Last updated
on 01 JUNE 16
JUNE 16: BSNL has launched “Free to Home Service”. BSNL mobile customers can now divert their incoming calls
to their landline while at home or office without any extra charge. CO issued
Press Release in this regard. Letter<<>>
JUNE 16: CAO FC calls for VCs of eligible officers
for L/A promotion in the grade of DGM. Letter<<>>
JUNE 16: DGM CA-I circulates new procedure for
account opening in case of Temporary Advance for executives. The process is
simplified as now the Controlling Officer himself can counter signed the
account opening form and other related documents which were earlier required to
be countersigned by SSA Head. Letter<<>>
JUNE 16: AGM Staff issues inter-circle transfer order
in the cadre of SDE. Transfer order from MH circle to WTR circle. Letter<<>>
JUNE 16: AGM Staff issues order for AGM L/A arrangement and posting. Letter<<>>
31 MAY 16: SNEA MH congratulates Com.D.N.Ambhore DGM
Kalyan {9422880009}
and Com. Shri S.S.Padghan AGM
Akola {9422959933} on
their superannuation on 31/05/2016 and wish them a “Peaceful and Happy Retirement Life”.
Com. D.N. Ambhore- Joined in
DOT as a JE in 1982 at Goa and there after worked at Buldhana
and Goa SSA on various post JTO/SDE/DE between 1984 to 2013. Finally
Transferred to Kalyan SSA On promotion to DGM where
he served as DGM (Mobile), DGM (Operation),
DGM (Vasai) and DGM(Kalyan). He had served DOT & BSNL with complete devotion and
dedication. Also he is die- hard member of SNEA and has always taken
active part on all activities on the platform of SNEA. Com D N Ambhore retires on his superannuation after completion of
34 years of service.
Com S S Padghan-
Working as AGM (Plg
& Admin) Akola has completed 33 years of his service in DoT
and BSNL and has rendered his service in Akola, Wardha
and Ratnagiri SSAs. He is well known for his obedient behavior and is very
sincere towards his duties. Starting his career as Junior Engineer in May 1984
as JE Instln at Guwahati
then got transferred to Akola SSA in 1986 where he rendered his service in
Outdoor, OFC, Admn, and Planning Section of Akola
SSA. While working in Dapoli, Ratnagiri SSA during
2010 to 2013 his extra ordinary work of installation of 105 G4 MUX was highly
appreciated that enhanced the revenue of the SSA. He is also an active member
of SNEA, Com. S.S. Padghan retires on superannuation
and till the last day of his retirement he continues with his duties with same
sincerity and dedication.
MAY 16: SNEA MH congratulates Com. S.R.Patil, AGM (L&B) Mumbai {9423977177}, Com. K.B Yadav AD(CRM) EB-Mumbai
{9423986102), Com S G Medhe AD (CPC-IV)-Mumbai
{9422477566) and Com A E Pawar JTO( CPC) Mumbai {9423977555) on their superannuation on 31/05/2016 and
wish them a “Peaceful and Happy Retirement Life”.
Com S R Patil AGM (L&B)- has started his carrier in Jalgaon SSA and
work as a JTO/SDE in different units
then he was transferred to Circle office Mumbai as SDE EB. Before
retirement he is working as AGM (L&B) Mumbai. He was also holding the
charge of DGM (L&B ) for 4 months.
Com K B Yadav-
Joined as
Sorting assistant in Depot of Post in 1981 in Mumbai. Then he joined DOT as
transmission assistant and worked in Kalyan and Raigad.
He was promoted as JTO
in 1993 through Competitive exam and posted in CO Mumbai. He was
then promoted to the grade of SDE in Kalyan SSA and
worked in various
sections as SDE. In 2011 he was posted in CO Mumbai as AD CRM in
EB section. He has completed total 40 years of service and was fully devoted
and committed to SNEA since beginning and till his retirement.
Com S G Medhe-
Joined as a
Technician at Satara in 1979, he then joined department as phone inspector in Kalyan SSA. He was then promoted as JTO and worked in Raigad and Kalyan and then was
promoted as SDE A/T. He was then transferred to Circle office as SDE CDMA.
Before retirement he is working as AD CPC-IV in CPC section Mumbai. He has
always been a devoted and active member of SNEA Mumbai.
Com A E Pawar- Joined
the department as Permanent Majdoor in 1976. He was
promoted as technician in 1982 in Jalgaon SSA. He was given the Best
Technician award in 1996 and also Sanchar Sarathi
Award. After promotion to TTA he was posted in IT section and became the
founder member of IT Cell of Jalgaon SSA, he worked very hard and gained the
knowledge of computers as well as networking and successfully managed his work
in IT section. He was promoted as JTO in 2008 since then he is working in CPC
section till his retirement.
On behalf of thousands of Comrades
of SNEA, we once again wish all of them
“A Happy, Peaceful, Healthy & Long Retired Life”.
MAY 16: SNEA MH congratulates Com Baban.S.Jiwane, SDE(LA) Rajura
SDCA, Chandrapur, Com N B Koli SDE (MDF and
P/P) Ahmednagar on their superannuation on 31/05/2016
and wish them a “Peaceful and Happy Retirement Life”.
Com Baban S Jiwane- Ex-District treasurer of SNEA Chandrapur division is the senior most & founder member
of SNEA Chandrapur division. He started his carrier
as casual labour in 1974 in Nagpur division. After
passing the exam he got posted as Lineman telegraph in 1978.Again he cleared
the departmental exam & got promoted to telephone technician in 1984 and
got posted at Ballarpur.In 1997. Further he got
promoted to TTA after passing the departmental exam and served at Ballarpur .In
year 2000 he again cleared the promotion exam and became JTO in 2001 and served
as JTO E-10-B at Chandrapur till 2009 and as JTO
group at Gadchandur (Rajura)
till March 2016. In March 2016 he got promoted to SDE (LA).In this way he
shaped his carrier by his firm determination & hard work, clearing all the
hurdles in the way, has set a great example & role model for many. He has
served the department for 42 long years.
CIRCLE salutes the devotion, dedication & unmatchable enthusiasm of
Com. Baban Jiwane, that he has attended every District level, Circle
level & All India level conference of SNEA since 2003 including various
CECs & GB MEETs till his retirement. We wish him best of luck for
his second innings of life with good health, happy & peaceful long life.
Com N B Koli- Started his carrier in DOT as TO
& has rendered services in different capacity of TO, JTO & SDE in Beed, Raigad & Ahmednagar SSA. He is very punctual & hard worker in
his duties & had always taken full responsibility of any given work. He is
die- hard member of SNEA and has always taken active part on all activities on
the platform of SNEA.
SNEA Maharashtra Circle salutes
sincerity, dedication and affection Com. N.B Koli
towards DOT/DTS/BSNL and SNEA and on behalf of thousands of Comrades of SNEA,
we wish him and his family members “A Happy, Peaceful, Healthy & Long Retired
MAY 16: AGM Estt. calls upon ACRs of DR JTOs whose confirmation is pending in
JTO cadre due to various reasons. In all such cases ACRs and VCs are to be sent
by 10/6/2016 to AD HRD-I. Letter<<>>
MAY 16: CAO FC issues posting orders for DR JAOs after
completion of induction training. Letter<<>>
MAY 16: GM HR and Admin circulates waiting list for
Type II, Type III, Type IV and Special Type IV quarters in Mumbai area. Type II<<>>
MAY 16: BSNL CO issued orders for cancellation of request
transfer of SDEs promoted in LDCE and posted out of Maharashtra Circle, wherein
transfer of Com. Yogesh
Bhongle DS SNEA Ratnagiri & Com. Kishor Gaidhani
ADS SNEA Yavatal is cancelled. Letter <<<>>>
Both the cases were continuously
pursued by SNEA MH for last three years and both the officers were given
retention partially for one year and finally their transfer orders are now cancelled
once for all.
SNEA Maharashtra congratulates both
the comrades namely Com. Yogesh
Bhongle DS SNEA Ratnagiri
& Com. Kishor Gaidhani
ADS SNEA Yavatmal on cancellation of
their transfer orders and their retention in Maharashtra Circle & conveys
thanks and gratitude for keeping such prolonged faith on SNEA and keeping full
patience even when they were facing most difficult situations at different
intervals. Finally their struggle has yielded very positive and concrete
MAY 16: BSNL CO issued cancellation of request
transfer of SDEs as per revised requests of these officers in which the own
cost request transfer of Com.
S.A. Bhadane DS SNEA Nashik is cancelled. Letter
MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for
immediate relieving of total 27 executives in JTO, SDE & DE Cadre for which
orders were issued before June 2015 and not implemented till today for
different reasons. Letter <<<>>>
This order is issued to complete
process of relieving of old/pending orders before issuing fresh request transfer
orders as per waiting list of this year.
As per these orders concerned
officers are to be relieved by and if not relieved these officers will be
relieved through ERP on 01/06/2016.
MAY 16: By
taking serious note of non-relieving of many of the officers under transfer to
tenure stations for prolonged period and hardship to the executives held up at
tenure stations even after completion of prescribed tenure, the DGM HR Mumbai issued orders for relieving
of executives from tenure stations under transfer to tenure stations latest by
23/05/2016 i.e. today and if not relieved all the officers will be relived from
ERP and their next salary will be drawn after joining at tenure stations. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: On
the basis of interim orders from Hon CAT Chandigarh, BSNL CO declared the result
of LDCE held on 21/06/2015 for JTO to SDE Promotions under 33% Quota. Letter <<<>>>
OC Category List <<<>>> SC Category List <<<>>> ST Category List <<<>>
Though the LDCE was held on
21/06/2015, the results were not declared in view of pending court cases in Hon
CAT Chandigarh.
Total 1824 candidates are declared
successful against vacancies of in which 1443 are of OC Category, 288 are of ST
Category and 108 are from ST Category.
These is
only declaration of results and actual posting will be done on final outcome of
court cases pending in Hon CAT Chandigarh.
Many of Maharashtra comrades have
been successful in this LDCE and majority are active members/leaders of SNEA.
