appealed all to overcome these practices in BSNL from root cause.  All types of corruption, looting the company as well as shirking from the duties and responsibilities, are the major issues to be addressed, CMD urged. Shri. Shrivastav has addressed gathering with very positive and affirmative manner and given courage to the comrades present in the auditorium. With commitment of quality and good services to BSNL customers, CMD BSNL appealed house to give their best to BSNL. He expressed feelings of turnaround of BSNL with new slogan and long form of BSNL i.e. Behatar Sevaki Nayi Lagan” Lastly he thanked Com Jogi & Com Sebastin for giving opportunity to speak in front of you.

Ø Com. V. K. Thomar, President NCOA & GS MTNLEA in his address mentioned that UPA/NDA both have agreed that BSNL/MTNL are sick because of govt policies. But we are big sufferer due to this. Govt has now declared that they are not going to give any support to PSU however what is important at this point that they shall at least give us work. Govt shall give work to BSNL/MTNL in the dream project like Digital India. We want work, not fund. He added that he respects the concern of BSNL employees and in a fight for revival he extended his fullest support in any struggle by BSNL employees. He appealed for early action for merger of BSNL MTNL in the larger interest of telecom sector.  

Ø Com Rakesh Sethi GS BSNLOA speaking on this occasion explained how BSNL was put to loss. He mentioned that huge amount of Rs 20,000 cores were taken as license fees from the surplus amount of Rs 40,000 cores which BSNL was possessing in hand. He told that Shri R K Mishra CGM Rajasthan has improved the services of Rajasthan circle and will definitely do better in a days to come.  He also came heavily on non performers in BSNL and mentioned that management shall show suitable place to these non performers. He also thanked organisers for inviting him. 

Ø Shri N K Gupta Director CFA BSNL thanked Com Jogi & Com Sebastin for giving him opportunity to address the backbone of BSNL. He highlighted the diff conditions and requirements in diff circles and difficulties faced in handling and fulfilling the requirements of all. He specifically mentioned that government has not given back the assured spectrum charges to BSNL. He also elaborated the initiatives taken by the management to streamline the procurement processes, modernization of switches, CDR and ERP implementation, tender for convergent billing, tender for Wi-Fi, etc. Director CFA clearly told that quality of our service is going to decide our future. If BSNL and its employees able to provide seamless service to the customers, then we need not worry at all. But in this front lot of issues are there, we have to improve a lot. He basically urged to concentrate on restoring the faults without any delay, improve the service quality and increase the customer base.  He mentioned that present BSNL’s Board is most united, CMD is energetic and he is always behind the revival of this company. He assured that with the improvement of quality, all of you sitting here will get 3rd PRC and bonus too.

Ø Com Swapan Chakraborty Dy General Secretary BSNLEU explained how the New telecom Policy 1995 has affected telecom sector and by virtue of this PSU became sick and private operators were given upper hand and green field to grow.  He stated the need of combined and joint struggle to keep these imp PSUs alive. He appealed all to make sincere efforts for growth of BSNL so that we will be in sound position to face 3rd PRC. He mentioned the need of autonomy to BSNL board for its growth and revival.  He questioned why the JTO recruitment rules were delayed and yet to be finalised by government in spite of its approval from BSNL board. He mentioned that those creating hurdles in delay shall need to be exposed.

Ø Com. R. P. Shahu, General Secretary AIGETOA in his speech mentioned that SNEA (I) is the biggest association having more no of direct recruits and categorically mentioned the percentage of directly recruited executives in SNEA (I) & AIGETOA. He mentioned that he was part of SNEA (I) and as the issues of DR were not taken care up to our expectations & under compulsions he has departed. He added that if the issues of taken care by SNEA(I) and resolved at the earliest, he will not have any hesitation in joining back to SNEA(I) and issues of DRs are topmost priority for him.  He urged to have better superannuation plan for direct recruits so that all executives retirement shall be secured. He expressed his displeasure over side-lining of internal executives for DGM direct recruitment and preference given to external candidates. He explained all the issues of direct recruits and urged for the united struggle for settlement of pending issues of direct recruits under the able leadership of SNEA (I).  

Ø Com Rajesh Khanna President SNATTA urged for early settlement of JTO recruitment rules. He told that careers progression, social security and superannuation benefits are very vital and important issues as far as direct recruits in BSNL are concerned and required to be dealt with sensible human touch. He appreciated efforts taken by SNEA (I) for JTOs promoted from TTA cadre all over India. 

Ø After the inspirational speeches Open Session concluded at 2100 hrs with Vote of thanks by Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS CHQ & national Anthem.

Ø Photos of the Open Session <<<>>>


14 SEP 15:  As per notification issued by Com. Anil Dubey, DS SNEA(I) Mumbai,  General Body  Meeting of SNEA(I) Circle Office Mumbai will be held at Conference Hall, Second floor, BSNL Admn Bldg, Santacruz, Mumbai from 1100 Hrs on 15/09/2015. Com. Dubey appeals all comrades to attend the meeting well in time and make it grand success.


14 SEP 15: AIC Jaipur: Report continues: News & Photos of Open Session, Delegate Session, Felicitation of Com. G.L.Jogi, President CHQ, Resolutions passed in AIC, Elections for New CHQ Office Bearers etc will follow shortly.  


14 SEP 15:  CMD BSNL writes Circle Heads for special approach towards getting more business for BSNL from Central/State Govt, PSUs, Universities, Hospitals, Business house with one visit to such prominent customers every week. Letter <<<>>>


14 SEP 15:  BSNL CO endorsed letter from DPE for reclassification of Cities and revised HRA w.e.f. 01/04/2015. Letter <<<>>>


14 SEP 15: AGM Estt Mumbai issued reminder letter for sending required information for reconciliation of Inter se seniority of SDEs under ST category promoted against vacancy year 2001-02. Letter <<<>>>


14 Sep 15: Historical, Spectacular, marvelous, Mammoth, Glorious and Extremely Successful All India Conference of SNEA (I) at Jaipur. {Report by Com. S.R. Kalmegh, ACS East SNEA (I) MH}

Pre AIC CWC Meeting on 04/09/2015: On 4th Sept 2015, the proceedings  of AIC started with CHQ office Bearers meeting at 1230 hrs and pre AIC CWC Meeting at 1430 Hrs In Conference hall, Ustav, Sector 2 Vidhadhar Nagar, Jaipur. In Pre AIC CWC Meeting Com. K.Sebastin, GS presented his report to CWC about activities carried out during his tenure as GS and Treasurer submitted accounts of SNEA (I) CHQ from AIC Nanded. Details discussions were held on about all points included in the GS report and many of CWC Members, CS have raised different issues and suggested suitable corrections/ modifications in GS report to be submitted to AIC. After prolonged hot discussions of hours together,  the GS report was approved by Pre AIC CWC meeting at 2100 Hrs for presentation in AIC. Then Com. R.Rajan, Treasurer CHQ submitted audited accounts to CWC Meeting which was approved after minor queries for further presentation to AIC.  

