Last updated on 30
DEC 16
DEC 16: Brain
Storming Session and New Year Welcome Function at Circle Office Mumbai: Brain
Storming Session, Part II was held in second Floor Conference Hall at 1500 hrs on
29/12/2016 in the presence of representatives of recognised Unions NFTE
BSNL/BSNLEU, SEWA, Representative Association SNEA and Support Association
AIBSNLEA along with DGM & above officers working in the Circle Office
Shri. Peeyush
Khare, CGMT
MH in
the opening remark conveyed Best wishes for new year 2017 & gave a speech
highlighting the issues of our company & opened the subject
"Mean Time To Repair" (MTTR) for discussion. He
also mentioned the present average MTTR is above 50 Hrs & appealed
that it should be reduced to 20 Hrs by taking all out efforts by the field
officers. CGMT MH elaborated steps being taken by
BSNL management for reducing MTRR and appealed all to present to pass on
message to grass root level. He mentioned that responsibility of line faults
comes to PM, JE/JTO and maximum up to SDE level and responsibility of faults of
OCLAN etc comes to DE /AGM level. All other officers have to support these
teams for restoration of faults by planning and supplying resources and if
everybody is beyond fault then who will monitor the planning. He stressed for
completion of NOFN works CGMT further informed that one proposal is being given
final shape wherein BSNL will supply equipment’s and stores and franchises,
business partners/Societies can come forward for its installation and
maintained of the exchanges with revenue sharing of 10 to 20 % as per the
finalisation of the proposal/MoU. CGMT specifically mentioned to forget about
local cable network as in days to come it is difficult to maintain and improve
quality of services. He further stressed that there will not be supply of
additional PIJF cables which gives maximum 2 mbps bandwidth, and one has to
keep focus on higher bandwidth through fibre and efforts may be taken to give higher
speed to customer. By questioning all present in the hall who have opted for
services of private operators specifically of RJIO Free services, he also
stressed that there is nothing wrong in using services of other operators to
check & compare quality. He also elaborated efforts taken by his office by
calling all officers responsible for updating asset records in Circle Office
Mumbai and efforts for completion of works under Samudra Manthana. He appealed all to come forward and share
their views and suggestions on reduction of “Mean Time To
Repair" (MTTR).
Com. V.B. Kokate, CS SNEA MH in
his speech after the Best wishes for New Year & other formalities raised
the following issues faced by the Executives in the field.
Delay for approval
of Temporary Advances: CS informed that,
SNEA had meeting with Mrs. Kolhe DGM CSC, talk to GM Finance followed
2-3 times reminder SMS & also brought to the notice of CGMT MH but still
the issue is not resolved & many SSAs are facing the difficulty & Executives
are spending money from their pocket for maintenance & other activities.
CGMT MH replied about issue of shortage of fund
but CS SNEA immediately reacted & informed that previously there was an
issue of fund but in present situation funds are available & the main
hurdle is the " Change of Procedure" for approval of Temporary
Advances. CGMT MH, directed to new GM Finance in this regard & hope that
the issue will be resolved once for all. In continuation of
this, we informed that, there is a difficulty for withdrawal of cash from the
Bank due to the withdrawal limit of Rs. 2000.00. CGMT MH informed, we should go for cashless
transactions. We pointed out filed difficulties and how to make the payments to
the labour & misc. work are to be done. CS
SNEA requested CGMT that the Mumbai Bank extended the facility of withdrawal of
money by filling the withdrawal slip to the Officers working in the Circle
Office Mumbai & same can be extended to all SSAs after necessary dialogue
with the Bank authorities at appropriate level. CGMT MH again insisted for
cashless transactions but we continued our stand & finally CGMT informed
that they will work on it.
Shortage of CLIPs
& other store material in the field units: CS SNEA conveyed the actual facts that the Field Officers
are not able to give a new CLIP instrument to NTC customers. The
reason behind that the 45000 CLIPs instruments are diverted to other
Circles by the CO ND being appeared more no. of CLIPs in the ERP. Field officers are not able to consume in ERP due to no budget
allocation by the Circle. For battery
sets budgets are allotted timely but for CLIPs & OF equipment/material
there is a problem for allocation of budget. CGMT MH asked to the concern
officers for noting the same.
Shortage of 5 Pair
Cable: CS informed to CGMT
that Reg. 5 Pr cable, we have discussed this issue in the earlier occasions
also but you are not interested. For maintaining the existing BB
connections & providing some connections in non-feasible area 5 Pr cable is
must. CGMT MH continued his stand & told that we have concentrate on fibre
& forget about the copper in future. Comrades, we required your
feedback/suggestions in this regard.
Delegation of
powers for procurement of UY Connectors and DP/CT Box modules to SSA Heads: We have repeated our demand regarding delegation power to
SSA head for the procurement of UY - connectors which cost just in paise &
Modular strips required at DP Boxes/Pillars which costs in rupees 10-20 at par
with Tape & Jelly. CGMT asked GM CPC to look into issues and mentioned that
there is nothing wrong in delegation of powers to SSA heads for all such
routine and daily use items and assured that it will be taken care positively.
Shortage of
JEs/JTOs in field units & engagement of trainees through Apprenticeship in
all wings as substitute arrangement: CS
SNEA MH brought to the notice of CGMT MH that more no. of TTA/JEs becomes JAO
& JTOs (along with the figures) & there is acute shortage of JEs
in the field & we have to engage the staff through apprenticeship.
Initially CGMT told that JE, JTOs & SDEs are same in the field. CS reacted
on that & informed CGMT that the work of JTO & SDE can be interchange
but JEs are actually involved in the maintenance of Broad Band activities. Then
CGMT asked GM HR/Admin to check the possibilities of engaging staff through
apprenticeship. CS intervene & told that the Corporate Office already
issued the guidelines in this regard.