SNEA Maharashtra congratulates all the successful candidates in this LDCE appreciates
their sincerity and efforts in successfully passing this LDCE in first attempt
and special congratulations to Com. Sachin Sarode ACS
East SNEA MH, Com. Mukund
Giri, DS Chandrapur,
Com. Mukesh Wadhwani,
ADS SNEA Kalyan, Com. Jayant Adawade DT
SNEA Nashik & Com. Sandeep Sonawani,
VP SNEA Bhandara for proving their
talent in leadership of SNEA as well as in personal carrier also.
MAY 16: As
per directions of Hon CAT Patna, the BSNL CO issued orders for postponement of
JTO LICE scheduled on 22/05/2016 in respect of only Bihar Circle. Letter <<<>>>
Though JTO LDCE is postponed for
Bihar Circle, there is no change in this LDCE being conducted in
Maharashtra Circle and all other Circles except Bihar
Ø SNEA Maharashtra conveys best wishes to all the candidates appearing
for this JTO LDCE, specially for candidates appearing for LDCE from Maharashtra
MAY 16: GS SNEA CHQ writes to GM Rest BSNL CO for counting
combines stay of recruiting and non-recruiting Circles while counting long stay
of SDEs & DEs for all India transfers. Letter <<<>>>
This is one of the resolutions passed in different
CECs & Circle Conferences of SNEA Maharashtra and is continuously pursued
with SNEA CHQ in different CWC Meetings now finally GS SNEA CHQ has taken its
note and submitted views in writing.
20 MAY 16: GS and CHQ President met Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR) and discussed the following issues: GM(Estt), GM(Pers), GM(Rect), Jt GM(Pers)
and DGM(Estt) were present.
a) Implementation of standard pay scales from 01.01.2007: We
strongly pleaded with DIR(HR) to consider our demand
of E2, E3, ....... E7 as discussed in the meeting held on 17.05.2016 with CMD
and DIR(HR). After discussion, DIR(HR)
assured that the matter will be considered positively before taking a final
decision as per our demand of E2, E3, .... E7. Immediately, DIR(HR)
directed GM(Estt) to process the proposal at the
earliest with all the relevant details along with the administrative decision
given on 11.05.2016 for implementation of E2, E3 pay scales so that management
can take a final decision before sending it to Management Committee.
b) Declaration of results of LDCE: Assn requested to declare
the results at the earliest since the stay is vacated by Hon CAT, Chandigarh. DIR(HR) directed GM(Pers) and GM(Rect) to take immediate action. They are trying to get the
clearance from GM(Legal) today itself.
c) Allotment of JTO and TTA posts to Circles having acute shortage.
Assn requested review the allotment based on the actual requirement and to meet
the shortage of unpopular Circles like tenure Circles, Bihar, CHG, JKD, WB,
etc. DIR(HR) assured to examine the case.
One Day Dharana on 11 May 16 <<<>>>
MAY 16: AGM Admn Mumbai
declared the winners of Vishishta Sanchar Sewa Padak 2015 under
different Categories. Letter <<<>>>
Though these awards were finalised
before long back same were not declared as the Sanchar Sewa
Padak Awards were not declared by BSNL CO for last
eight Months.
SNEA MH congratulations all winners
of this prestigious Circle level awards in BSNL and appreciates
their devotion and special contribution to the BSNL.
SNEA MH feels proud that Com. R. R. Somani SDE
Akola, Com. S.S. Kashikar JTO
ITPC Pune, the award winner in the executive Category are not
only active Members of SNEA but are leading SNEA from front viz. Com. R. R. Somani is
District President SNEA Akola and Com. S.S. Kashikar is Organisational
Secretary SNEA ITPC Pune.
MAY 16: GM Finance Mumbai writes to ERP core team
at Ghaziabad for deduction of contribution for Maharashtra Chief Minister’s draught
relief fund from salary of all willing SNEA members. Letter <<<>>>
Till today all District Secretary
/COBs/Activists of SNEA throughout Maharashtra have taken special efforts
With this letter technical formality
and incorporation ERP will be done and the deduction will be done form The salary of May 2016. Other details will be uploaded
MAY 16: AGM NWO-CM Mumbai issued guidelines for
maintenance of BTSs / Node-Bs and calls for information regarding scrapping of old
AC units and procurement of the same. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: BSNL CO declared Best CSC Award 2015 and it
goes to Civil Lines CSC, of Akola SSA. Letter <<<>>>
SNEA MH congratulates all the staff and Officers
of Civil Line CSC Akola for such excellent work and grabbing National Level
Best CSC Award.
18 MAY 16:
After prolonged delay of eight months, BSNL CO declared long awaited Sanchar Sewa Awards of Year 2015. <<<>>>
SNEA MH congratulates al the winners
of Sachar Sewa Padak 2015 and specially congratulates to Com. Mrs. Rekha Dethankar,
Sr TOA Pune TD for
being winner under Non-Executive Category II.
These awards were to be given on
BSNL Day i.e. 01/10/2015 and are declared on World Telecom Day i.e. 17/05/2016, delay of Eight Months.
SNEA MH has raised concern about the
undue delay that to be without assigning any reason/status, anyhow at least
after eight months’ delay finally results have been declared.
18 MAY 16:
CAO FC Mumbai issued reminder for sending APARs of Year 2015-16 and revised
last date for sending APARs is 23/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
18 MAY 16:
Message of Shri. Anupam Shrivastav,
World Telecom day . <<<>>>
MAY 16: GS
writes Shri Bandaru Dattatreya,
Hon Minister for Labour demanding amendment to the Gratuity Act to remove the
maximum ceiling for Payment of Gratuity.
deferred the Relay Hunger Strike from 18-20, May, 2016.
Appeal from BSNL Management <<<>>>
MAY 16: Congratulations!!!! Comrades, our unity and commitment leading to resolution of the long
pending issues: In
view of the Relay Hunger Strike from tomorrow onwards, CMD and DIR(HR) called SNEA for detailed discussion on various HR
issues as decided in the meeting held on 13.05.2016. From Assn side GS,
President, AGS and Jt Sec attended the meeting. GM (Pers), GM(Estt),
GM(SR), Addl GM(Pers) and
DGM(Estt) was present in the meeting.
Ø At the outset CMD told that he had
taken it very seriously that a very responsible Assn like SNEA gone for
agitation at a very crucial period. This year is very crucial for BSNL as 3rd PRC is fully depending on this years performance. All the issues
will be resolved in a time bound manner, CMD assured.
and President explained the compulsion of the Assn to serve notice as no
decision is taken on Joint Committee recommendations even after 7 months even
though all the three Assns given a unanimous recommendation, thousands of JTOs,
JAOs, SDEs, AOs officiated as SDE, AO, DE, CAO in DoT and BSNL before
19.02.2010 are facing recovery and reduction of pay due to wrong
clarifications, on 30% superannuation the assurances are not followed, notional
pay for Civil/Elect etc not considered so far etc giving an impression that
management is not serious on resolving the issues. Even though the time
schedule given after the meeting with DIR(HR) is reasonable, Assn want concrete
action plan how the issues are going to be resolved within the target dates:
Ø After that discussions held on various agenda items:
1. Implementation
of Joint Committee recommendations on:
Standard pay scales of E2, E3 replacing
E1A and E2A: Assn
strongly pleaded for its early implementation as 3rd PRC is fast approaching. Already there
is a unanimous opinion in the Khan Committee on the issue and hence there is no
justification for delaying the matter further. The five assured promotions
should not be disturbed. The cascading effect also to be considered from E3 to
E4, E4 to E5, E5 to E6 and E6 to E7, Assn demanded. On this CMD informed that
there is an additional financial implication of more than 200 Cores for this
alone and DoT may not agree for change of all the pay scales. After
detailed discussion, CMD assured that first, Khan Committee recommendation will
be implemented by replacing E1A to E2 and E2A to E3 by making necessary changes
in the EPP to protect the five TB promotions and it will not be linked with
cascading factor. It will be taken to MC and approved latest by 31st May, as
assured. CMD categorically assured that it is the
responsibility of BSNL management to get it approved from DoT and he personally
taken the responsibility for that. On
our repeated pleading for cascading effect from E3 to E4, E4 to E5, E5 to E6
and E6 to E7, CMD assured that it will be considered after this.
Time Bound Functional promotion or
CPSU cadre hierarchy:
Uniform TBP between 4 to 5 years
instead of 4 to 6 years w.e.f 01.10.2000:
Assn strongly protested as this issue was not even reflected in the letter on
action plan on various issues. GM(Pers)
explained that it is linked with CPSU and will be processed after that and
hence not shown as a separate item. Assn explained that this can be settled
earlier itself and it has to be implemented w.e.f.
01.10.2000. Since CPSU related work is already started, finally it was assured
that it will be processed immediately after that. Necessary correction in the
action plan also will be made.
Officiating pay fixation, pay
protection – withdrawal of wrong clarifications issued on 30.05.2007 and
19.02.2010: Assn explained the issue in detail. Management side maintained
that a committee examined the matter and found that the orders/clarifications
are correct. Now after submission of further data, mgt agreed that it will be
re-examined based on the additional inputs given by the Assn like MC Note, Hon
SC orders, FRSR etc. Assn demanded that since the clarifications are wrong and
it is against the provisions of EPP order dated 18.01.2007 and FRSR, it has to be withdrawn immediately. Pay protection is
provided under FRSR and as long as FRSR is followed in BSNL, it cannot take a
contradictory stand. Thousands of SDEs, AOs, DEs and CAOs are facing pay
reduction and recovery by the wrong clarification.
30% Superannuation benefit to BSNL
recruited Employees: As assured in the
meeting with DIR(HR), the contribution will be worked
out after the recalculation of the medical expenditure.
Membership verification among
Executives Associations by addressing the issues raised.
Restoration of trade union facilities and deduction of subscription from Salary
till membership verification is conducted: Mgt side explained
that salary deduction cannot be implemented as it will influence the
verification. Then Assn demanded that the verification has to be done as
notified earlier and there is no stay on the verification as claimed by the
mgt. On this CMD and DIR(HR)
responded very positively and directed concerned officers to take all necessary
actions to complete the verification at the earliest in a time bound manner.