AIC Report Day I,  05/09/2015: Pink City Jaipur has witnessed the magnificent, massive and extremely successful day one of 28th All India Conference of Sanchar Nigam Executives’ Association (India) held on 4th to 7th Sept 2015 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Opening day of Jaipur AIC is marked in the golden words in the history of SNEA(I) because of active and massive presence of thousands of representatives of SNEA(I) coming from nook and corner of India. More than 1400 Delegates & observers including CS, CWC Members & CHQ leaders actively participated in this All India Conference. This historical day was conducted in two sessions in which initially inauguration of XXIV AIC at Jaipur took place and thereafter thundering, remarkable and highly successful Open Session. Both the sessions noticed the presence of supreme dignitaries of BSNLCO and CHQ leaders of all most all unions and associations in BSNL.

Inaugural Session of the XXIX AIC: At the beginning, the AIC started morning at 10.15 hrs with the Flag hosting by auspicious hands of Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA (I) CHQ.   At this propitious moment Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA (I) CHQ, Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao, Veteran Senior leader, All CHQ Office bearers, Circle secretaries of more than 24 Circles were present.  Maharashtra Circle was represented by more than 160 active comrades, prominently by  Com. A. R. Manani, VP CHQ, Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS CHQ ,Com. M. B. Sangale, Jt Sec CHQ West  Com S.V. Bhad, CP SNEA(I) MH and Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA(I), about all CWC Members, District Secretaries, Circle Office Bearers & CEC members.  The comrades from Rajastahan & nearby Circles under dynamic leadership of Com. S. S. Rajput, CS SNEA (I) Rajasthan Circle actively participated in AIC since Flag hosting at 1015 hrs to end of the Open session at 2030 hrs.  The delegates/observers coming from nook and corner of India were present at full vigor and enthusiasm up roaring the slogans of SNEA (I) Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad., Kerala Comrade Zindabad in voice and rhythm.

Immediately after flag hosting, House gathered for Inaugural session Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA (I) CHQ presided over the function.

                   The Inaugural session was graced and addressed by

1.     Smt. Sujata Ray, Director HR BSNL,

2.     Com. Mohammed Ashraf Khan, Director ED BSNL

3.     Shri. R. K. Mishra, CGMT Rajasthan Circle.

It was also attended by

1.     Com. K. Sebastin GS SNEA(I) CHQ,

2.     Com. A. R. Manani, VP SNEA(I) CHQ,

3.     Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

4.     Com. M. B. Sangle, Jt Sec (West) SNEA(I) CHQ,

5.     Com. R. Rajan, CHQ Treasurer, SNEA(I) CHQ,

6.     Com. Arvind Pal Dahiya, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

7.     Com. A. Chanadrasekar, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

8.     Com. Sankar Sanyal, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

9.     Com. H. Muthu, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

10.            Com. Panduranga Nayak, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

11.            Com. Ramesh Kumar, JS East SNEA(I) CHQ,

12.            Com. Tilak Raj Thakur, JS N SNEA(I) CHQ,

13.            Com. P. Padhmanabharao, JS S SNEA(I) CHQ,

14.            Com. C. B. Singh, JS Central SNEA(I) CHQ,

Ø At the very beginning, house gave standing ovation to the guest when they entered in the hall with loud and thundering claps, shouting the slogans of BSNL Zindabad, SNEA Zindabad, Director HR Zindabad, ED NB Zindabad. It was Com. Jogi who initiated these slogans which were followed by others loudly in one voice. Thereafter the entire dais was welcomed by Comrades of host circle with beautiful garlands.  Guests of the function were felicitated by offering momentous as a token of love and affection from SNEA (I) comrades. Program was conducted in the big & well decorated Air Conditioned Auditorium having attractive, colored, innovative dais in the front.

Ø Com. S. S. Rajput, CS Rajasthan i.e. host Circle in his welcome address welcomed all the dignitaries & participants for the 29th AIC at Jaipur and gave brief idea about the Rajasthan, its Beauty and traditions. It was the nice occasion that this inaugural function was conducted when each and every delegates in the house was satisfied with the comfort stay arrangements made by host circle.

Ø The Inaugural session started with Deep Prajwalan and Saraswati Pujan in the auspicious hands of the guests and prominent CHQ Leaders.

Ø Discussion of this session began with opening remarks of Com G. L. Jogi, President CHQ who welcomed everyone present in the august house and conveyed his special thanks to Director HR, ED EB and CGMT Rajasthan for attending the function.

Ø Com. K.Sebastin GS SNEA (I) CHQ submitted brief on the pending HR issues and drawn attention of Director HR for early resolution of it.

Ø Shri.  R. K. Mishra, CGMT Rajasthan in his opening address expressed his pleasure that AIC of SNEA (I) is being held at Rajasthan. He told that SNEA (I) is important executive Association in BSNL and narrated his past experiences how he settled some of vital transfer issues during his previous tenure as CGMT Karnataka Circle. He mentioned the need of clear and transparent rules in BSNL so that nobody will interpret it differently. Ambiguity in rules creates hurdles in executing and settling the issues. For this he gave the example of delay in executing Rule 8 transfer in some of the circles thereby causing hardship to the executives surveying in N/E for getting reliever even after completion of his tenure period. He expressed those deliberations in this AIC will definitely yield a concrete resolution for making suitable and transparent changes in the transfer policy of executives. He told that he is proud of Rajasthan and eager to resolve all HR issues of Rajasthan circle in days to come so that Rajasthan will come out as a profitable circle, i.e. concrete step for the revival of BSNL

Ø After the speech of CGM Rajasthan, Com Jogi expressed the hope that under the leadership of Shri R K Mishra, this Circle will definitely come out of red zone because it is having huge potential.