Unwanted held up
officers for Samudra Manthan meeting at Mumbai:
As per the request from DS Parbhani, the issue of works related to Samudra
Manthan of Parbhani SSA is also discussed & CGMT assured that the officers
those who are on leave will join immediately with our further delay.
Provisioning &
mtce of BB Tender for major SSAs: CS informed
about delay in finalizing the said tenders even after green signal from the CO
ND. Shri. Sandeep Agrwal
Sr. GM NWP CFA Mumbai informed that the
tender has been finalized for Nagpur SSA & for other Major SSA it is in
pipeline. The above factors are very much important for the improvement in
Procurement of
Mobile BTS & other cards: For the
improvement of GSM services, CS requested for the procurement of various types
of cards. The some BTSs down since long due to non-availability of cards and
supply of new cards will definitely help in improvement of GSM services.
Coordination with
the Vendors: Com.
Anil Kumar Dubey, DS SNEA Mumbai
pointed out that as per AMC vendor has to supply immediate replacement
of faulty cards of BTS, but as on today the vendors are taking faulty cards and
repairing same and till time BTS remains faulty. He requested CGMT that the matter needs to be
taken at higher level to have proper coordination with the vendor to have
immediate action and to provide replacement of faulty cards as per tender
condition. If this is taken care it will improve the turn on time of many of
BTS throughout Maharashtra Circle. CGM
MH was quite positive and assured to discuss this issue in person within days
or two.
conclusion Shri. M. N. Punde, newly joined GM Finance Mumbai
in his speech requested to use of ERP in an effective way which will be help
for smooth functioning as well as release of vendor bills in time.
Brain Storming session and New Year 2017 welcome get together function
concluded with vote of thanks by Shri. Kumar Manoj
GM HR/Admn Mumbai and greetings of New Year with each
DEC 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued request transfers of 16 JTOs who are
completing their Tenure by end of Dec 2016 and the transfer order of tenure
completed SDEs is expected today. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: DGM Admn Mumbai issued orders for get together of DGM & above
level Officers in Mumbai along with Circle Secretary/President, District Secretary/President CO Mumbai of
recognized associations in Maharashtra/Mumbai for welcome of new year followed
by brainstorming session from 1500 hrs to 1700 hrs on today 29/12/2016. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: CMD BSNL writes DO letter to all CGMs for grabbing opportunity of
extension of promotional offers in landlines till 31/03/2017 and add more
landline customers in BSNL network. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Ms. Sujata T Ray continues to hold dual charge of Director HR as
well as Director Finance BSNL Board for period of six months w.e.f. 09/01/2017.
Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Admn Mumbai endorsed orders for implementation of Govt Decision
on recommendations of seventh CPC in BSNL. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Estt Mumbai writes SSAs Heads for discrepancies in caste and
absorption status in VCs of JTOs who have passed SDE LDCE held on 21/06/2015
and last date for submission of correct information is 07/01/2017. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: CAO CSC Mumbai writes all SSA /Unit Heads in Maharashtra Circle for
correcting mistakes in emails and request of temporary advances and warns that
till these corrections are not incorporated the temporary advances will not be
granted. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: DGM CSC Mumbai writes all SSA/Unit Heads in Maharashtra Circle to
monitor the details of payments processed by CSC cell on daily basis as many of
the discrepancies are notices while processing payments and it needs
corrections from SSA/Unit Heads by covering email. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Estt Mumbai writes SSAs Heads for discrepancies in caste and
absorption status in VCs of JTOs who have passed SDE LDCE held on 21/06/2015
and last date for submission of correct information is 07/01/2016. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Pers I BSNL CO conveyed approval of technical resignation from
Govt Services and appointment with immediate absorption in BSNL in respect of
PGM/GM level officers. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Gate Coaching by BSNL at RGM TTC Chennai. <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Admn Mumbai endorsed orders for deduction of monthly
subscription from salary of SNEA Members. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued posting order of
four SDEs under transfer to Maharashtra Circle on completion of All India Hard
Tenure and all are posted at their choice stations. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for relieving
of SDE to BBNW Circle. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for three weeks
JAO Phase III training for 11 JAOs at NATFMN Hyderabad and training will
commence w.e.f. 02/01/2016. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for AO Looking
After Arrangements with back date effect i.e. 01/10/2016. Letter <<<>>>
It takes three months’ time to issue such routine
order for period of less than six months and its shows the efficiency of the FC
This abnormal delay happens when all the officers
are posted as it is where it is basis.
Let us hope in days to come, FC section gears for
efficient working and works in advance so that orders for next spell of Looking
After Arrangements are issued in time and before commencement of looking After
DEC 16: AGM Pers II BSNL CO issued inter Circle Own
Cost Request transfers of SDEs in which three SDEs working in Gujarat Circle
are posted back to Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Pers I BSNL CO issued orders to continue
the present practice of deputation of Gr B BSNL officers to DoT and Circles are
authorized to depute Gr B Officers to respective TERM Cell Units. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Extremely Sorry Comrade, due to heavy
traffic and excess upload/ download of data from our website, it was not
working properly and also we could not update website for last 2-3 days. We
regret inconvenience caused to our esteemed comrades.
26 DEC 16: DGM SR
BSNL CO issued orders for deduction of Rs. 70.00 as SNEA subscription from the
monthly salary its members from January 2017 onwards. Letter <<<>>>
New Form Soft Copy <<<>>>
As on today, SNEA is only association having
facility of deduction of association subscription from monthly Salary of
Acceptance of membership of SNEA with submission
of this Form by individuals will be real strength of SNEA and will give full
stop to the malafide messages being spread by some selfish leaders.