Finally, management decided to conduct the membership verification due to our
struggle. This will be another breakthrough.
Promotions in different wings from
JTO to SDE, JAO to AO, SDE to DE/EE, AAO to CAO and DE to DGM:
DIR(HR) informed that all efforts are being taken to
resolve the court cases. A senior lawyer from Hon Supreme Court is deputed to Ernakulam for final arguments. Similarly other cases also
will be dealt.
Notional pay of E1A and E2A for
Civil/Elect wings w.e.f 01.10.2000: Assn
explained the Vinai Shahi
Committee report, BSNL Board decision etc. Earlier it was linked with JAO pay
scales but now it is settled for JAO in isolation. But only for Civil/Elect
wings Executives, E1A and E2A pay scales are not implemented. BSNL policy is a)
uniform promotion policy and b) uniform pay scales for all the equivalent
cadres in different wings. To have uniform pay scales of E1A and E2A for all
the JTO/JAOs and SDE/AOs it has to be implemented for Civil/Elect etc wings
also w.e.f 01.10.2000. After discussion CMD directed concerned
officers to settle the issue favourably ensuring uniform pay scales for all the
Executives w.e.f 01.10.2000. This issue was pending
for years together and after the intervention of CMD and DIR(HR),
it is getting settled. This is another major breakthrough in todays meeting.
First Time Bound Promotion after 4
years from Lateral JTO and Sr SDE grades as done in
the case of AAO and Sr AO grades: It
is decided to examine the case as per earlier discussion. Assn clearly told
that it will not tolerate any discrimination. Management assured that there
will not be any discrimination and the whole issue will be examined in totality
as per the time schedule.
Our struggle will ensure that the JTO/JAOs
recruited after 01.1.2007, i.e. 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 and future recruits
getting E2 scale starting with Rs 20600. This will set the stage for
implementation of 3rd PRC. When the others tried their best
to derail the issue by raising irrelevant things, our struggle saved the issue.
17 MAY 16: Relay Hunger Strike on 18th, 19th and 20th may 2016 at
Circle/SSA HQs: Make
extensive preparations to make the Relay Hunger Strike successful. Our demand of
standard pay scales of E2, E3 with five promotions (with or without cascading
effect) for the JTO/JAOs recruited after 01.01.2007 should settle before
constitution of 3rd PRC. Settlement of CPSU cadre Hierarchy, 1st TBP,
30% superannuation benefit with minimum 6% as promised, Officiating pay
protection, Notional pay of E1A and E2A w.e.f
01.10.2000 for Civil/Elect etc etc are fully depends
upon the success of our struggle. All Executives are requested to join this
movement for the upliftment of the cadres.
17 MAY 16: SSA wise working Executive Staff Strength of
Maharashtra Circle as on 16/05/2016. <<<>>>
17 MAY 16: As per instructions from BSNL CO, “Swachh
Bharat Pakhawada” will be celebrated in all BSNL
offices from 16/05/2016 to 3105/2016 under Swachh
Bharat Mission. Letter <<<>>>
17 MAY 16: AGM EB Pune issued clarification that One Time
Settlement Scheme is applicable to MKS New post-paid customers disconnected for
non-payment but who have not yet ported out.
Letter <<<>>>
17 MAY 16: EE HQ Mumbai issued orders for Own Cost request
transfer of three JTOs and posted three
substitutes in the Interest of service. Letter <<<>>>
This is in
continuation of meeting of SNEA MH delegation with Shri. Mukesh Bhargava
Pr C Civil Mumbai on
22/04/2016, wherein we had detail discussions on different HR issues of Civil
Wing Comrades and discussed for early consideration of request transfers as per
the transfer policy.
It was also
decided that all transfer orders of Civil wing also will
be uploaded on MH intranet & copies also will be marked the associations,
but it seems that same is not taken
care. We will take up matter again for same.
· SNEA MH conveys sincere thanks to Shri. Mukesh Bargava Pr CE
Civil Mumbai, Shri. K.D. Raulkar EE HQ
Mumbai for kind consideration of these request transfers as
per the transfer policy guidelines.
17 MAY 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued posting orders of three JAOs on
completion of Phase II JAO Training in which request of two comrades as pursued
by SNEA MH have been given consideration by posting them at choice station. Letter <<<>>>
SNEA MH conveys
thanks to Com. V. N. Dhage, GM Fin Mumbai, Com. Mrs. Shridevi, DGM FC Mumbai, Com. H. K. Joshi, CAO FC Mumbai
and Com. Laxmi Ganeshan AO FC
Mumbai for considering these requests.
work of consolidating/updating data of stay particulars of executives is still
going on and non-availability of correct data has become major hurdle in
consideration of other request transfers of Finance wing executives.
We are confident
that in similar manner all the pending request transfers of all executives in
Account wing will be considered very shortly.
For any issue
with pending request transfers of Account/Finance wing Officers, concerned
executives may contact Com. Laxmi Ganeshan AO FC Mumbai (022-26467472) or Com. Omprakash, Joint
Secretary Account Finance SNEA MH (9423991989) & get update information.
17 MAY 16: After VCs & Special reports, now AD HRD Mumbai
calls for APARs for the proposed DPC for promotion from PA to PS cadre under
67% quota and last date for submission of APARs
is 24/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
17 MAY 16: NCOA starting
organizational programmes demanding constitution of 3rd PRC:
FAX to Secretary/DPE with copy to Hon Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary by
the General Secretaries.
Demonstration in front of DPE office, New Delhi
One day Dharana in front of DPE Office, New Delhi.
March to DPE Office, New Delhi.
17 MAY 16: CO issued new data tariff for all zones. Specially
formulated night data STVs ranging from Rs 3 to Rs 63 with validity from 1 day
to 28 days. Letter <<<>>>
17 MAY 16: DGM IT Mumbai calls for nominations of maximum two
executives for training in MS OFFICE 2013 at various training centres and Nominations to be sent
before 20/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
16 MAY 16: Shri. Devendra Fadnavis, Chief
Minister, Maharashtra State in a special Message appreciates efforts by
team BSNL Nagpur under guidance of CGMT MH Circle for providing Internet
Connectivity to Five Villages in Nagpur SSA as desired by him. Letter <<<>>>
Nagpur is first
SSA to grab this opportunity to provide internet connectivity through Wi-Fi in
these Five villages through Hon MP Fund under the able leadership of Shri. R.N. Patel, then PGMT Nagpur
& present CGMT Chhattisgarh.
CM Maharashtra
marks it as first step of towards his dream for providing internet connectivity
to all villages in Maharashtra State.
By this initiatives BSNL has opened doors for good telecom business
in rural area and taking important step towards adding more and more rural
customers and as per appeal all villages in Maharashtra state are to be
provided Internet Connectivity as dream project.
· SNEA MH congratulates team of Officers and Staff of
Nagpur SSA involved in this project and specially
to Shri. R.N. Patel,
then PGMT Nagpur, pioneer of this project for
their role in such an important activity for penetration of Internet
Connectivity in Rural area and adding more and more customers in BSNL network.
16 MAY 16: Shri. N.K. Mehta Director
EB BSNL writes DO letter to Shri. G.K. Upadhyay, CGMT MH Circle
appreciating efforts by team EB Mumbai in achieving more than 100% Enterprise Target. Letter <<<>>>
EB Mumbai team
was assigned target of Rs 550 Crore against which
this great Team has earned Rs. 552 Cores
i.e. Rs. Two cores more than the yearly target and has achieved more 100 %
In this letter,
Director EB specially appreciates the special efforts taken by Shri. Sunil Garg, GM EB Platinum Mumbai & his team for achieving
the targets.
He further
appeals for more efforts with new zeal and enthusiasm for achieving the targets
and new Business during Year 2016-17.
It is important
that Joint Action Committee Maharashtra Circle comparing BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL and SNEA has raised concerned
over the posting of GM EB having sufficient time in hand and these are the
results which are appreciated by Director EB BSNL.
congratulates CGMT MH, GM EB Platinum Mumbai, the entire team of Officers and
staff of EB Mumbai for their sincere and devoted contribution to Enterprise
Business and achieving such high targets.
16 MAY 16: Shri. N.K. Mehta Director
EB BSNL writes DO letter to Shri. G.K. Upadhyay, CGMT MH Circle
appreciating efforts by team EB Pune in
achieving 100% Enterprise Target. Letter <<<>>>
EB Pune team was assigned
target of Rs 85 Cores and has achieved 100 % Targets.
Director EB
specially appreciates the special efforts taken by Shri. K. S. Ahirwar GM, GM EB Platinum Pune & his EB team Pune for
achieving the targets.
He further
appeals for similar efforts for achieving the targets and new Business during
Year 2016-17.
congratulates CGMT MH, GM EB Platinum Pune, the entire team of Officers and
staff of EB Pune for their sincere and devoted contribution to Enterprise
Business and achieving the targets.
MAY 16: In continuation of strategic decision to replace all
ITS officers from the posts of HR/Admn, now BSNL CO
issued orders for replacing GM HR/Admn Mumbai
Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
This order is
issued two & half month advance as this order will be effective only after
Shri. Kumar
Manoj, GM L&B Mumbai & CE Civil is posted as GM HR/Admn Mumbai replacing Shri. Sandeep K. Agrawal present GM HR/Admn Mumbai
As per this order
Shri. Sandeep K. Agrawal GM HR/Admn Mumbai is posted as GM NWO CFA Mumbai in place of
Shri. Pravin Malhotra PGM
NWP CFA Mumbai on his superannuation retirement.
Shri. Sandeep K. Agrawal will be third GM level officer transferred from post
of GM HR/Admn Mumbai before completion of his
term/tenure and posted as GM NWO CFA Mumbai as earlier also Shri. B. K. Agrawal, Shri. Pravin Malhotra, were transferred and posted from GM HR/Admn Mumbai to GM NWO CFA Mumbai. This time also this bad
tradition has been maintained by BSNL Corporate office and continued with its
causal approach while posting senior officers in Maharashtra Circle.