Ø Com. Mohammed Ashraf Khan ED New Business BSNL expressed his happiness in attending 29th AIC of SNEA (I) at Jaipur which is conducted and marked on the two auspicious occasions of Gokul Ashtami and teacher’s day. He correlated the spiritual sayings of great leaders mentioning the secret of success in offering love to others. He told that whole world can be conquered using this secret and it is applicable to all; He pinpointed the futures measures likely to be implemented by BSNL in coming days for revival of BSNL. He mentioned the potentials in earning revenue from BSNL’s subsidiary tower company, putting ATMs in our own bldgs, renting out vacant quarters etc. He gave the importance of saving energy in BSNL. A coin saved is like coin earned. He was optimistic that E2-E3 pay scales issue in BSNL will be resolved soon. He thanked all for invitation and expressed grand success to the AIC. He elaborated house on the recommendations of Joint Committee constiutated and headed by him.

Ø Ms. Sujata Ray Director HR BSNL & Chief Guest of Inaugural session, in her highly motivational speech touched each and every human aspects related to  giant workforce of BSNL. She specifically told that She is coming from financial background and hence while working as in charge of HR, she is not having any past encumbrance. She told that she is not distinguished and hoped to be sincere & sensitive in dealing with all HR issues of executives. She mentioned that everybody knows the figure of loss of BSNL. She expressed her confidence on huge workforce of BSNL and named them as asset of BSNL. She mentioned the importance of each and everyone present in the august house. She told,” you are priceless, we shall be the best organization, it is meaningless if the workforce is demoralized, Digital India is most important project and BSNL has to deliver its best in the coming days”. She reiterated that some of the recommendations of Deloittee are good and needs to be implemented. She told that her responsibility is to bring all old & burning issues to the forefront and get it settled with mutual trust. Her dream is to give proper training to all, manpower positioning, strategic restructuring, repositioning and build solid trust between management and workforce of BSNL and enhance the level of motivation among them. She was optimistic to have solid and transparent transfer policy for all employees of BSNL. She expressed the need of special recruitment of JAO/JTO/TTA, young talent to fill the existing deficiency.  She told that good superannuation plan for young employees of BSNL will be given soon so as to maintain proper social security. She told that leadership in any organization shall be strong and fortunately BSNL is having very good leader i.e. Shri Anupam Shrivastava as CMD BSNL with sincere and strong board of directors. Likewise SNEA (I) too has very strong leaders like Com. G.L. Jogi and Com. K. Sebastian. She further expressed that the attitude plays very role and hence officers/managers of good attitude are needed in each vital position in BSNL. A team of positive mind set will be definitely good. She told that all the legal issues will be appropriately dealt with necessary support from management. She told that she is among us, she has faith on us, maintain health and live healthy, life can only be enjoyed with good health, you have to be strong enough and brave, only brave can conquer and win in any situation.  She appealed to come together & build a strong BSNL. Her entire speech has generated a wave of motivation in the minds of everybody sitting in the august house. At last she expressed her gratitude for inviting her in the AIC and hoped for grand success of this conference.

Ø After the speech of Director HR, Com Jogi thanked madam for her motivational speech and told that trust is very important. Com Jogi added Director HR that relation, agreements are not important but trust plays very vital role. He told that director HR has recognized the importance of human resource in BSNL because it has potential to review this company. He told that our executives are brilliant; these are BSNL’s executives and required to be entrusted by giving opportunities in managerial positions. He requested Director HR to initiate the process of building BSNL management having of its own, young and strong workforce who shall run this company in days to come. He conveyed vote of thanks to all the dignitaries present during the entire session. 

Ø After high level of motivation by each and every speaker the Inaugural session of 29th AIC at Jaipur concluded at 13.00 hrs and lunch thereafter.

Ø Photos of the Inaugural Session <<<>>>


13 SEP 15: GS, President, Jt Sec (C) along with Chairman met ED(NB)/Chairman of the Jt committee and held discussions on the recommendations on CPSU Cadre Hierarchy and first TBP after 4 years. GS/AIGETOA and other office bearers of AIGETOA were also present. More or less the recommendations on CPSU cadre hierarchy are to our expectations as reported in the AIC. Further, after discussion the residency period for first TBP able to bring down from 6 to 5 years for the future promotions.

On the 3rd agenda of first TBP after 4 years w.e.f. 01/10/2004 to address the anomaly, Chairman is of the firm opinion that this anomaly is rectified now and there is no anomaly when E2, E3 pay scales are implemented. On E2, E3 scales, a JTO will not reach minimum of E3 scale even in 6 years and so, no anomaly remains, according to the Chairman. Further Chairman added that when it will be implemented from 01.10.2000, huge financial implications will come which the management and DoT will not agree at all. After detailed discussions it was agreed to recommend to reduce the maximum residency period from 6 years to 5 years notionally w.e.f. 01.10.2000. The Committee recommendations on both issues are signed by both the General Secretaries of SNEA and AIGETOA. Other members are to sign the recommendations.

Salient features are:

a)  Time Bound Functional promotion will be allowed from JTO/JAO à SDE/AO-à Sr SDE/Sr AO -à DE/CAO and equivalent cadres without linking with availability of posts and delinking from seniority with bench mark of “Good”.

b)  The residency period reduced from 6 to 5 years for the first TB promotion from JTO/JAO -à SDE/AO and equivalent cadres. In short the residency period for all the promotions will be 5 years. A JTO/JAO will become a DE/CAO in 15 years.

c)  DE/CAO to DGM promotion will be depending upon the availability of vacancies. However in case DGM promotion is not getting after 5 years due to non availability of vacancies, DGM scale will be offered with designation of “Jt DGM”.

d)  Further pay scale upgradation from DGM to JAG SG (E5 to E6) will continue with 5 years.

Comrades, this vital breakthrough was possible only due to SNEA struggle in April – May, 2015. In the discussion with SNEA on 06.05.2015, CMD agreed to reconstitute the Joint Committee with new Chairman and set a target of 15.08.2015 to complete the recommendations. Our demand for first TBP after 4 years also added as a new agenda. Further CMD directed the committee to meet at least once in a fortnight.