As per orders Executives have two month time to
exercise the option for deduction of monthly subscription from his/her salary.
One has to submit the request to DDO in
prescribed format given by BSNL CO with counter signature of Controlling
Thereafter executive can withdraw his /her option
only twice in year i.e. in January & July of every year and request in
intervening period will not be considered.
Enrollment of new SNEA members on new
recruitment, transfer & promotion is allowed by 10th of Every
Subscription once paid will not be refundable.
The part of subscription towards CHQ, Circle
& District quota will be paid by DDOs directly to respective levels.
This order will mark individual as member of SNEA
or non-member of SNEA and while pursuing the grievances of members, this will
be base for confirmation of membership of individual.
Further the last moment changes just to get
immunity by some individuals as done in past will be stopped as such changes
are allowed only twice in year.
SNEA MH appeals all executives in BSNL regardless
of their present membership, wing to which they belong, to have wise &
self-decision to join the “SNEA”- only Majority Representative Association of
Executives in BSNL and be part of the success story.
It may be please noted that more the number of
executives joins SNEA, it will strengthen unity of executives in BSNL and SNEA
will resolve all pending HR issues in time bound manner which is need of Time.
Please join hands with SNEA for resolution of all
pending HR issues in Time Bound & committed Manner.
Maharashtra wish
Christmas to all.
DEC 16: After completion of Phase I training at RTCC
Pune, AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for their field training of all 52 JTOs in
different SSAs and this will be place of their first posting as JTO. Letter <<<>>>
SNEA MH congratulates all these JTOs on their
promotions and posting as JTO, welcome them in executive cadre and wish them
grand success in this promotional assignment.
Though efforts have been made to accommodate all
the choices given by individuals and requirement of JTOs by different SSAs,
SNEA MH has received some individual grievances from few JTO Trainee and same
will be pursued by SNEA MH to accommodate their request to possible extent.
DEC 16: AGM Pers I BSNL CO issued Own Cost Request
Transfer orders of AGMs/DEs to their parent/choice Circle in which five
DEs/AGMs are posted to MH Circle. Letter <<<>>>
Orders for other AGMs/DEs are also under process
and all such orders will be issued shortly and Maharashtra Circle will get more
number of DEs/AGMs.
BSNL CO continuities to be deliberately
discriminate in the Cost of transfers among Telecom & Account wing
The transfers on completion of two years tenure/break
in respect of Account wing officers even
Stations like Mumbai having 30% HRA are issued at cost of BSNL and the
similar transfers in Telecom wing even from remotest and most difficult
stations are issued at Own Cost of concerned Executive.
This discrimination is really ridiculous and
disgusting and very poor HR approach of BSNL management and there is need of
equality for grant of Transfer grant equally for all regardless of the wing
officer belongs.
DEC 16: CMD BSNL writes DO letter to all CGMs for
poor achievements under EB segments and appeals for monitoring EB works to
achieve the targets of Financial Year 2016-17. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: GM Fin CFA BSNL CO issued orders for
discount of 0.75% on invoiced amount (excluding service tax) for online
payments made before pay by date using or through My BSNL App
and this discount offer is valid from 22/12/2016 to 31/03/2017. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM Estt Mumbai endorsed the letter issued
by BSNL CO for timely settlement of pensioner benefits. <<<>>>
This is completion of mere formality of
endorsement of letter issued by BSNL CO and practically there needs to be taken
concrete action against officers who are responsible for delay in settlement of
pensioner benefits.
It has been noticed that even after 8-10 months
of retirement the pensioners benefits even that of leave encashment are not
settled which needs to be paid on date of retirement of Officer.
The concerned officers & Staff dealing with
pensioner benefits needs to be made more responsible and such delay of even one
day should not be there in any case at least on part of BSNL.
DEC 16: DGM SEA BSNL CO issued inter Circle transfer
orders of AOs/Sr AOs in BSNL. Letter <<<>>>
The transfers before completion of three years of
break/stay, are issued at Own cost and transfer order after completion of three
years and transfer orders are issued at cost of BSNL.
Such practical care is not taken care for any
other wing transfers and officers are compelled for transfers at Own cost even
after completion of three years.
Orders are to be implemented within fifteen days
and all officers are to be relieved within fifteen days period without grant of
any leave by individual officer to delay relieving.
DEC 16: DGM SEA BSNL CO calls for willingness from
AOs/Sr AOs on deputation to DoT and applications are to be sent along with
Vigilance Certificate, Integrity Certificate and certified copies of APRs of
last five years latest by 28/12/2016. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Message from Mrs. Sujata Ray, Director HR
for new year greetings with congratulations for completion of first membership verification of executiuve
Association in BSNL, expressing her concern over the strikes by different
unions/associations on eve of in her n a
special letter addressed to General Secretaries of all participant associations
in first Membership verification of Executive Association in BSNL, CMD BSNL congratulates all associations and
their Office Bearers for their active participation and efforts put in by them
in this delicate and sensitive process. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: After the issue was raised by SNEA MH about
the non-allotment of any portfolio/ post to newly recruited JAOs who have
joined in Circle Office Mumbai on 29/11/2016 and creating pressure on DGM Fin
Mumbai to relieve one JAO under pressure, now CAO FC Mumbai has issued posting
order of five JAOs and after 21 days they are assigned certain portfolios. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: DGM CA BSNL CO writes Circle/Unit Heads
/IFAs for deduction of EPF coverage from training period itself as mandatory
condition & its timely deposition to EPFO.