Shri. Sandeep K. Agarwal was posted as GM HR/Admn
Mumbai just few months back and now he has taken over grip of the HR issues of
Maharashtra Circle and all off sudden he is
transferred from this important post related to HR issues of majority of
comrades in Maharashtra Circle.
BSNL Corporate
office is always playing politics while posting CGMs and GM HR/Admn Mumbai and internal enmities are always given priority
over the priorities of BSNL
It was quiet
possible to post Shri. Kumar Manoj as GM HR/Admn Mumbai before
posting of Shri. Sandeep Agrawal as policy of
replacing ITS officers from GM HR/Admn posts was
started before this action and many of the ITS officers working at HR/Admn including DGM/GM Pers BSNL
CO were replaced long back
It was also
possible that the orders would have been issued just before its implementation
date and under what circumstances these orders are issued two and half month
also smells something wrong as such advance order may disturb present smooth
working system.
But while
replacing GM HR/Admn for Maharashtra Circle it was
delayed for unknown reasons even though one change has been effected in between
and thus one more officers is humiliated by transferring him from the post of
GM HR/ Admn Mumbai while he also was doing his best
on resolution of HR issues of Maharashtra Circle.
Let us hope that
at least after this posting BSNL Corporate office stops politics/ Gimmicks in
posting of GM HR/Admn Mumbai & humiliation of
officers on post GM HR/Admn Mumbai and mainly
maintain their dignity & respect and give free hand and ample time to
understand the HR issues to the proper depth and to resolve the issues to its
root cause.
16 MAY 16: BSNL CO calls for nominations of “Bharat Sanchar Sewa Padak & Vishistha Sanchar Sewa Padak Awards 2016” for meritorious/exemplary BSNL employees /officers for
their performance in Year 2015 and last date of receipt of nominations by
Circles is 30/06/2016. Letter <<<>>>
When the decision
on finalisation of Bharat Sanchar Sewa Padak & Vishistha Sanchar Sewa Padak Awards of Year 2015
which was to be done in Sept 2015 is not yet completed, BSNL CO has called for
fresh nominations for Year 2016 and neither reasons for delay nor the decision
has been taken finalisation of the awards keeping the nominees under tension
for prolonged period.
Hope before
finalisation of nominations of Year 2016, BSNL CO declares the awardees of Year
2015 and clears louds of uncertainty on such most
respected & prestigious awards in BSNL.
16 MAY 16: BSNL CO calls for missing APRs and disclosure
certificates of APRs in respect of left out officers for their DGM Adhoc promotion. Letter <<<>>>
16 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued orders for posting of Shri. Deepak Kashyap, IRTS Officer as Chief Vigilance Officer, BSNL for
period of three years. Letter <<<>>>
16 MAY 16: AGM S &M Mumbai endorsed BSNL CO letter for
revised and single page Customer Application Form (CAF) for landline customers.
Letter <<<>>>
14 MAY 16:
Meeting with CMD, BSNL on 13.05.2016: CMD
BSNL had a brief meeting with GSs of SNEA, AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA. Even though we
are not interested for a combined meeting, after continues request, GS attended
the meeting. CMD sought the opinion of the Assns on two issues:
1. Implementation of Khan Committee recommendation on
standard pay scales of E2, E3: First
AIBSNLEA told their view that as per the recommendation; E1A should be replaced
by E2 and E2A by E3. Anomalies if any should be settled later by changes in the
EPP after implementation.
SNEA reiterated
its stand that the committee recommendation is to be implemented in totality from
the beginning. It can be implemented in two ways: a) with cascading effect: E2(JTO), E3(SDE), E4(Sr SDE),
E5(DE), E6(DGM) and E7(SG DGM), in that case no change is required in EPP which
was our original demand or b) by simply replacing E1A with E2 and E2A with E3. i.e. E2(JTO), E3(SDE), E3(Sr SDE),
E4(DE), E5(DGM), E6(SG DGM) with necessary changes in EPP as recommended by
Khan committee to protect five promotions and anomalies.
As per Khan Committee,
one Executive has to work in E3 (pre-revised E2A) scale in SDE grade for 5
years and in Sr SDE grade for 5 years in the same E3
(pre-revised E3) scale already approved by DoT. In other words, on Khan
Committee implementation also, one Executive has to work in E3 scale for 10
years, 5 years as SDE and 5 years as Sr SDE.
Since mgmt is not
ready to implement the first option with cascading effect, the second option is acceptable to us to
resolve the issue provided management is ensuring promotion and fixation
benefit from SDE to Sr SDE in the same E3 scale after
5 years, GS
As per Khan
Committee recommendation, one executive has to work 5 years as SDE in E3 scale
and 5 years as Sr SDE in E3 scale. If Khan
Committee felt that an Executive has to work only 5 years in E3 scale, it would
not have recommended E2A to E3 scale again, since E3 scale was already approved
by DoT in 2009 itself as replacement scale for pre-revised E3 for the Sr SDE/Sr AO. Only E1A to E2 was
sufficient. Both Assns should have demanded only E1A to E2. Then
why simply creating confusion now, we could not understand. Is it a calculated
move to derail its implementation?
2. Management Trainee Recruitment: There is no requirement of Extl
MT as abundant talent is available within the company. Thousands of
highly talented and experienced Executives are available within BSNL. MT (Intl)
is a fast track promotion for the meritorious candidates, another fast track
promotion like LDCE. The rect should be completed at
the earliest as the candidates already lost one precious year due to the delay.
The number can be increased from 150 to 300, About 11,000 Executives applied
for the MT (Intl) rect, GS told. More than the
employees, it is the requirement of the company to build a top management from
among the potential talent within BSNL as ITS officers are leaving BSNL and
there will be total vacuum at GM/CGM level. GS told CMD that SNEA and AIBSNLEA
fought for eligibility to all the Executives of BSNL for appearing in the MT
(Intl) exam by launching agitation and even fought legal battle at Ernakulum
and PCAT New Delhi and now they had taken a U Turn on the issue. SNEA always
stood on principles and continue with that.
Since there is
no further improvement on the issues, all efforts are to be made to make the
Relay Hunger Strike from 18-20, May 2016 a grand success.
13 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued with immediate effect orders for change
in the designation of five non-executive cadres without any change in
responsibilities/pay scales and hence forth the TTAs will be called as “Junior
Engineers”. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: DGM FC Mumbai writes for expeditious settlement of
medical claims/bills and all medical claims are to be submitted within six
months of medical treatment. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders withdrawing the
abeyance orders in case of transfer of Com. S. P. Rankhambe AGM S&M Mumbai
which was kept in abeyance earlier. SNEA MH has again put on records and facts
and after understanding realities, GM HR/Admn Mumbai
has taken immediate corrective action. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued DGM posting orders on
incumbent joining MH Circle on request transfer. Letter <<<>>>
CGMT Maharashtra Circle
is highly pleased to post excess DGMs for Pune SSA and with this posting total
13 DGMs are posted to Pune SSA against 12 sanctioned posts of DGMs.
Now even the
small unit like RTCC Pune which was headed by DE for years together that to be
with looking After DE is now headed by Add GM level
It is disgusting
to know that in Pune SSA that when two Add GMs are given Charge of GMs one Add
GM is given Charge of DE may be due fact that there is shortage of GMs and DEs
in Pune SSA.
This may be due
to the disputes among certain officers in Pune SSA and their approach to CGMT
MH Circle, but it is loss of the high level BSNL manpower.
In recent past Director
HR has written special letter for proper utilization of DGM level officers, but
it seems that these instructions of Director HR are not applicable to CGMT MH
and Maharashtra Circle.
When there is
shortage of DGMs in many of SSAs, how CGMT MH and his office is pleased to post
more than sanctioned post DGMs to Pune needs special understanding and depth of
the issue.
We fear that if
manpower is not utilised properly then it will take Pune SSA to more negative
performance as the salary & office expenses of these higher level officers
will be additional burden for Pune SSA.
Let us hope with
this over pleased actions of CGMT MH Circle, the Pune SSA also grow with over
faster rate with proper utilisation of manpower with uniform application of
ideas of responsibility at particular time and it is need of time otherwise
it will wastage of the pleasant approach of CGMT MH Circle towards Pune SSA.
MAY 16: AGM Estt Mumbai issued
orders for six week JTO Phase II Training at BRBRAIT Jabalpur for nine JTOs and
the training will commence from 30/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM Estt Mumbai calls for
Special reports & VC along with discrepancies if any in seniority, name,
caste in respect of 23 PAs for DPC for
their promotion as PS under 67% quota and last date for its submission is
17/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM EB Mumbai issued SSA wise targets for EB new
Business penetration Business during year 2016-17. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM EB Mumbai issued SSA wise targets for Gold/Silver
Business from existing customers during year 2016-17 and this time the Targets
assigned are four times than the achievements of year 201-16. Letter <<<>>>
13 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued reliving orders of DE on his
transfer to All India Hard tenure. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: Overwhelming Response to Full Day Dharana:
Hundreds of comrades of SNEA Maharashtra took active part
in one day Dharana held at each and every District of
Maharashtra Circle and supported the call given by SNEA CHQ for settlement of
HR issues.
response was overwhelming as some of executives who are not members of SNEA
also joined this call for genuine demands. Comrades have expressed their
feelings and given clear signal that management cannot play the future and life
of executives working in the BSNL. Some of comrades attended Dharana during full day and extended total support. Though
management has shown some concern and taken some initiatives for resolution of
the issues raised by SNEA, the comrades have expressed that we should not keep
in such trap of management of giving assurances and not keeping t and have
shown total commitment for the continuation of Dharana
and intensify t further till the demands are given reasonable conclusion by the
management and not just assurances as happened earlier.
MH conveys sincere thanks & gratitude to all the beloved comrades of SNEA throughout
Maharashtra Circle and salutes their dedication and devotion and unconditional
support to the call given by SNEA CHQ and appeals to intensify the struggle
with more spirit and same tempo and show the strongest unity to the management.
PHOTOS <<<>>>
11 MAY 16: In continuations to the discussions with director HR,
held today, BSNL management continues with prompt & immediate action and on
same day administrative approval is given by the competent authority to
implement E2, E3 pay scales replacing E1A and E2A. This is the direct impact of our agitation conducted
today. The proposal will
be placed before the MC of BSNL Board for approval.