Our struggle for standard pay scales of E2, E3 etc, TB functional promotion or CPSU cadre hierarchy and first TBP after 4 years are started getting positive response after so many years.


12 SEP 15: Situation in Kerala worsening day by day: Today about 15 officials including Com Prathap Kumar, Asst General Secretary/BSNLEU, Com K Mohanan, CS/BSNLEU, Com P Gopakumar, VP/BSNLEU, Com S Narendrakumar, Trivandrum SSA President/SNEA, Com T Santhoshkumar, Trivandrum SSA Secretary/SNEA and other SSA leaders are suspended by the Circle Management. SNEA and BSNLEU decided for agitation at All India level from 17.09.2015 against the oppressive measures.

Indefinte Relay Hunger Strike” from 17.09.2015 at BSNLCO. Lunch hour demonstration at all Circle and SSA HQs on 17.09.2015


12 SEP 15: Forum decided to hold day long Dharna on 16.09.2015 at BSNLCO/ Circle/SSA HQs protesting against the cabinet decision to form separate Tower subsidiary company. All CS/SSA Secretaries are requested to mobilise the employees in coordination with other Union/Assns to make the programme a grand success giving a strong message to the Govt which tries to dismantle the company. Maximum Comrades from nearby Circles like UP (West), Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan etc are to reach BSNLCO for the Dharna. Letter to CMD BSNL <<<>>>


11 SEP 15: Detail News/Photos on updates of Spectacular & Marvelous “All India Conference at Jaipur” will be uploaded shortly.


11 SEP 15:  Political / Outsider Influence in service matters is now seriously “serious” misconduct:  AGM Staff Mumbai & AD Admn II Mumbai in two separate letters issued on same day, endorsed letter issued by BSNL CO on this subject which warns about action against the employees on violations of Rule 22 & Rule 5 of BSNL CDA Rules.

Letter by AGM Estt <<<>>>    Letter by AD Admn –II <<<>>>

·        Comrades, be aware, now bringing political pressure/outside influence on service matters will be seriously treated as “Misconduct” as defined in BSNL CDA Rules as letter is simultaneously endorsed by two sections on same day.

·        Over the period SNEA (I) MH has opposed such political pressure/outside influence in transfer /posting of executives and has always demanded for uniform application of policies & rules to all employees/executives.

·       This letter by BSNL CO strongly support stand of SNEA (I) MH & will definitely helpful in pursuing the request of transfer /posting in uniform manner and all transfer posting will be away from Political/Outside influence.

·       Let us hope that all concerned officers take note of it & mainly Circle/SSA Management takes concrete stand in stopping Political/Outside Influence by any employee/executive and do not bend to such political pressure/Outside influence  regardless of level & power of source of influence and till anyone dares to misconduct, then management will take action against such employees/executives under BSNL CDA rules for such serious misconduct 


11 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued relieving orders SDEs under transfer to hard tenure Circle. Letter <<<>>>


 10 SEP 15:  BSNL CO issued DE Regular orders in respect of 58 SDEs  left out from seniority list No. 5 . Order <<<>>>


 10 SEP 15:AGM Staff Mumbai issued long stay list of DGMs working in Maharashtra Circle & corrections if any are to be sent by 15/09/2015. Letter <<<>>>


10 SEP 15: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for Four week Field Training w.e.f. 14/09/2015 in respect of 59 JAO trainees presently undergoing training at NATFM Hyderabad. Letter <<<>>>


10 SEP 15: AGM Estt Mumbai informs that the JTO Phase II training scheduled at BRBRAITT Jabalpur w.e.f. 28/09/2015 is now rescheduled and will commence from 16/11/2015. Letter <<<>>>


10 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai writes SSA Heads for sending applications for permission appearing examinations & NOC for attending interviews in prescribed format & giving all relevant details. Letter <<<>>>


 9 SEP 15: AGM Admn Mumbai issued notice for “Eye Check up camp” which will be held on 16/09/2015 at Conference Hall, Circle Office Mumbai. Letter <<<>>>


 9 SEP 15: AGM Vig II Mumbai writes Pr CE Civil Mumbai & CE Civil/Elect Mumbai/Nagpur for directing Field units of Civil/Electrical wing to route the VCs through SSA Vigilance cell. Letter <<<>>>


5 SEP 15:  After transfer of GM Fin Mumbai , BSNL CO issued transfer order of Mr. Bhaskar CAO FC Mumbai who was pioneer of the “Hopeless Bhaskar Transfer Policy”  specially for Finance wing officers in Maharashtra Circle . Letter <<<>>>

·        The transfer of Mr. Bhaskar CAO FC Mumbai has created wave of enjoyment among Finance wing officers and among the officers & Staff harassed by him by delaying medical bills/claims for prolonged period. 

·        SNEA (I) MH is confident that transfer order of Mr. Bhaskar will be final action for closure of “Hopeless Bhaskar Transfer Policy” which has harassed many of executives & henceforth transfers of Finance wing officers in Maharashtra Circle will also be issued well within transfer policy.

·        SNEA (I) MH will support for early relieving of Mr. Bhaskar because till he is present in Maharashtra Circle and till he is CAO FC Mumbai, he will be practically of no use for HR works as he does not know ABCD of transfer policy.

·        Fortunately Mr. Bhaskar CAO FC Mumbai & Mrs. Marina George Sr GM Fin Mumbai who have created mesh in transfer & posting of Finance wing officers since last 2-3months are transferred on same day & after their transfer, FC section definitely will have new HR approach & this will be helpful for all Finance wing officers in Maharashtra Circle. Let us hope for the best.  


5 SEP 15:  BSNL CO issued transfer order of Four GMs in Finance wing in which Mrs. Marina George GM Fin Mumbai is transferred to Gujrat Circle and Shri. Mandeep Prakash is transferred & posted as GM Fin Mumbai with immediate effect. Letter <<<>>> 

Let us hope that Mrs. Marina George who in capacity of Sr GM Fin Mumbai harassed executives in Account wing of Maharashtra circle first by issuing arbitrary transfers with violations of transfer policy guidelines & then by forcibly & mercilessly relieving them to follow her biased, pick and choose transfer orders and compelled many of them to join new place of posting including female executives, now responds in similar manner as directed by her i.e. without asking for retention, without asking for Change of stations and follows transfer order issued by BSNL CO & sets examples for all other officers.