Letter further reminds for immediate corrective action for deposition of
EPF on stipend if not deposited earlier to avoid any litigation. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: In DO letters to all CGMs , CMD BSNL conveys
sincere thanks and appreciation for grand success in conduction of first
membership Verification process for
recognition of representative association in BSNL with request to convey sentiments
to all Returning Officers, Asst Returning Officers and teams associated with
them. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: In a special letter addressed to General
Secretaries of all participant associations in first Membership verification of
Executive Association in BSNL, CMD BSNL
congratulates all associations and their Office Bearers for their active
participation and efforts put in by them in this delicate and sensitive
process. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: On the basis of recommendations of the
committee constituted for review of provisions under transfer policy clause
Rule 8 & Rule 9 for request transfers, DGM WS & I BSNL CO issued orders
for amendments in Transfer policy for consideration of inter Circle transfers
of JAOs/JTOs outside the recruited Circle. Letter <<<>>>
Earlier the Temporary transfers under Rule 9 were
considered for all JAOs/JTOs without any consideration of minimum services in
recruited Circle after his/her joining as JTO/JAO.
Now as per this revised policy the Temporary
transfers under rule 9 will be considered only on completion of minimum two
years of service as JTO/JAO in the recruited Circle.
Though the provision for Temporary transfers
under Rule 9 is made for consideration of genuine medical grounds requests, we
have seen that some specific newly joined and influential JTOs/JAOs used their
political relations and managed their transfers to choice Circles within 2-3
months of joining as JTO/JAO in BSNL.
Others who do not use such influence are/were
compelled to work at recruited Circles even after completion of five years of
minimum services for Rule 8 transfers and request transfers of many of
JTOs/JAOs were not given consideration to their choice Circles even after
completion of ten years of service in recruited Circle.
The maximum period of own cost deputation under
Rule 8 transfers is now restricted maximum five years and if after completion
of five years period of temporary transfers the officer do not join parent
Circle then he/she will be relieved through ERP to join parent Circle.
As such for consideration of Rule 8 transfer, one
has to complete physically five years in recruited Circle as JTO/JAOs and the
period on deputation outside recruited Circle under Rule 9 transfers will be
excluded from this minimum stay of five years.
As one has to complete
five years for permanent transfers to choice Circle at any cost, this amendment will reduce the number of request for temporary
transfers under Rule 9 and the requests if any by influential and non
-influential JTOs/JAOs will be considered after completion of minimum two years
in recruited Circle.
Though this amendment will be affect some of the
genuine request transfers on medical grounds, it will stop the malpractices for
deputation under rule 9 under political influence for getting immediate
transfers to choice/home Circles by some politically influential JTOs/JAOs.
Let us hope BSNL management
follows the transfer policy equally for all and do not make any exception to it
under any inside/outside influence or official/unofficial pressure.
20 DEC 16:
Finally, the confusion
over who is SSA Head Raigad is over: Finally, the confusion over who
is SSA Head Raged for last two and half month is over immediately after the
matter was taken up by SNEA MH at
different levels. Now as per the orders issued by AGM Staff Mumbai, Raigad SSA
will be headed by DGM level Officer with Business Area reporting to GM Kalyan
and the present GMT Raigad is relieved on papers to continue his work as GM
NOFN Mumbai. Letter <<<>>> Reliving Order <<<>>>
This is classic example of mockery of
administration in Maharashtra Circle.
The work of Raigad SSA was badly affected since
06/10/2016 the date of implementation of Business area concept in Maharashtra
Circle under pressure of CGMT MH without considering the issues to the depth.
It is fact that just to save Shri. A. B. Gupta GM out of Mumbai he was given charge of GMT Raigad and he
continues to be GMT Raigad since last three years even though he was not
seating at Raigad and enjoyed Mumbai HQ with additional charge of GM TX/NOFN
Though he was rarely visiting office of GMT
Raigad at Panvel, many of the works were completed by sending files from Panvel
to Mumbai and there were no major issues except difficulties of customers of
Raigad SSA in meeting to SSA Head.
But after force implementation of Business Area
concept, Raigad SSA is under Kalyan Business area and naturally SSA Head Raigad
has to report to GM Kalyan as Business Area Head.
But here again ego clashes & matter of
senior/junior comes and important point was how one GM level Officer will
report to other GM level officer, but nobody in Circle office Mumbai cared for
last two & half months.
After this orders for Business Area
implementation, since 06/10/2016 i.e. for last two and half months the works of
Raigad SSA were practically stopped as Shri. A. B.
Gupta rejected all the files and requests of works
through ERP except few cases stating that he is not SSA Head Raigad or may be
fact that he will not report to GM Kalyan in capacity of GMT Raigad.
After his rejection all cases were diverted to
GMT Kalyan in ERP, but as Shri. Gupta was having works of NOFN and same was not
separated from GMT Raigad, then the reporting of GM NOFN Mumbai also
transferred to GMT Kalyan.
Due to this, none of
officer in Raigad SSA has received Temporary Advance, no approvals are accorded
from the SSA Head and the entire work of Raigad SSA was practically paralyzed
for period of at least two months. Under such
compulsions, many of the field officers managed office works by making
expenditure from pockets to avoid the anguish of customers.
The matter was taken up at all the administrative
levels and it was reported that the file of transfer of Shri. A. B. Gupta from post of
GMT Raigad to GM NOFN Mumbai was not approved by BSNL CO for last two months
and hence neither GMT Raigad nor GMT Kalyan was taking care of issues of Raigad
It was unfortunate to see that even though Shri.
A.B.Gupta rejected all works in ERP, he was enjoying vehicle of Raigad SSA at
Mumbai along with one vehicle of GM TX/NOFN Mumbai, but nobody objected it.