11 MAY 16: Meeting with DIR (HR): As per the direction of CMD, BSNL, DIR (HR) invited
SNEA for the discussion in the morning around 10 AM. After the Dharana started at BSNLCO, the discussion started at 11.10
am and continued for one and half hours. GS, CHQ President and AGS
participated. During discussions, Assn clearly told management that sufficient
discussions were already held on the issues but no concrete decision has come.
In the name of consensus, issues are dragging. Already there is a consensus on some
of the issues and Joint Committee recommendations are made.
DIR (HR) informed that on
implementation of standard pay scales of E2 and E3 replacing intermediary pay
scales of E1A and E2A, Administrative decision will be taken today itself to implement the recommendations as it is. Assn once
again made its stand very clear that E2, E3 scales should be implemented
immediately from 01.01.2007 replacing E1A and E2A without disturbing the 5 time
bound promotions already Executives having as recommended by the Khan
Further discussions held on CPSU
Hierarchy, 1st TBP, Offtg pay protection, 30% superannuation, Ist TBP from JTO (LA) and Sr SDE
after 4 years, Notional pay scale of E1A and E2A for JTO/SDE(C/E) etc w.e.f 01.10.2000. On these issues, management is trying to
settle them in a time bound manner and the time schedule will be intimated to
all, DIR (HR) informed.
Comrades, we had
seen lot of assurances in the past also. This time we have to ensure that
management is taking concrete decisions to settle the issues. So, make
extensive preparations for the next programme from 18th to 20th May, 2016. Campaigning may be done by
making special GBs at SSA level. Our CSs and other office bearers should start
touring different locations.
MAY 16: SAD NEWS: With heavy
heart it is to inform that Com Dilip R Shinde JTO, Ratnagiri
SSA and in very
shocking incidence he was found dead at his residence at Chipulan
while he was at the age of 58 years.
Com Shinde was originally from Pune with native at Shirur,
promoted from TTA to JTO in year 2000 and was presently working at Lote, in Chiplaun SDCA of
Ratnagiri SSA and has completed two years tenure. His transfer orders were also
issued passed and today only his reliever has joined Ratnagiri SSA and shortly
Com. Shinde would have been relived for Pune but it
seems that destiny has different plan and he passed away before joning Pune SSA. The matter is being investigated and
reasons of his demise will come out.
On his joining
at Ratnagiri SSA before two years, Com Dilip Shinde JTO was posted as JTO Lote in Khed
SDCA. Lote is a biggest MIDC area in Ratnagiri SSA
with highest revenue earning Exchange in SSA. Com. Shinde
has maintained good telecom services with good relationship with
industrialists. Also he has completed NOFN work under his area in time bound
manner. Com. Shinde was die hard comrade of SNEA and
was sincere and very polite officer. He is survived with Wife and two daughters
residing at Pune.
SNEA MH prays
Almighty to give courage to the family members of late
Com. Dilip Shinde JTO to overcome
this period of crises and let the departed soul rest in heaven with peace.
11 MAY 16: One Day Dharana
the SNEA comrades throughout territory of Maharashtra Circle are requested to
take active part in Full Day Dharana today as per
call given by SNEA CHQ and make it grand success by participation of all
executives so that BSNL management understands the unrest among the executives
of BSNL against undue delay in settlement of long pending important HR issues
like promotions, pay scales, CPSU Hierarchy, First TBP in four years, pay
protection, membership verification, notional pay etc.
All DS, COB are requested to mobilise the executives, explain the issues and stand of
SNEA and see that every member of SNEA takes part in today’s Dharana. The photos of Dharana
may be please sent to Com. Mukesh Wadhwani, ADS SNEA Kalyan by email at, what’s
apps with some important details by 1700 hrs hours today.
Charter of demands:
Implementation of
Joint Committee recommendations on:
Standard pay
scales of E2, E3 replacing E1A and E2A,
Time Bound
Functional promotion or CPSU cadre hierarchy,
Uniform TBP
between 4 to 5 years instead of 4 to 6 years w.e.f
Superannuation benefit to BSNL recruited Employees.
Officiating pay
fixation, pay protection – withdrawal of wrong clarifications issued on
30.05.2007 and 19.02.2010.
Promotions in
different wings from JTO to SDE, JAO to AO, SDE to DE/EE, AAO to CAO and DE to
verification among Executives Associations by addressing the issues raised. Restoration of trade union facilities and deduction
of subscription from Salary till membership verification is conducted.
First Time Bound
Promotion after 4 years from Lateral JTO and Sr SDE
grades as done in the case of AAO and Sr AO grades.
Notional pay of
E1A and E2A for Civil/Elect wings w.e.f 01.10.2000.
MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued “pick
and choose” transfer
orders in respect of only two SDEs by keeping aside the entire waiting list and
their own transfer policy guidelines. Letter <<<>>>
It is really
painful to know that Circle management seems to adopt old practices of pick and
choose transfers.
In strange and may
be with malafide intention transfer order of only two
SDEs has been issued by over-ruling the waiting list of request transfers in
SDE cadre.
It is understood
that this pick and choose method has been adopted as per directions of CGMT MH
Circle and reasons for such special actions are hidden but it is really attack
on the equal treatment policy being adopted for long time to all the
When the file for
all the Non Tenure SSAs request transfers both in JTO & SDE cadres is
pending for last one month with different dramatic reasons , transfer order of
only these two SDEs , one from Akola to Nagpur and one from Yavatmal
to Amravati is issued without posting substitute.
Here it is matter
direct violations is seen as some of the officers who have joined Akola before
the officer under transfer are not given consideration, officers on top of the
waiting list for Nagpur & Amravati SSA are kept aside and these pick and
choose cases are given consideration.
It seems that
Circle management is not worried about the issues of masses and unrest thereof
like good number of executives held up at the Tenure stations for want of
relievers, non-implementation of hundreds of transfer orders issued over the
years and management seems to be interested in only such pick and choose cases
by keeping aside the ethics being followed by transparent management, which has
created unrest among the executives and it smells something wrong at this
registered protest against such pick & choose and
mainly biased approach of Circle management and naturally the concerned
officers were unable to answer the real reasons for such pick and choose
Anyhow, to cover
up these pick & choose transfers now the file for considering all pending
requests from Non tenure stations is processed and is now available with DGM HR
Let us hope that
all the pending request transfers of JTOs/SDEs from Non tenure stations are
given speed in similar manner and Circle management shows concern of equal
treatment for all executives and makes it clear that henceforth there will not
be any scope for such biased practices and all will be given equal treatment
and at least similar placed cases are given consideration on such consideration
of cases of special interest of some officers in Circle management.
10 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued posting order for Com. S. P. Chavan-Patil, SDE Gujarat Circle
and posted him to Kolhapur SSA and given consideration to inter SSA request
transfer of Com. Mrs. S. G. Dongarkhe, SDE Kolhapur to Satara SSA. Letter <<<>>>
10 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued request transfer of DGMs on completion
of two years all India hard tenure and Com. L.S. Gawade is
posted back to Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: BSNL CO issued transfer orders of Com. D.L. Barmal SDE from all India
Hard Tenure station, in J&K under NTR Circle is posted to ITPC Pune and Com. V.U.Joshi SDE Aurangabad is
posted substitute as per his request.
MAY 16: Meeting with CMD and DIR(HR):
GS, AGS and Jt Sec met Sri Anupam
Shrivastava, CMD(BSNL) and Smt
Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR) and extended our sincere
gratitude for the approval of 30%
superannuation benefits to BSNL direct rects with
initial contribution of 3% from BSNL, amendment to SDE RR clarifying the method
of seniority fixation in the ratio 2:1, E1+5 increment to the remaining
batches of JTO/JAO etc in the Board meeting held on 05.5.2016. We reminded
them about the assurance given to SNEA at Jaipur AIC
about 6% contribution. Both reassured that the percentage will be worked out
after the recalculation of the medical expenditure by the Fin wing and the
contribution will be enhanced accordingly as assured to SNEA.
9 MAY 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for relieving of AOs/SrAOs on their
request transfers out of Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for JAO Phase II training
for Four weeks from 09/05/2016 to 03/06/2016 at NATFM Hyderabad. Letter <<<>>>
16: BSNL CO issued
own cost request transfer order of Shri.
S.N. Parate, and posted him back to Maharashtra Circle as Chief
Engineer Civil MH East at Nagpur. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: AGM Estt Mumbai endorsed the
guidelines on every year declaration of assets and liabilities by Public
Servants under Lokapal & Lokayukta
Act 2013. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: By accepting
shortage of SIM cards, CGMT
MH Circle writes SSA Heads on poor achievements of SIM Sale during April 2016. Letter <<<>>>
16: While appreciation of more than 100% Targets for C
–Top Up Revenue by different SSAs during April 2016, CGMT MH Circle writes SSA Heads for bestowing efforts
for achieving targets in days to come. Letter <<<>>>
16: DGM CSC II Mumbai issued reminder letter for sending
data/declaration by individual employees for stipend paid to BSNL recruited
employees during pre-induction training.
Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued orders for looking after arrangements
for CVO BSNL and Shri. Anand
Khare, GM
ILD BSNL CO is given additional charge of CVO BSNL till further arrangement. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued directions to deal with the fake cases
of caste Certificates of SC ST and calls for monthly report on it. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued orders for replacement of GM HR/Admn of different Circles in which ITS officers are
replaced by the officers of Civil, Electrical & Architecture wing. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: On the basis of targets assigned by BSNL Corporate
Office, Joint GM S & M Mumbai issued SSA wise targets for GSM
connections during year 2016-17 with total target of 24 lakh
connections throughout Maharashtra Circle.
Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: GM Finance Mumbai outlines the procedure for payment of
Telephone bills of Free Service Telephone connections working in MTNL area. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: DGM IT Mumbai issued
instructions cum roles and authorization to different officers for smooth
implementation of DAK management system in Circle Office Mumbai. Letter <<<>>>
9 MAY 16: AGM Admn Mumbai issued orders for implementation of DAK
management system in Circle Office Mumbai for
speedy disposal, tracking and monitoring of the Day to day DAK. It is important
that this DAK management portal is designed by our own comrades in ITPC Pune. Letter <<<>>>
16: AGM Staff Mumbai
issued orders for Field Training of Offtg. JTOs who are
successfully completing JTO Phase I training on 07/05/2016 at BRBRAITT Jabalpur, RTCC Nagpur & RTCC
Pune Letter <<<>>>
In important and very
positive step by Circle management, all these JTOs are allotted in their home
SSA and most probably their posting after completion of field training will be
done in same SSA.
It is important
that all these Offg JTOs have struggled lot and till
last date of joining the JTO Phase I training they were misguided by giving new
ideas against prevailing guidelines, modified JTO RR and were under fear of
transfer out of SSA and SNEA Maharashtra has cleared all the doubts by
elaborating facts.
With their
positive approach, now the dream of these TTAs to become Regular JTO is being
fulfilled after prolonged period.
After completion
of field training, all will be posted as Regular JTO and will be freed from the
chain of every six month reversion and then Officiating promotion.
To avoid any
further completion after completion of field training and even becoming Regular
JTO, SNEA MH is on job to arrange for JTO Phase II training to all these JTOs
as early as possible. l
SNEA MH congratulates all these comrades for successful
completion of JTO Phase I training & firmly moving towards last step of
field training for becoming Regular JTOs.
We appeal all
other left out Offg JTO who are now revered as TTA,
to understand the reality in becoming Regular JTO and if they wish then submit
the willingness for JTO Phase –I training with justified reasons for not
attending JTO Phase I training at earlier stage and move towards becoming
Regular JTO.
7 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued revised guidelines re-identifying
sensitive and non-sensitive posts at different offices in BSNL. Letter <<<>>>
7 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued plan & instructions for
preparations for the outsider/Open Market TTAs recruitment wherein 224 TTAs
will be recruited for Maharashtra Circle against 596 vacancies. Letter
7 MAY 16: AGM Estt Mumbai issued
instructions for filling, writing reviewing
APARs of Year 2015-16 by linking it with IPMS scorecard and it is
important that the APRs from 2015-16
onwards not linked with IPMS shall be treated incomplete. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: Make all out preparations for the success of the Mass Dharna on 11.05.2016 at BSNLCO, Circle /SSA HQs. Early
resolution of the issues fully depends upon the success of the TU programmes.
All important issues like promotions, pay scales, CPSU Hierarchy and 1st TBP,
pay protection, memebership verification, notion pay
etc etc are pending for years together. CSs, SSA Secreatries and CHQ/Circle
office bearers to tour the Circle and conduct meetings at all important
locations. Door to door campaign may be conducted in the coming days to
ensure that all the Executives are participating in the Dharna.
Charter of demands:
Implementation of
Joint Committee recommendations on:
Standard pay
scales of E2, E3 replacing E1A and E2A,
Time Bound
Functional promotion or CPSU cadre hierarchy,
Uniform TBP
between 4 to 5 years instead of 4 to 6 years w.e.f
30% Superannuation
benefit to BSNL recruited Employees.
Officiating pay
fixation, pay protection – withdrawal of wrong clarifications issued on
30.05.2007 and 19.02.2010.
Promotions in
different wings from JTO to SDE, JAO to AO, SDE to DE/EE, AAO to CAO and DE to
verification among Executives Associations by addressing the issues raised. Restoration of trade union facilities and deduction
of subscription from Salary till membership verification is conducted.
First Time Bound Promotion
after 4 years from Lateral JTO and Sr SDE grades as
done in the case of AAO and Sr AO grades.
Notional pay of
E1A and E2A for Civil/Elect wings w.e.f 01.10.2000.
Programme of Trade
Union actions:
Massive Dharna at BSNLCO,
Circle/SSA HQs: 11th May, 2016
Relay Hunger Strike at BSNLCO, Circle/SSA HQs: 18th,
19th and 20th May, 2016.
If the issues are not resolved, more vigorous trade union
actions will be resorted to from June, 2016.
4 MAY 16: Well Attended, Grand &And Highly Successful District
Conference of SNEA WTP @ Mumbai: {Report by Com. Ajit
Kumar DS SNEA WTP Mumbai}: As per
the notice issued by Com. Ajit Kumar District Secretary, SNEA WTP, the Third District Conference of SNEA WTP was
organized at 2ndFloor, Conference Hall, BSNL Admn Building, Circle Office, Santacruz Mumbai on
23/04/2016 with pomp & show and
glitterati. It was jam-packed house filled with comrades of WTP
coming from nook and corner of entire Maharashtra Circle.
The meeting was presided over
by Com. Narendra Gawaikar District
President SNEA WTP. The Chief Guest
on this occasion was Shri. M. K. Mishra,
Sr. GM TP WTP Mumbai.
It was an esteem
pleasure to have the presence of following leaders.
1. Com.
M. S. Adasul, Dy.
General Secretary, SNEA CHQ.
2. Com.
S. R. Kalmegh, President,
SNEA MH Circle,
3. Com.
V. B. Kokate, Circle
Secretary, SNEA MH Circle,
4. Com.
N. S. Harpalkar, Circle
Treasurer SNEA MH Circle,
5. Com.
M. N. Kotambe,
Circle Secretary (W) SNEA MH Circle,
6. Com.
S. B. Bhosale, Joint Secretary
HQ SNEA MH Circle,
7. Com.
M. A. Wase, Joint Secretary (NRU), SNEA MH Circle,
8. Com.
Prashant Jadhav,
District President, SNEA CO Mumbai,
9. Com. I.
A. Ansari, District Secretary WTR Mumbai,
10. Com.
Sameer Shinde, DS
SNEA (Civil& Electrical) Mumbai.
11. Com. D. K. Upadhyay, CEC
Member SNEA CO Mumbai ,
12. Com. Vijay Bhandirge, Ex
13. Com. V. D. Gangurde, District President BSNLEU WTP
14. Com. B. S. Dhaske, District
Secretary BSNLEU WTP
15. Com. Santosh Shinde, District Secretary NFTE WTP
16. Com Ajit Pagare,
Secretary SEWA
The following guests & representatives from WTP
management also graced the occasion by their presence in the District
S. T. Wagge, DGM (P&A) WTP Mumbai.
Yash Panhekar, DGM WTP
Jayant Rajdeen, DGM WMP Mumbai.
C Arumugam, DGM
Finance, WTP Mumbai
G. Balasubramaniun, CAO
WTP Mumbai.
From SNEA WTP, the event was lead by our patriarch Com. G. R. Thorwe DGM SMA Pune and was attended by nearly 80 members. Members from
all across Maharashtra viz Nagpur, Goa,
Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Solapur, Nasik, Pune attended the WTP district
Com Ajit Kumar DS SNEA WTP welcomed
all the guests, dignitaries, leaders present during the conference and all the
members present in jam packed hall. House paid homage to Veteran Leader late Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao, late Com. S. B. Kokane, SDE Bilaspur,
late Com. P. V. Rao DET Ahmedabad by observing two-minute silence.
Com. Narenda Gawaikar, DP SNEA WTP in his opening remark of
the 3rd district conference of SNEA WTP welcomed all and appraised
the work of Com Ajit Kumar DS WTP. He mentioned how
earlier WTP management was reluctant to give meeting to this association, there
was fear among the WTP comrades while working in field however SNEA in his
leadership has generated unity among WTP comrades & have changed the entire
scenario. Now comrades are coming boldly under the umbrella of SNEA WTP and
sharing their issues openly. He opened
the session by expressing his best wishes and with a wish that dreams of all
executives will be fulfilled under the banner of SNEA.
Thereafter Com. Ajit Kumar read out his DS report
covering all the activities carried out by SNEA WTP branch and his major contribution
being DS of SNEA WTP for the period of 18th August 2013 to 22nd
April 2016.He specially thanked Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS CHQ for his helping hand
and motivation during the entire tenure and congratulated Com V.B. Kokate CS SNEA MH Circle & Com. S. R. Kalmegh, CP SNEA MH Circle &
other COBs for their unanimous election.
Copy of DS
Report <<<>>>.
Com. N. S. Harpalkar, District
Treasurer, SNEA WTP, presented his financial
report and informed the house that the CHQ & Circle quota from WTP is paid
up to March-2016.
Both the reports DS Report
as well as CS Report were unanimously passed and adopted by the house with the
big round of applause.
In the “Open Session” the comrades
of SNEA WTP gave warm welcome to their beloved leaders and felicitated all the dignitaries present
during the conference by offering Shawl, Shriphal and
Bouquet of Flowers with loud thundering claps and slogans of unity.
Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ was felicitated by
offering a small gift as a token of love and affection from all the comrades of
SNEA WTP with the loud round of applause.
The house specially
felicitated Com. G. R. Thorwe
DGM SMA Pune with Shawl, Shriphal and Bouquet
of Flowers on his DGM Adhoc promotion and getting posting back to WTP Circle by
cancellation of his orders to WTR Circle.
The leaders from other associations and unions greeted
Com. M. S. Adasul DyGS,
Com. V. B. Kokate, CS and Com S. R. Kalmegh, CP by presenting bouquet of beautiful flowers.
Com. Sudhir Bhosle Joint Secretary HQ SNEA MH Circle in his
address appreciated the unity among WTP comrades and mentioned that
resolutions of various issues in WTP is the result of unity shown by the
comrades of WTP. He elaborated how pending quarter allotment issue of WTP
comrades has been resolved. He appealed all to maintain the unity and expressed
confidence that new body of SNEA MH Circle will resolve the pending issues in WTP
Com. M.A. Wase Joint
Secretary, NRU, SNEA MH Circle,
appreciated DS
report prepared by Com Ajit Kumar. He appreciated the
fight of WTP comrades against the injustice shaped by then CGM WTP. He
expressed the concern over poor progress of NFS and requested senior leaders of
SNEA to look into the issue. He appealed to do the assignment without any fear
in mind if one thinks that it is appropriate. Please do not come in pressure.