Transfer of Mrs. Marina George will be definitely big relief for Finance wing officers in Maharashtra Circle and this will be concrete step to stop pick & choose transfers of finance wing officers under present “Hopeless Bhaskar Transfer policy”



 5  SEP 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for DE LA arrangements in respect of 96 SDEs for period of 180 days with immediate effect & these orders are issued as per revised seniority list no.  6 & 7 and with new HR initiatives these orders are issued subject to Vigilance Clearance. Letter <<<>>>



 4 SEP 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for DGM LA for next spell starting from 16/09/2015. Letter <<<>>> 

        This time Circle management has taken advance step and orders are issued by 13 days in advance of next spell giving sign of good governance on HR issues.  All 41 officers in this DGM LA orders are posed at same place except two cases of out of SSA posting. With new precedence by Circle management, the orders are issued subject to confirmation of VCs and this step up all the Officiating & LA arrangement orders which were held up just for VCs. SNEA (I) MH congratulates Shri. G.K. Upadhyay, CGMT MH & Shri. Pravin Malhotra Sr GM HR/Admn Mumbai & all officers in staff section for such revolutionary steps and given new heights to HR approach.


 4 SEP 15:  AGM Estt Mumbai calls for VCs of all working DGM LA for next sell DGM LA w. e. f. 16/06/2015 for which orders has been issued and last date for submission of VCs is 05/09/20`5. Letter <<<>>> 


4 SEP 15:  CGMT MH writes SSA Heads for monitoring revenue from C-TOP ups for achievement of revenue targets with warning that negligence on part of SSA Heads on monitoring of revenue will be viewed seriously. Letter <<<>>>


 4 SEP 15:  BSNL CO issued clarification of TBP of Executives in account wing promoted between 01/10/2000 to 30/09/2004.  Letter <<<>>> 


 3 sep 15: Special  General Body Meeting of SNEA (I) PUNE: {Report by Com. V. R. Chaudhari JS Pune SNEA MH}: The Special  General Body meeting of SNEA(I) Pune Division was held on 10/08/2015 at 1810 Hrs  in Udyan Prasad Karyala Pune.

Com. S. M. Chand, District President SNEA (I) Pune presided over the proceedings of Special General Body meeting. The following prominent SNEA (I) leaders attended and addressed the General Body meeting of Pune SSA.

1.  Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA (I) CHQ,

2.  Com. A. R. Manani, VP SNEA (I) CHQ

3.  Com. K. Sabestian, GS SNEA (I) CHQ

4.  Com. Vivek Wankhede, AGS SNEA (I) CHQ

5.  Com. M. B. Sangle, JS (W) SNEA (I) CHQ

6.  Com. S.V. Bhad, CP, SNEA (I), MH,

7.  Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH,

8.  Com. S. P. Sonawane, CWCM SNEA (I) MH,

9.  Com. V. R. Chaudhary JS Pune SNEA (I) MH

10. Com. Bharat Sonawane DS SNEA (I) Pune,

The following SNEA (I) & other Association/Union leaders at Pune attended the meeting and graced the occasion.

1.     Com. Nagesh Nalawade, CS BSNL EU MH Circle.

2.     Com. M.I. Jakati, BSNL EU Pune.

3.     Com. M. S. Kamble, DP SEWA Pune.

4.     Com. S.A.Badhane, DS SNEA (I) Nasik,

5.           Com. V. N. Kokare, DS SNEA (I) ITPC Pune,

5.     Com. S.A. Chavan, CEC Member Nasik,

6.     Com. Sunil Rane, DP SNEA (I) ITPC Pune

7.     Com. S. K Ghuge, Ex CP SNEA (I) MH Circle

8.     Com. J. A. Budhavi, DGM Chinchwad Pune

9.     Com. T.D. Meshram, DGM (East & Central) Pune

At the start of meeting, all the dignitaries on the Dias and guests were given warm welcome by offering a bouquet of beautiful flowers. 

 Com. Bharat Sonawane, DS SNEA(I) Pune while speaking at the beginning of meeting gave warm welcome to all & expressed gratitude to CHQ and Circle leaders for visiting Pune SSA and boosting up the morale of Pune comrades. He narrated the issues & grievances of Pune SSA. He explained the difficulties faced by the executives and customers while imparting NGN services in Pune SSA. He expressed concerned over non supply of BRI cards for NGN and thereby loosing BRI customers in Pune.  Shortage of Material such as OFC cable and other jointing materials for fault restoration, on repair of MLLN modem. He appeal to all executives to bring a positive change in working situation for the growth of BSNL by giving better services to our esteemed customers. He also expresses satisfaction over the functioning of PGM Pune towards growth and revenue earning. He specially mentioned the efforts taken by PGM Pune towards increasing MNP, FTTH, Leased line customers.

Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH addressed the house in his unique style .He welcome all of the dignitaries and guest present in the house. He expressed his displeasure over malpractices done by some executives and senior officers to safeguard their interest and for their benefits. He warned of such practices and gave message that any such act will be not be tolerated.

 While addressing the house he appealed to all the executives of SNEA (I) to be united and said ours is the only association which is rightly addressing the HR and development issues and working is strictly on policies. He appealed all the executives in Pune SSA to come together for the improvement of services and image of BSNL and requested all to be vigilant and united for any struggle for betterment of executives and for betterment of BSNL He express his pleasure over the functioning of PGM Pune who has implemented new schemes of target for MNP to each and every employee. He expressed gratitude to CHQ leaders for visiting Pune SSA in spite of their busy schedule and boosting up the morale of Pune comrades.