When the matter was reported by Com. Sachin Kohadkar DS SNEA
Raigad to CS SNEA MH about the difficulties faced by
Raigad SSA and executives working thereof, Com.
V.B.Kokate CS SNEA MH took
immediate initiatives by sharing practical difficulties with all concerned
officers and everybody agreed about the difficulties of Raigad SSA, but
everybody was pointing figures to BSNL CO for want of transfer order of Shri.
A.B.Gupta from post of SSA Head Raigad.
Finally SNEA MH has explained the facts to CGMT
MH Circle and unrest among the executives and public of Raigad SSA and then
matter was reviewed and now Com. C.V.
Rao, DGM Raigad is SSA Head Raigad and he will report to GMT Kalyan as Business
Area Head & Shri. A.B.Gupta is relieved from charge of GMT Raigad and will
continue to work as GM NOFN Mumbai.
This order will
definitely save good expenditure of Raigad SSA on double establishment of GMT
Raigad as Panvel as well as Mumbai and the decision at level of SSA Head will
be taken care at Panvel itself.
It was quite possible that the matter was
resolved by administration itself that to be at the time of implementation of
orders of Business area, but as the officers in HR/Admn units are under fear of
CGMT MH Circle are not able to explain the real issues to CGMT MH and such
dilemma continues for the months together and its
really unfortunate for the BSNL Maharashtra Circle. Due to such fear only
orders of SSA Heads are issued one by one and not by giving equal treatment to
all SSA Heads.
Let us hope with these changes all the
difficulties faced by customers and officers in Raigad SSA will be resolved and
in future all such administrative issued are settled without any delay &
with practical approach.
20 DEC 16: AGM
Staff Mumbai issued orders for detaching Enterprise Business Unit from PGMT
Pune and attaching it to PGM CM Pune. Letter <<<>>>
Only Pune SSA has separate & strong unit of
Enterprise Business which was headed by GM level Officer and it has grabbed
very good business for BSNL.
It was specific arrangement by considering issues
of practical implementation of the
orders /business grabbed by the EB team as it was difficult task due to clashes
of egos of the officers of different units i.e. GM EB at Mumbai & PGMT
With separation of EB team
from PGMT Pune, again similar issues will be reported and the very purpose of
formation of separate EB unit at Pune will be defeated, but who cares for
business of BSNL is real question?
If it was so then there was no need of separate
EB Team Pune and Enterprise Business of Pune SSA also can be taken care by EB
team at Mumbai as being done for all other SSAs throughout Maharashtra Circle.
But now days, the business of BSNL seems to be
given second priority over the clashes between senior officers in BSNL and
issues are driven by such egos by changing earlier decisions taken in larger
interest of BSNL.
Earlier the post of PGM Pune was diverted from
Mumbai to Pune for the personal adjustment of the officer and the PGM CM Office
Mumbai is kept without head since last 4-5 months.
Some of Add GM level officer at Pune is entrusted
with charge of GM land one Add GM is degraded by entrusting him charge of DE
RTCC Pune and it is always seen that personal egos and clashes are more important
than the need of BSNL and same seems to be effectively operated for Pune
The one separate GM Sales & Marketing was
posted specially for Pune when MH Circle has GM Sales & Marketing and it
also was done just to adjust the request of GM level officer at Pune.
Same was about posting of PGMT Pune and matter of
senior junior thereof and the charge of PGMT Pune was entrusted to different
officers in short span of time.
Now EB works are detached from PGMT Pune and
attached directly to PGM CM Pune with change of designation as PGM CM & EB
Pune who is directly reporting to CGMT MH.
Let us hope in days to come this work culture
changes and priority is given to the works of BSNL and not to personal egos and
rivalry among the senior officers and Pune highest Revenue earning SSA of BSNL
is kept free from all such politics with free hand to grab more and more
Business for BSNL.
DEC 16: CAO FC Mumbai calls for VCs of 15 JAOs for
Looking After Arrangements in AO Cadre. Letter <<<>>>
20 DEC 16: AGM
Peers I BSNL CO issued instructions for relieving of officers under transfer
who were allowed to join in present Circle/SSA in view of membership first
membership verification. Letter <<<>>>
20 DEC 16: AGM
A&E BSNL CO published the corrected and updated Seniority list of AGM /EE
Electrical in BSNL and calls for representations for corrections if any latest
by 05/01/2016. Letter <<<>>> List <<<>>>
20 DEC 16: The LICE
for JTO Civil to SDE Civil promotions is rescheduled from 24/12/2016 to
05/03/2017 and now
LICE for
filling post of SDE Civil/Electrical and Telecom factory will be conducted on
same date i.e. 05/03/2017. Letter <<<>>>
Photos /Videos Celebrations of SNEA Victory <<<>>>
DEC 16: Update of Staff Number in ERP: BSNL CO
has already directed to update Staff Number as per seniority list in SDE Cadre
in respect of all SDEs/DEs/AGMs as per recent guidelines from BSNL CO. Letter <<<>>>
Now many
of the works including Vigilance Clearance are being issued through ERP and if
all details are not updated in ERP then implementation of online applications
like online VC is not possible. Hence all the executives in seniority list No.
5, 6, 7 & 8 are requested to update their Staff number in ERP without any
further delay.
DEC 16: AGM A&E BSNL CO issued Own Cost Request
Transfer of 9 SDE Electrical in which two request of Maharashtra Comrades for
repatriation from Gujarat & MP Circle to Maharashtra Circle are issued. Letter <<<>>>
These requests were discussed in the General Body
Meeting of SNEA ACE Mumbai held on 24/10/2016 for repatriation of the officers
transferred on SDE Elect promotion out of Maharashtra Circle due to
non-availability of vacancies in MH Circle at the time of their promotions.