He thanked all for giving him opportunity to work as Joint Secretary NRU. He
thanked Com. S. M. Sahare Ex-Joint Secretary NRU for
extending all sort of support and assured to raise and resolve all related
issues in a days to come.
Com. M. N. Kotambe, ACS West SNEA MH in
his speech valued the efforts of Com Ajit Kumar in
resolving various difficulties faced by executives of WTP. He appreciated the
current unity of WTP executives and termed it is as our strength. He mentioned
the importance of coming together, enhancement of membership is vital and that
is why nobody is now dares to do any injustice to our WTP comrades. He
elaborated the poor working style of Shri. Jainedrakumar,
the then CGM WTP, and how he has troubled our executives who dared to write
against him. He thanked WTP comrades for electing him as ACS West SNEA MH Circle
and reassured that he will render his best for resolving issues coming to him.
He appreciated the joint and consistent work of DS/DP of WTP. Though it is
rather difficult to work like Com Adasul but we will
see there won’t be any injustice to anyone, he mentioned. He assured total and
committed support of SNEA MH Circle in resolving issues of WTP in the days to
come. Lastly he thanked organisers for invitation and his felicitation and
conveyed best wishes for the conference.
Com. S.R. Kalmegh, Circle
President SNEA MH in his speech congratulated SNEA WTP having
strong team at Mumbai HQ and having 118 members out of 132 executives in WTP.
He appreciated the way Com Ajit Kumar has presented
his DS report and termed it as model DS report for others. He explained the efforts taken by Com M S Adasul in enhancing the membership of SNEA in MH circle who
has increased it from 1500 to beyond 3000 and he affirmed to make it
beyond 3500 as a commitment by the new Circle body. He shared the various
incidences and contribution of the vigilant leader Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao. He
advised the members to be aware of the false propaganda of other associations
in the case of E1A and E2A pay scale acceptance. It was the historical
struggle at that time; it was not easy to get E1A as management was reluctant
on E1 only. He mentioned the importance of WTP in revenue earning for BSNL even
though it is not directly linked with. Digital India needs of the efforts of
comrades of WTP for govt’s dream project of connecting every Gram Panchayat with fibres. He told that the days have gone when
there was importance of voice, hence forth every telecom company has to
concentrate on video calls, has to increase its data throughput. He
congratulated entire team of WTP in completing
Com. V. B. Kokate, Circle
Secretary, SNEA MH Circle congratulated SNEA WTP entire body for organising the
district conference with massive presence of comrades of WTP. He shared his
past experience when there was a negligible association’s activity. He
mentioned that WTP is going to provide important role in strengthening our
transmission wing. He mentioned that NFS is important project. We can search
the possibilities in consultation with appropriate authorities of laying our
own cable in the same trench used for NFS. This may lead to save the cost of
trenching to some extent. He mentioned that NOFN work is either carried out by
WTP or by SSA however executives in SSA are complaining of having shortage of
staff and finding difficulties in executing NOFN work from the contractor and
hence he besought to divert all NOFN work from SSA to
WTP with the diversion of some justified staff to WTP. In his speech he informed the house that
strength of SNEA is more than 3000 in MH Circle and role of SNEA has become
more important at even at CHQ level. SNEA played vital role in selection of CMD
& DIR (HR). The present CMD Shri. Anupam Srivastav is functioning well and during his period
BSNL was able to generate operational revenue of 672 Crores.
Because of NGN Replacement, ERP Implementation BSNL is saving its operation
expenditure. He informed about the installation of Wi-Fi hotspots in BSNL to
compete with Reliance Jio. He told the house that our
CMD is a best leader and definitely BSNL will come into profit in coming days.
He told the importance of leadership. It would have been difficult for present
CMD to get his regular appointment for full term of 5 years unless he performed
well. Everybody has to work sincerely and unless we perform, nobody is going to
help us. He reminded how united struggle at 2007 of employees yielded in
releasing the order of mobile equipment. He told initially it was proposed to
float tender for 90M then it was reduced to 45 M and after the united struggle
by entire BSNL employees, work order for 22M was allotted. He mentioned that
SNEA has always supported performance based mechanism. In his speech, he has also covered topics like Service With
A Smile –A programme of unions and associations. He told that SNEA MH
will always be with SNEA WTP and extended whole hearted support for any
struggle by SNEA WTP for any wrong doing by anybody. At last he thanked
comrades of SNEA WTP for felicitation.
Com. Ajit Kumar DS
WTP while presenting his key note address during the conference thanked the WTP management
led by Sr. GM Shri.
M. K. Mishra, who really has handled HR issues in most prominent way and
cleared all the pending HR issues. HR issues are
important, he mentioned and Shri M K Mishra has taken
first initiatives for its resolution. But DS questioned the stand of WTP
administration on the issues of mismanagement of NFS, why it was delayed?
Whether such type of achievement is appreciable? Why there is no outcome in the
project like G-PON where there is huge investment of crores
of rupees. He mentioned that they are ready to work however they want true
leaders who will motivate them. We have keen interest for work however he again
raised question why they were side lined when they talked about development
work on association platform. WTP is not upgraded as expected, he mentioned. We
want WTP to grow; Management shall motivate us to grow. He told that they are
raising technical issues with management however there is no response as
expected. He also raised question about on project WTR routes, ERP &
promoting corruption. He appreciated the leading role played by Com M S Adasul DyGS and told that he is
getting consistent motivation from Com. Adasul. He
requested Com Adasul to raise the issue of NFS so
that it will be implemented smoothly. He also requested DyGS
in finding ways for HR issues of all the members stuck with BSNL CO &
requested to settle some of the pending rule 8 transfers on urgent basis. He
mentioned about the shortage of Staff in WTP and requested to fulfil it.
Shri. M. K. Mishra, Sr GMTP
WTP Mumbai in his
address narrated the stand of WTP management on HR & development isues and assured members of taking required corrective
measures. He told that it is good occasion to meet all WTP executives in such a
huge gathering. He agreed to the point that loss to BSNL is not due to salaries
of employees. He stated that BSNL’s employees are working sincerely and in past
too they have contributed for development of telecom sector in general. He
added that all can never be wrong. Everyone is leader as his own but for
progress of WTP they have to work in group. He mentioned about the various
initiatives of CMD. He was optimistic that project wing can never be closed as
it is actually creating asset for BSNL. He stated that in project, expenditure
part cannot be reduced. For operational profit we have to increase assets. He
mentioned that NFS is important project. He stated that WTP has done good work
in NOFN. Out of the 3000 km allotted work to WTP, 80% work has been completed
and only end to end terminations are remaining. He mentioned the shortage of
resources, funds while completion of projects. He told that new projects are
coming. There is huge requirement of bandwidth as customers are demanding for
high speed data. He also stated that they have completed WTR routes as most of
the core routes in WTP have been completed. Completion of project in time yield
good amount of revenue for BSNL. We have to divert the inventory properly so
that it can be used by other circles which are in desperate need of it.
Procurement of materials shall be such that it shall be utilised within a year
and shall not be kept idle. He mentioned the need of uniformity in the tender
documents. He told that the terms and conditions in the tenders shall be
similar and field executives shall be well aware of the same. He mentioned that
they have stared e-tendering and all the tenders after April-2016 will be
floated through e-tendering. We have started NOFN tender through e-tender and
there were negligible complaints, he stated. He clarified that army is against
the utilisation of ducts meant for NFS for any other work. We were not allowed
to lay cable for saving expenditure for our cable laying. He mentioned that
non-performers are always there in every section however we will do our best
whatever is allotted to WTP. We will try to utilise underground dumped assets.
He appreciated all the officers since they are ready to do any sort of work
allotted to them. He assured for improvement. He stated that they will have
continuous monitoring and plan the activities in phase manner in the coming
year. Let us meet again, let us have conversation so that it will create team
spirit, he stated. Lastly he appealed to enrich the company’s image and take it
to its glory. Lastly he thanked all for
allowing him to express his views.
Com. M. S. Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ in his exclusive
marathon speech of more than one hour duration, made the house to sit and
listen it carefully word by word. Humours inserted in between and delivery of
true facts in the speech made it unique and distinctive. He started out with extending thanks to Sr GM TP Shri. M K Mishra for
settlement of HR issues of WTP. He appreciated the work of Com Ajit Kumar in strengthening SNEA WTP while working as DS
WTP and increasing the membership up to 118. He praised the efforts of Com. S. Satheesh in formation of first branch of SNEA WTP. He
quoted that the contractors cannot be boss of our executives. In NFS project,
contractors are having upper hand. Delay in completion of NFS project has
delayed the awaited revenue for BSNL from this project. He tore apart the WTP
management led by the CGM WTP Shri. M. K. Jain, cautioned him to mend his ways,
warned him of Association backlash if issues are not discussed with the
Association early. He also told members to exercise their rights while not
succumbing to the pressure of management in doing wrongs, shun corrupt
practices & work for the interest of organisation only. He unequivocally supported the stand taken by
the SNEA WTP in fight against CGM WTP over the issues of corruption and
inefficiency. He told members to protect their self-respect. He also described
the unfair stand of then CGM WTP Shri. Jainendrakumar
and how he was biased in pick and choose transfers of some of the WTP
executives. He mentioned that those who gone out of BSNL, always remembers the
days they spent in BSNL. He appealed not to delay any file work. Loss to BSNL
is loss to us,
he quoted. He mentioned about the loss to BSNL due to unwanted AMCs. He stressed for need of positive thinking in day
to day works and actions. If we are
confident of doing a work, then it is possible to do any assignment. He also
mentioned not to bother about hurdles coming in between but work sincerely,
cautiously without any fear in mind. He mentioned the necessity of WTP routes
for overall growth of BSNL. If we lay the OFC routes in time and if the
exchanges/BTS got connected with high bandwidth, we can earn good amount of
revenue for BSNL. This is what customers demand from us. If
anybody is acting against BSNL then we have to come openly and oppose him
strongly, he stated. Quoting the example of CDMA AMC, he informed the house how
malpractices were observed and clauses were changed to minimize the penalty
imposed on the vendors though it was harmful to BSNL’s network and services. He
told how SDE even JTOs have enormous power. He mentioned that Rs. 22 Crore of wrong AMC claim is still to be settled because of
proper intervention & firm stand in the interest of BSNL by concerned
SDE/DE. He appealed to think properly before signing any bill. Our intervention
shall be proper so as to save loss to BSNL. While commenting on the stand of
association on the implementation of standard pay scales he firmly stated that
the implementations should be as per the recommendations of Joint Committee
formed under the Chairmanship of Com. M. A. Khan. He explained how association
is right on the issue and assured house that the standard pay scales will be
implemented soon. He expressed his
concern over delay in issuing JTO-SDE , SDE-AGM, JAO-AO, AO-CAO promotions due
to legal hurdles and requested all not to choose the path of court to settle
our HR issues. Rule-8 and tenure/non-tenure transfer issue was also
discussed by him in which he assured the settlement of
some more Rule 8 transfers soon. Superannuation benefits issue also clearly
explained by him. He narrated that how BSNL is progressing under guidance of
new CMD & Board of Directors. He mentioned the need of BSNL is for the
entire country as BSNL is the only telecom company which has given services
during natural calamities in India and proven its importance to the nation. He
advised the executives to work promptly and freely by utilising best available
resources to improve our services. Let us be positive about BSNL as this is our
company. Give best to BSNL and BSNL will definitely give you best in return he
assured. He concluded his address by
conveying thanks to comrades present in the hall for patient hearing to his
address and organisers for his grand felicitation.