Com. G. L. Jogi, President CHQ addressed the house by welcoming all the dignitaries and guest. In his unique style he analyzed the present situation of BSNL and expressed concerned over the growth. He explained how difficult it would be for BSNL to get third PRC if such situation continues. He appealed to all the executives to work efficiently and maintain quality of service. He gave the classic examples of BPCL, Indian airlines- Air India for the consequences face presently which are related to growth. He elaborated on the struggle SNEA (I) has carried out since long and how the Time bound promotion policy which is the best has been implemented for the executives.  Considering the pace of growth of BSNL in present situation Com Jogi expressed his displeasure and appeal to all executives for serious introspection. He gave the classic example of MTNL crisis and explained how Our company is in bad crisis and to overcome this all of us have to work accept the challenges generate the revenue, profits, maintained Quality of service, attitude to users. He appealed to all executives to accept the tenure transfers in Rural and remote areas and not to waste time in cancellation of their orders. BSNL being the pioneer in Telecom Company with huge network, resources and manpower Com Jogi appealed that we all are workers and we have to work as a team with commitment and perception change. He came heavily down on government plan of creating subsidiary tower company to favour private operators and in his roaring style oppose the move which would disintegrate BSNL He also oppose the move of the government towards the merger of MTNL-BSNL and explained the financial obligations of MTNL that has to be think off. He appeal to all to come on street to oppose and defeat the policies of the government that will hamper the growth and disintegration of BSNL .All should show unity and strength to defeat the wrong decisions by the government and its our prime responsibility to protect BSNL from disintegration for this SNEA(I) will struggle in forefront.

Com.  K. Sebastin GS SNEA (I) CHQ in his address he stated how SNEA (I) persuaded for filling of posts for CMD, DIR (HR), DIR (CM) and posting of regular PGM to Pune. It was due to continuous persuasion from SNEA (I) the posts were filled. In his address he congratulated all Kerala comrades for their sustained, prolonged struggle in the form of hunger strike and non-cooperation against vindictive actions, trade union rights, corruption charges and growth related issues. He explained about the alarming situation through which BSNL is going with reference to the progress of BSNL in 2007 for which we got second PRC. He came up with facts and figures of BSNL profit and growth of present situation and appeal to all executives to work very hard and show significant growth by 2017 to get third PRC. GS explained about the new plans BSNL is about to implement in NGN, MPLS, ERP, and MOBILE technologies .He told all the switches in BSNL will be replaced by NGN switch by 2017. To clear commissioning of pending Data Circuits and leased lines, expansion in MPLS is coming in a big way and in a short period all pending circuits will be commissioned. He also informed that ERP roll out for pending Circles will be completed by September 2015.He appeal to all executives to be thorough with ERP for utilization of stores and other useful information. Problems of GSM BTS cards for repair and replacement are solved and appeal to executives to give feedback in positive manner for the growth and development of BSNL He explained the present scenario of BSNL and its competitors who only concentrate on OFC and transmission networks. He blamed government policies of forming subsidiary tower companies, sharing of Infrastructures for deterioration of BSNL growth. These policies which government is trying to force will be defeated by SNEA (I) on forefront ground. Apart from maintaining landline network he appeal to all executives to focus on MLLN, Broadband, MPLS, NGN, Mobile, FTTH and other advance services for the development and growth of BSNL He also informed about the big tenders BSNL is going for MPLS, NGN, MLLN. Related to HR issues GS updated the status of SDE, DE, DGM promotions and the way association is taking efforts to streamline the same. He thanked CMD and DIR HR for their positive approach in settling Executive Engineers promotions for executives having Diploma as qualification. Regarding the CPSU cadre hierarchy and its implementation GS elaborated the difficulties and issues in implementation in BSNL. SNEA (I) stand will be to consider upliftment of each cadre and no demotion of basic cadre will be allowed. He also said that association is trying to benefit LDCE passed candidates if possible in the CPSU cadre hierarchy. G.S was concerned about the progress of big Circles especially Maharashtra. He said there is lot of potential in Maharashtra and appeal to all comrades to work very hard and bring Maharashtra circle to No 1 position. He express his views for better growth and performance from big circles such as Maharashtra, A.P, Gujrat, and Karnataka.

 Com. M.B. Sangle, JS (West) SNEA (I) CHQ in his address raised his concern for declining market share of BSNL. He explained the importance of free night calling and free roaming facility at this point of view for increasing landline and GSM customers in MH Circle. He also narrated the urgent need of replacement of battery sets in most of the GSM sites in MH. He was optimistic that installation of ZTE BTS will improve GSM service but also ascertained to have more no of BTS for increasing the quality of service in GSM sector in MH. He assured all that CHQ will take care of all pending HR issues to the best possible.

Com. V.M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA (I) CHQ in his address congratulated all comrades of Pune for huge gathering. He expressed the need of improving quality of service in landline as well as GSM in spite of having hurdles. He told to come forward and make consistent efforts to increase BSNL’ market share which is the need of time. He explained the present condition of various DPCs for promotion being pursued by SNEA (I) CHQ and assured that all the legal hurdles will be side-lined with consistent efforts. He also elaborated his experience as DS SNEA (I) Pune. He appealed all the members to work hard for betterment of Pune as Pune is high potential. He also assured that CHQ will provide all possible material to provide maximum connections. He thanked organizers for invitation

Com. S.V. Bhad, CP SNEA (I) MH Circle thanked team of SNEA (I) Pune for arranging Special General Body meeting in such a grand way. He elaborated the main reason for creation of PSUs in India was to generate employment however gigantic PSU like BSNL is made to loss because of delay in decision, wrong policies and unprecedented favouritism to private companies. Delay in decision making has put BSNL in today awkward position. Key posts like CMD, Director Fin, and Director HR were kept vacant for more than a year. However it was the pressure of Forum of all Unions/Associations in BSNL that post of CMD and Director HR are now filled. BSNL has lost good no of customers while implementing CDR/ERP. Deloitte recommendations are made without any consultation with unions/associations of BSNL and without ascertaining need of customers and employees working in BSNL. He highlighted the efforts of SNEA (I) CHQ for conducting DPCs for JTO-SDE, SDE-DE and DE-DGM promotions. He told how SNEA (I) CHQ is making continuous efforts in removing the discrimination between diploma and degree holder of civil wing which is mainly occurring at the time of their promotions. He appealed all to join Save BSNL –Save nation campaign. He narrated that most of the executives in MH are now joining SNEA (I). Not only JTO/SDE/DE/DGM level officers are member of SNEA (I) but GM level officers are also joining SNEA (I) MH Circle. He shared his experience with practical examples about the difference of attitude of leaders of different.