The issue was specifically raised by Com. M. A. Wase JS NRU SNEA MH & Com.
Sameer Shinde DS ACE SNEA Mumbai. In response, it was firmly assured by Com. A. Chandrasekar, AGS
SNEA CHQ that if the request are given at Own cost same
will be pursued by SNEA and both the comrades will be transferred to
Maharashtra Circle.
Accordingly by keeping this assurance given in
the General Body Meeting of SNEA ACE Mumbai held now the transfer orders of SDE
Elect from Gujarat & MP Circle are issued for Maharashtra Circle.
SNEA MH conveys sincere thanks to Com. A. Chandrasekhar, AGS
SNEA CHQ for his special efforts by keeping his promise
and repatriating these officers to Maharashtra Circle.
DEC 16: AD Admn II Mumbai endorsed the copy of the
recognition of SNEA as “Majority Representative
Association” in BSNL to all SSA Heads in Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM CPC BSNNL CO issued fourth reminder
letter to all Circle Heads for sending Screening Report, VCs and APRs for all
SDEs, DEs & AGMs in Seniority list No. 5, 6 & 7. Letter <<<>>>
In casual approach AGM CPC continues to write
reminders to Circle heads and Circle heads deliberately neglects all such
formal reminder letters and even this fourth reminder will also be shown dust
AGM DPC BSNL CO also seems to be have understood
that there is no use of writing reminder with specific time frame and hence in
this fourth reminder no time frame has been given.
As per earlier letter the Screening Committee
Report, VCs & APRs were to be sent by 15/11/2016 but after one month also
i.e. by 15/12/2016 more
than 150 cases are pending for
assessment by Maharashtra Circle and same is case with WTP/WTR &
ITPC Circle.
It can be seen that
none of Circle has sent scanned copies of APRs and it seems there is deliberate
negligence in sending the desired information.
It was earlier assured by GM HR/Admn Mumbai that this work will be completed in time
bound manner, but it is seen that even the words of GM HR/Admn has no meaning
as till APRs of about 130 SDEs/DEs/AGMs are not received in Circle Office
As such all DS/COBs,
activist and concerned officers are requested to look into this matter and see
that VCs /APRs are sent to AD HRD Mumbai without any further delay.
DEC 16: By keeping similar Tenure transfer orders
aside, AGM staff Mumbai issued relieving order of single SDE for Tenure station
on pick and choose basis , it may be done in the larger interest of BSNL
Maharashtra Circle. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: EE Civil HQ issued posting order of SDE C
for posting of SDE Civil who got modification in zone of posting from BSNL CO
and for consideration of own cost request transfers. Letter <<<>>>
are certain genuine grievances of some SDEs transferred against their request
and SNEA MH will take up all such cases as requested by individuals. Affected
executives are requested to send their representation through proper channel
and its copy to DS concerned and Com. M. A. Wase, Joint
Secretary NRU SNEA MH.
DEC 16: CAO FC Mumbai issued orders for 14 JAOs for
their four weeks JAO Phase III training w.e.f. 19/12/2016 at NATFM Hyderabad. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: CAO FC II Mumbai issued orders for force
relieving of JAO from Kalyan by 17/12/2016 and to report to Circle Office with
threatening to DGM F Kalyan that if said JAO is not relieved by 17/12/2016 , he
will be relieved through ERP. Letter <<<>>>
This is unfortunate that the other five
JAOs who have joined in Circle Office Mumbai are not assigned any designated
work and are compelled to seat idle and this JAO working in Kalyan is forced to
join Circle office. But now FC section
has started new trend of pick and choose force relieving and this ERP relieving
seems to be used as tool to threaten the concerned officers under transfer.
SNEA MH will take up this issue to stop all such malpractices under influence
of some individuals and if any force relieving order is to be issued then it
should be issued for all such officers and not on pick and choose basis.
DEC 16: AGM Nodal Pune issued orders for
constitution of SSA wise Committee for Physical Verification of Physically damaged/Water
damaged/burnt/RNP GSM BTS cards and Committee has to complete this
work in time bound manner by 22/12/2016. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM BP Ent II BSNL CO issued extension of
delegation EB powers to CGMs up to 31/03/2017 and calls for
feedback/suggestions with 15 days period for further continuation of delegation
of powers with CGMs. Letter <<<>>>
16 DEC 16: 100% Support to One
Day “Total Strike” against proposal of Govt of India for Formation Tower
Subsidiary Company: About
all the executives and non-executives throughout Maharashtra Circle
participated in the Full Day Stay out Strike on 15/12/2016 in active support of
call given by Forum of Unions & Associations CHQ, New Delhi. Except
few, about all he executives and Non Executives have taken self-initiatives and
participated in Strike and few who were not aware about the depth of call, have
later understood the real concern of call and then participated in the Strike
making it highly successful total Stay Out
This call was
observed was not only in each and every District/Unit but it was observed at
each and every Exchange/Building and in many of the offices/Units none of
officer/Staff was present to even send the Strike report. Not only working, but
even many retired executives/Non Executives along with about all DGM level
officers supported this call with commitment to intensify the struggle if the
proposal for Formation of Tower Company is not dropped by DoT/Govt of India.
SNEA Maharashtra
conveys sincere thanks and gratitude to all the Executives and Non
Executives, throughout Maharashtra Circle for such strongest unity and
commitment towards the BSNL and its existence. We also convey thanks to
DS/DOBs/COBs of all Unions & Association in Maharashtra Circle for
their commendable leadership in bringing awareness among the comrades in
Maharashtra Circle about proposal and its impact on existence of BSNL. Keep it up Comrades, we will save our BSNL
from all such back door attempts for privatisation of BSNL.