Com. Narendra Gawaikar DP SNEA WTP In his short and sweet speech
expressed his sincere thanks to all the members for supporting him during his
tenure. He mentioned that work culture in WTP will definitely improve
in days to come and all pending issues will be settled by discussions and
co-ordinations. Lastly he thanked all for deliberations, presence and
By taking note of wonderful and best arrangement of
delicious food in lunch, the house felicitated Com. Mrs. P. Sadhana, Chairman of Food Committee.
The open session was concluded with the Vote of thanks
by Com.
D. R. Aher.
The Conference was nicely anchored by Com.
Santosh Rane, Account
Officer WTP.
SNEA WTP has arranged the
delicious lunch for all immediately after successful open session.
In the
afternoon session the existing body was dissolved by DP Com Narendra
G. R. Thorwe & Com. S. V. Babhale were unanimously
elected as Election and Assistant Election Officer respectively to conduct the
election process.
Keeping tradition of unanimous selection of district
body, Comrades of WTP elected a unanimous body for the next term and Com. S. M. Sahare, Com.
Ajit Kumar and Com. Mrs. Rekha Kadloor were
respectively elected as District President, District Secretary and District
Treasurer of SNEA WTP and Com.
S. T. Kadam is
elected as CEC Member to represent SNEA WTP in SNEA MH Circle.
Com. S. R. Kalmegh, Circle
President SNEA Maharashtra Circle administers gave oath to newly
Elected Office bearer of SNEA WTP.
Com. S. M. Sahare, District
President & Com. Ajit Kumar District Secretary of new District body of WTP thanked member for making unanimous
decision and vowed for working for the interest of members and asked for
response & feedback of members.
The organising committee consisted of Com
Mrs. P. Sadhana, Com. S. M. Sahare,
Com. N. S. Harpalkar, Com. S. Satheesh,
Com. A. A. Singh, Com. J. P. Singh, Com. J. D. Yadav,
Com Munawwar Ali, Com. Razak
Sheik, Com. D. Samrat, Com. Tausif
Ali, and Com. Shameer Babu.
Grand and highly successful District Conference of
SNEA WTP which started at 1115hrs concluded at 17.30hrs with National Anthem
and slogans of unity and BSNL Zindabad.
Photos <<<>>>
· Newly
elected District Body <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: CO New Delhi calls for VCRs of JTO Electrical for
promotion to the grade of SDE Electrical for vacancy years 2013-14 and 2014-15
under 33% quota. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: GM
S&M Mumbai appreciates Beed, Chandrapur
& Ahmednagar SSAs for achieving more than 100%
target in Project Udaan in Financial year 2015-16. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO writes to all PCEs/Sr. CEs and CEs to furnish
information regarding pay drawn by JTOs and SDEs of Electrical wing in view of
the demand raised by SNEA for implementation of equivalent pay parity among the
executives. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued confirmation order in respect
of 52 JTOs working in Maharashtra circle. Congratulations to all!! Letter
4 MAY 16: DGM HR Mumbai issued promotion and posting orders of
DEs on their DGM Adhoc promotions. Letter
4 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued cancellation of DE L/A orders on
refusal by concerned SDEs with instructions to make suitable entry in APR of
the officer. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO calls for information regarding PS working in
field units. Information
in this regard to be sent at the earliest. Letter
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO issued Enterprise Business revenue targets for
the year 2016-17 and Maharashtra circle target fixed at Rs. 973 crores. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO calls for names of Sportsperson who have
achieved excellence in National tournaments for nomination of cash awards for
calendar year 2015. Letter <<<>>>
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO circulated guidelines for booking air tickets
for officers ED level officers and now officers can book air tickets on their own by on-line or otherwise. Letter
4 MAY 16: BSNL CO circulated minutes of Review meeting of Sales
and Marketing of CM vertical of West Zone. BSNL stands at 5th position with 53,67,905 GSM connections in Maharashtra circle
in Dec 2015. Target of 2% increase in market share has been assigned to
Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
2 MAY 16: The news & photos of Grand & Marvellous
District Conference of SNEA WTP Mumbai held on 28/04/2016 will follow shortly.
2 MAY 16: Self-Contribution to
Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Draught Relief
Fund: Dear Comrades, you may remember that our last Circle
Conference held at Modern College Auditorium, Shivajinagar,
Pune held from 22/01/2016 to 24/01/2016, the house has shown concern to the difficulties
faced by the draught affected peoples and mainly farmers of Maharashtra State. By our concern for our social responsibility, the
house has unanimously passed resolution to liberally contribute to the
Maharashtra Chief Minister Draught Relief Fund and matter is to be taken with
CGMT MH/GM Fin Mumbai for self & liberal contribution by all SNEA comrades
and its deduction from Salary of the willing executives and total amount
collected will be handed over to the Maharashtra Chief Minister Draught Relief
Fund by SNEA MH.
Accordingly, all SNEA comrades are
requested to come forward and respond to the occasion and liberally contribute
to Maharashtra Chief Minister Draught Relief Fund with minimum of Rs. 1000.00
for this genuine cause. Though this is minimum amount, There is no limit for
maximum donation individuals feeling/showing more social responsibility may
contribute more amount as they wish and write the amount in consent letter as per their wish
to contribute as everyone contributing to this genuine cause will
get Income Tax relief under 80 CC and entire amount will be deducted from total
taxable Income Tax of Year 2016-17.
All such willing executives may submit their consent
as per format attached to their DS SNEA
and DS will prepare consolidated list for his District and will hand over the
list to ACS concerned. On the basis of
this consent, the amount desired by individual will be deducted from the May
2016 salary of the concerned executive and entire amount through the cheque
issued by BSNL Maharashtra Circle will be handed over to Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra by SNEA MH delegation in first week
of June 2016.
It is matter of pride that Com. S.R. Bhise, Ex ACS West SNEA MH Circle & Com. M.S. Adasul DyGS SNEA CHQ have announced in the Circle
Conference Pune for self-contribution of Rs. 11,000.00 (Rupees Eleven Thousands
only) & Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees Five Thousands only) respectively to
Maharashtra Chief Minister Draught Relief Fund through SNEA. Apart from this Com. Mrs. Alka Ghatge SDE Kolhapur,
Com. Miss Meena Kanginkar
Kolhapur, observers in Circle Conference Pune have
announced Rs. 1000.00 (Rs. One Thousand only) each for this
genuine cause. Now Com. S.R. Kalmegh CP SNEA MH & Com. V.B. Kokate CS SNEA MH have decided to contribute Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees Five
Thousands only) each and many more comrades have expressed their wish for such
liberal contribution to this genuine cause.
Comrades, we are making ‘n’ number of unusual
expenditures for our own and we should have to contribute for this genuine
cause. We have already donated for such natural disasters in other parts of
India and when it is matter of the state where we are serving, we have to come
forward with more social responsibility and donate maximum possible amount and
help our own brothers/Sisters from Maharashtra state facing very difficult and
odd conditions due to draught situation.
Accordingly CS SNEA MH has written
letter to Shri. V.N.Dhage, GM Fin Mumbai for deduction
of self and willing contribution of SNEA members for Maharashtra Chief Minister
Relief Draught Fund from Salary of May 2016. Letter <<<>>>
SNEA MH appeals all comrades to come forwards and handover
their consent letter with amount desired by them to their DS/DT or any other
District/Circle Office Bearers latest by 10/05/2016 so that amount can be deducted from salary of May 2016
as salary is processed by 20th of every month. Format of
Consent letter <<<>>>
16: AGM
Staff Mumbai calls for volunteers from JTOs/SDEs in the Circle longest stay list
for posting to Circle Tenure stations i.e. Gadchiroli,
Goa, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg
for two years period. Female officers, unwilling to join tenure stations have
to submit their options for non-tenure stations and options are to be submitted
by 13/05/2016. Letter <<<>>>
1 MAY 16: AGM Staff Mumbai calls for VCRs for SDE on
Looking After Arrangements.
Letter <<<>>>
16: AGM Estt Mumbai writes to SSA Heads for submission Bio-Data in
fixed format while submitting nominations any in service course/Workshop or
Vendor Training. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: BSNL CO circulated
the points discussed and action taken/to be taken as per Circle HR Head meeting
held at Corporate Office on 27/04/2016. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: AGM Staff
Mumbai issued cancellation of transfer orders of two JTOs in on medical
grounds. Letter <<<>>>
MAY 16: AGM Staff
Mumbai issued transfer orders in SDE
cadre in which one SDE is transferred on completion of three year All India
Soft Tenure and this is first order from All India Soft Tenure in Maharashtra
Circle. Letter <<<>>>
NB: The
information given on this site is restricted to SNEA members only. The content of the pages
of this site shall not be quoted or reproduced as evidence elsewhere either in
part or full for any purpose.