Com. S.M. Chand, DP SNEA (I) Pune in his Presidential address summarized the discussions in the house and raised certain issues related to growth & development of Pune, drawn attention of Circle & CHQ leaders towards the important issues.

The meeting was concluded at 2120 Hrs with vote of thanks and National Anthem.

Photos by Com. Girish Sonar, JTO <<<>>>


 2 SEP 15: Today’s Strike by Central Trade Unions & especially by different unions in BSNL: Central Trade unions are going for one day strike on 02.09.2015. The strike is against the anti employee policies of the Govt, against disinvestment of CPSUs, minimum wages hike for the labourers etc. SNEA (I) has decided to provide solidarity support to the strike by joining the demonstrations with the striking employees.


 2 SEP 15: GS SNEA (I) CHQ writes to Director HR BSNL Board on wrong procedure adopted by BSNL Corporate office in counting long stay of SDEs in Maharashtra Circle by adding MTNL stay for calculating stay in MH Circle and rightly points out how the stay of two different territorial Circles namely MTNL Mumbai Circle & BSNL Maharashtra Circle is intentionally misinterpreted for combined counting in recent clarification issued by BSNL CO.  Letter <<<>>>


 2 SEP 15: Allotment of laptops directly to SDE/JTO in charge of BTS Maintenance:  AGM NWP GSM Mumbai issues allotment of 37 brand new & highly technical laptops directly on name of JTO/SDE in charge of BTS Maintenance team for each and every SSAs in Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>

Ø Shortage of laptops and non availability of good quality of laptops with SDEs/JTOs in charge of GSM BTS Maintenance team in different SSAs was the important issue raised by SNEA (I) MH and we have pursued it at different levels.

Ø In first step of success towards persuasion by SNEA(I) MH, in recent past and bout 10 laptops received for BTS Mtce & being used in administrative offices were diverted from offices to field units and mainly to in charge of BTS team. This issue was one of the important agenda points discussed in CEC Meeting Solapur and about all DS have given request for allotment of laptop for BTS Maintenance team of their SSAs.

Ø Accordingly, SNEA (I) MH has pursued this matter with different officers and now 37 brand new laptops will be available with the JTO/SDEs in charge of BTS Maintenance team.

Ø SNEA (I) MH conveys special thanks to Shri. M.K.Jain, then CGMT MH Circle for responding to this issue raised by SNEA (I) MH very positively and to Shri. Ashok Purohit Sr GM NWP CM Mumbai for understanding real difficulties faced by JTOs/SDEs in charge of GSM BTS Mtce team and important & most practical stand for issuing allotment directly by name of JTO/SDE in charge of GSM BTS maintenance team of SSA.

Ø Also care has been taken to keep these laptops with GSM BTS Maintenance team by issuing direction to handover the laptops to the substitute JTO/SDE for GSM BTS Maintenance team that means these laptops will be exclusively used for GSM BTS Maintenance team and not by senior officer because this is new laptop as it was followed in about all SSAs earlier days, which was objected & strongly opposed by SNEA (I) MH. Now GSM BTS Mtce teams will have to gear up and look into real issues of BTS Mtce promptly & to its root cause and ensure for best quality GSM services to esteemed BSNL customers.

Ø After resolution of issue of battery sets & New Cards for GSM BTS maintenance to certain extent, the allotment of 37 brand new & highly technical laptops directly to GSM BTS Mtce teams is next step of commitments by SNEA (I) for improvement of GSM services and we are confident all our filed officers will reciprocate it with improvement in quality of GSM services.  


1 SEP 15:  In continuation to the discussions held by SNEA (I) MH with Shri. G. K. Upadhay, CGMT MH Circle, on shortage of executives in Raigad SSA & for posting additional five SDEs/JTOs for Raigad SSA, two SDEs have been posted to Raigad SSA and these orders are at Own cost. Order I <<<>>>   Order II <<<>>> 

 In addition to these two SDEs, posting of one more DE in Raigad SSA is expected within day or two. This order will be relief to the executives held up in the Raigad SSA for more than 6-7 months after completion of their tenure and when order have been issued long back and it is ray of hope for posting substitute for the officers transferred without substitute from Raigad SSA and are not relieved by Raigad SSA due to acute shortage of Executives. Let us hope hence forth all transfer from Raigad SSA will be issued with proper substitute. This was one of the issues raised by Com. M.K.Thakur, DS SNEA (I) Raigad in our recent CEC Meeting at Solapur and even though demand is not fulfilled totally, this order will solve present crises in Raigad SSA to certain extent.  


 2 SEP 15: BSNL CO writes Circle heads for sending consolidated data and applications of request transfers on quarterly basis and assures to consider all requests on quarterly basis. Letter <<<>>>

    In Maharashtra Circle about 20 requests in SDE Cadre for out of Circle transfer are held up & about 4-5 SDEs under transfer from Maharashtra Circle are yet to be relieved. SNEA (I) MH has taken up this issue with Shri. Pravin Malhotra, Sr GM HR/Admn Mumbai and has assured to consider all pending requests for transfer/relieving to other Circle sympathetically and we are hopeful that as per this letter all such requests will be considered & sent to BSNL CO before end of this quarter.

But there is issue of relieving officers whose requests are not sent through proper channel and direct copies of individuals are entertained by BSNL CO,  in such cases which not routed through its Circle Office, the Maharashtra Circle has taken stand not to relieve these officers even though order have been issued by BSNL CO. We will also take up matter with competent authorities for relieving of officers under transfer, but all comrades are requested to follow guidelines issued by BSNL CO on this subject and send all request through proper channel and in cases there is reluctance from controlling officer/SSA Head to forwarding request, fresh representation addressed to CGMT MH along with copy of original request may sent with name & post of officer withholding request at any stage.   