PHOTOS <<<>>>
Media Coverage <<<>>>
14 DEC 16: One Day
“Total Strike” on 15/12/2016
against formation Tower Subsidiary
company: As per call given by Forum of Unions
& Associations CHQ, New Delhi, all employees & executives in BSNL
will observe total strike in BSNL on 15/12/2016 and register their strong
protest against decision formation of separate Tower Company.
All DS/DOBs/COBs and activist are requested to take
lead by creating awareness among all executives and non-executives and see that
each and every employee and executive of BSNL actively participate in this
strike so that our voice reaches to the Govt of India and the proposal for
formation of Tower Subsidiary company is withdrawn with immediate effect.
Comrades, earlier also we have saved
BSNL from many such attacks with our strongest unity and we have to show such
unity again. SNEA MH appeals all Executive & Non-Executive
Comrades in Maharashtra Circle to make this strike grand success by
participation of 100 % executives and non-executives throughout Maharashtra
14 DEC 16: AGM Pers
II BSNL CO issued transfer orders of tenure Completed SDEs in cadre which were
held up due to referendum process. Letter <<<>>> <<<>>>
DEC 16: With continuous persuasion by Com.
A. A. Khan, President SNEA CHQ, the AGM BW HR issued
modification in allocation of Civil Zones for many of SDE Civil, in which two
Own Cost request of Maharashtra Circle are also considered. Letter <<<>>>
SNEA MH conveys sincere thanks to Com.
A. A. Khan, President SNEA CHQ for his special efforts in
giving consideration to three requests of MH Comrades.
DEC 16: AGM DPC BSNL CO calls for VCs, SCs &
APRs of AGM/DE Regular for DGM Adhoc promotions. Letter <<<>>> List <<<>>>
DEC 16: DGM SR BSNL CO rejected the accept illegal
& childish demand with deliberate misinterpretation of certain clauses of
BSNL Executive Association Recognition Rule 2014 by GS AIBSNLEA for grant of
Representative Association for AIBSNLEA at par with SNEA. Letter <<<>>>
Photos: Membership Verification
Inaugural Function Nanded <<<>> Parbhani <<<>>>
Aurangabad <<<>>> ACE Mumbai <<<>>>
Osmanabad <<<>>> Solapur <<<>>>>
ITPC Pune <<<>>> Executive Body Pune <<<>>>
Kolhapur <<<>>> WTR Mumbai <<<>>>
Yavatmal <<<>>> Amravati <<<>>>
Wardha <<<>>> Chandrapur <<<>>>
Gadchiroli <<<>>> TDM Gadchiroli <<<>>>
Ratnagiri <<<>>> Nagpur <<<>>>
Kalyan <<<>>> Ahmednagar <<<>>>
Campaign Closing Ceremony at Nashik <<<>>>
12 DEC 16: Congratulations!!! DGM SR
BSNL CO issued notification granting status of “First
Recognized Representative Association of Executives in BSNL ’ to our
beloved association Sanchar Nigam Executive’s Association (SNEA)
with all trade union facilities as SNEA has secured highest votes in first membership
verification and has also crossed limit of minimum 35% votes as eligibility for
becoming representative association in BSNL.
Letter <<<>>>
SNEA is only “Recognized
Representative Association of Executives in BSNL” at all levels on Pan India Basis i.e. at Corporate level, Circle level &
District Level.
It means if in any of the District/Circle, SNEA has got less votes as compared to any other
association, still SNEA District/Circle body will be “Recognized Representative Association in that District/Circle” in that District/Circle and AIBSNLEA will be support
Association at all levels.
This recognition is for
period of three years i.e. from 13/12/2016 to 12/12/2019.
Prominent facilities extended to SNEA
Entitlement for providing suggestions /views on
important matters/issued related to growth and viability of BSNL.
Entitlement for consultation with management on
policy issues related to their cadre management.
Quarterly formal meetings at all levels on agenda
Immunity from transfer at District/Circle/CHQ
level top Office Bearers of SNEA.
Separate Mobile Service Connection to office
Bearers at CHQ/Circle & District Level with CUG facility.
Deduction of monthly subscription of SNEA from Salary of SNEA
20 Special CLs to SNEA office Bearers at all
Further ‘AIBSNLA’ is granted recognition
just as “Support” association in BSNL with “limited
facilities” as it has crossed limit of
15% votes for becoming support Association in BSNL at all levels i.e. Corporate/Circle and District level. The Limited Facilities to ‘Support’ Association i.e.
Permitted to take up issues within the scope of
association and management may accept it as input/feedback and it will not be
obligatory for management to respond to such issues.
Immunity from Transfer at all level along with
deduction of monthly subscription association from AIBSNLEA members
The trade Union facilities to all other eight
participant associations and non-participant association (AIGETOA) has been
withdrawn with immediate effect.
Comrades, now it is crystal clear that SNEA as “Majority Representative Association of all Executives in
BSNL” is the only association which has right to take
up all HR issues with the management and get it settled and that to be at all
SNEA has great experience of settlement of HR
issues of executives and in between period many of the HR issues were/are
pending due to multiplicity of associations and selfish leadership of opponent
association, who never worked for uniform applicability of the solvency of the
issues and worked only for interest of some group of leaders and never for
common members.
SNEA will start immediately for the resolution of
the pending HR issues with “Top Most Priority” to the critical issues like 30% SAB, Standard
Pay Scales with Pay parity of past 2007 JTOs because these are the burning
SNEA is further committed to resolve all such
issues created due to culprit attitude of certain leaders i.e. Seniority cum fitness SDE Promotion,
promotion & posting of LDCE passed JTOs who are not given posting order,
settlement of grievances of LDCE passed comrades by restoration of their
seniority, First Time Bound Promotion in Four years equally to all executives
and so on.