 2 SEP 15: GS SNEA(I) CHQ writes to Director HR BNL Board for  Sympathetic consideration of the pay anomaly of TTAs recruited as JTOs in 2007 and 2008 batch as Dept Outsider in the Direct Recruitment  quota. Letter <<<>>>


 2 SEP 15: By quoting earlier guidelines on posting of SSA Heads on basis of revenue generation by SSAs,  BSNL CO calls for SSA wise Revenue figures of last three years including this year revenue generated along with the working strength of DGM,GM level officers in Circle offices and SSAs. Letter <<<>>>

       Let us hope that there is some rearrangement in present unbalanced condition of SSAs & Circle office Mumbai and vacant post of SSA Heads are filled up by competent level officers depending on revenue and some of officers enjoying in BSNL without any work are put on the task. SNEA (I) MH has already preliminary discussions on this subject with Shri. G.K. Upadhay,  CGMT MH and he has assured to have rearrangement of SSA Heads like Gadchiroli, Sindhudurg, Raigad, Buldhana, Chandrapur, Yavatmal, Osmanabad, Jalna etc SSAs and we are hopeful that CGMT MH will take action on these fresh guidelines and if required we will give detail feedback on this crucial issue for growth of BSNL. 


 2 SEP 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued second extension for present DE LA Arrangements and this time extension is issued till fresh order of DE LA is issued by Circle Office. The file for fresh DE LA as per revised seniority list No. 6 & 7 is under process & at final stage of decision and fresh DE LA orders are expected very shortly. Order <<<>>> 


 2 SEP 15: BSNL CO takes note of oppose by Unions of BSNL on outsourcing of Broadband services and keeps on hold at least to certain extent the present proposal for outsourcing of BSNL Broadband maintenance services. Letter <<<>>>


 2 SEP 15: Massive Dharna to be held at Corporate Office, Circle and District levels on 16.09.2015, against Subsidiary Tower Company formation: The Forum meeting which met today, has taken the decision to conduct massive Dharna at the Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels, against the decision of the Cabinet for formation of Subsidiary Tower Company. The meeting insisted that the government should give up its decision to form Subsidiary Tower Company. The meeting also decided to mobilise more than 1000 comrades in the Dharna to be conducted at the BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. All Circle and District secretaries are requested to organise the Dharna very effectively.


1 SEP 15: SNEA (I) MH Circle congratulates,  Com. B. B. Dethe, SDE Ahmednagar, on his superannuation retirement as on 31/08/2015 and wish him & his  family members “A Very Happy, Peaceful & Long Retired Life”.

Com. B. B. Dethe, SDE CSC Ahmednagar {9422050043} has started his carrier in CTO Mumbai & has rendered services as TGA Mumbai/Kolhapur, in different capacity of JTO & SDE in Kolhapur & Ahmednagar SSA. While working as SDE CSC Ahmednagar SSA, CSC Ahmednagar was awarded as “Best CSC” that to be for two time. Com. Dethe is very punctual & hard worker of their duties & is taking full responsibility of any given work He is die- hard member of SNEA (I) and has always taken active part on all activities on the platform of SNEA (I). 

SNEA (I) MH salutes sincerity, dedication and affection Com.B. B. Dethe towards BSNL and SNEA (I) and on behalf of thousands of Comrades of SNEA (I) Maharashtra Circle, we wish him and his family members “A Happy, Peaceful, Healthy & Long Retired Life”.


1 SEP 15:  DGM HR Mumbai completed one more formality of threatening SSA Heads that the officers under transfer were not relieved by SSA/Unit heads for prolonged period and same has been viewed seriously by competent authority & has instructed not to repeat it in future. Letter <<<>>>

·        These are mere official formalities completed by Shri. P.R.Sule, DGM HR Mumbai, and contradiction is rightly seen here itself as one side he threatens for viewing it seriously by competent authority and other side he is joking by issuing ERP relieving orders in two phases and other phase will be effective by 30/09/2015. Which means that till 30/09/2015 i.e. one more month, the concerned SSA Heads are given full scope to disobey the transfer order issued by Staff section and specially the warning instructions issued with signature of Shri. G. K. Upadhay, CGMT MH Circle. Letter  <<<>>>

·        This is best example how the SSA heads are neglecting serious instructions of respected CGMT MH Circle and have never even any fear of action on formal official & written warning issued by Circle Head as they also are aware that our present CGMT is very good & gentleman and now these SSA Heads have understood that even CGMT MH threatens for communication of displeasure in Month of May 2015, the SSA heads dares not to follow his so called serious instructions till Sept 2015 i.e. for three months. Now these SSA heads have prepared their mind that nothing is to be done on their part for following transfer orders issued by Staff Section Mumbai and not to worry about relieving the officers even though CGMT threatens for communication of displeasure, and the transfer orders will be implemented only if action is taken by Circle office for ERP relieving.

·        This happens with the transfer orders issued before one year period, and even transfer orders are issued for officers who have completed tenure in April 2015, no action has been yet  initiated on their relieving, creating more difficulties to these executives working at tenure stations. 

·        We also should thank God to have such Gentleman Circle Head for Maharashtra Circle, but only fear in this that SSA Heads will take all instructions from CGMT MH in similar joking manner and it may affect the growth of Maharashtra Circle for which our CGMT MH is much concerned. But when we have to be good & maintain harmonious relations then there is nothing like CGMT & SSA Heads and it is just co-ordial and friendly relations, which we are witnessing now in this holy month of “Sharavan”.

·        We beg pardon for Comrades working at tenure stations, who are held up for period of more than 7-8 months after completion of Circle tenure at tenure stations and not relieved by SSA Heads even though CGMT has threatened for serious action against concerned SSA Heads. Similarly we beg pardon for the officers from non tenure station who are ready to join on transfer, but are not relieved by SSA heads/Controlling officers for known /unknown reasons. But comrades, for harmony between SSA Heads & CGMT MH, these comrades will have to scarify one more month, and bear with the difficulties faced by them & their family members.

·        But at this stage, one should be happy that the process of implementation of long pending transfer orders has taken one step ahead and hopefully within one month, many of these transfer orders will be implemented.  


 1 SEP 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for ERP relieving of Officers under transfer from different SSAs, but not relieved by SSAs & now all these officers are relieved in two phase and first phase of ERP relieving has been implemented on 31/08/2015 & second phase of relieving will be done on 30/09/2015. Order <<<>>> 


 1 SEP 15: AGM Staff Mumbai published long stay list of all DEs working in Maharashtra Circle & having age less than 55 Years as on 31/03/2016 & this time including stay of MTNL Mumbai & has called for details of corrections of stay particulars latest by 05/09/2015. Letter <<<>>> 


 1 SEP 15:  Editorial Sept 2015 <<<>>>