SNEA MH is further committed for issuing all pending Rule 8 transfers in time
bound manner and possibly in one lot by overcoming earlier procedure
of five request to each Circle as we have successfully earlier pursued
successfully and it will be taken care very shortly and only need is that
all such JTOs should be strongly united under banner of SNEA.
Comrades, while meeting with many of the comrades
during MV campaigning, SNEA leaders have understood many of the issues like Pay parity of past 2007 batch to the depth and we will make committed & time bound
efforts for its resolution by overcoming all manmade hurdles like cascading
effect in Standard Pay scales created by certain officers in BSNL
management by taking benefits of multiplicity of associations in BSNL.
Similar hurdles were created by these leaders by
agreement for 3% SAB against publicly approval for 6% SAB by CMD BSNL in SNEA
AIC at Jaipur and SNEA will work in committed manner for getting 30% SAB
approved and here also only need is that majority rather all DRs/BRs should
join hands with SNEA by accepting SNEA membership by forgetting all the
issues in past.
It is humble request to all BSNL executives in
general and DRs/BRs in particular that please do not come in traps laid by
certain leaders just to continue their leadership and please join hands with “Majority Representative Association“ so that BSNL management understands strongest unity of
executives in BSNL after look at deduction of Association subscription from
salary from first month itself.
We all executives in BSNL have one important
& common issue of 3rd Pay Revision which we have to grab in this
year itself and here only strongest unity will give us desired results.
With the process of membership verification, it
has been only finalized that which is the “Representative
Association” and which is “Support” Association and which are association not having existence
in the BSNL as the trade union facilities extended to all other associations
except SNEA & AIBSNLEA are withdrawn and hence there is no meaning to
continue with membership of such non-recognized association and show division
among us.
It is chance to all executives in BSNL to be part
& member of “Majority Representative Association in BSNL” by filling
up membership form of SNEA and all
District Secretaries of SNEA are ready to welcome all the executives in SNEA
Family without any doubts in mind.
Please use this opportunity and be part of ruling
party so that all pending HR issues which deliberately delayed by BSNL management
by taking benefits of multiplicity of associations since formation of BSNL are
resolved in time bound manner.
United we Stand, divided
we fall and its great opportunity to all of us to be
united under banner of SNEA, the Majority Representative Association in
SNEA MH appeals all the executives in BSNL to
join SNEA regardless of their earlier membership and to whom he/she has voted
in the first Membership verification and please give
us strength with your active support to resolve all the pending HR issues.
Comrades , there may be some issues which are not
covered above , but SNEA will continue to take feedback for DS & activists
of SNEA and all such issues will be added in agenda points and will be
successfully pursued by SNEA.
We have learn many of the
issues from the results of first membership verification process and we will
incorporate all required changes at all levels as per the expectations of
executives in BSNL. .
SNEA Maharashtra conveys warm greetings on the occasion of
Milad-un-Nabi to one and all.
DEC 16: Photos Celebrations
of SNEA Victory throughout Maharashtra Circle. <<<>>>
DEC 16: BSNL CO declared the result of membership
verification of Executives Associations in BSNL and SNEA has been come out as “First
Representative Association’ in BSNL. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Official Results of First membership Verification of Executive
Association in Maharashtra Circle <<<>>>
DEC 16: Congratulations: Congratulations to
all SNEA Comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle, with your support SNEA wins
with margin of 1042 votes over the second largest Association. SNEA is leading
in all Districts except Wardha & Satara where SNEA has difference of just 7
& 2 votes respectively. The results all over India are in favor of SNEA and
shortly it will be uploaded after getting final results.
We convey sincere thanks &
gratitude to all our comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle for giving
majority votes to SNEA. SNEA emerges as strongest Association in Maharashtra
Circle and none another association has touched the minimum benchmark of 35%
for becoming eligible for “Majority Representative Association
of Executives in BSNL”.
Membership Verification –Maharashtra Results |
Sr. |
District |
Total |
Casted |
Invalid |
Total |
1 |
Ahmednagar |
139 |
134 |
88 |
43 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
134 |
2 |
Akola |
71 |
70 |
43 |
20 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
70 |
3 |
Amravati |
103 |
103 |
70 |
23 |
3 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
103 |
4 |
Aurangabad |
159 |
152 |
91 |
23 |
10 |
21 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
152 |
5 |
Beed |
56 |
54 |
33 |
19 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
54 |
6 |
Bhandara |
59 |
58 |
33 |
19 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
58 |
7 |
Buldhana |
37 |
36 |
27 |
4 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
36 |
8 |
Chandrapur |
54 |
54 |
43 |
6 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
54 |
9 |
Dhule |
85 |
81 |
64 |
14 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
81 |
10 |
Gadchiroli |
34 |
34 |
29 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
34 |
11 |
Goa |
194 |
187 |
99 |
72 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
187 |
12 |
Jalgaon |
102 |
97 |
60 |
28 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
97 |
13 |
Jalna |
35 |
35 |
24 |
11 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
35 |
14 |
Kalyan |
288 |
266 |
177 |
73 |
5 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
266 |
15 |
Kolhapur |
208 |
203 |
92 |
85 |
17 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
203 |
16 |
Latur |
71 |
68 |
28 |
24 |
1 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
68 |
17 |
Nagpur |
381 |
356 |
180 |
126 |
3 |
42 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
356 |
18 |
Nanded |
77 |
76 |
42 |
22 |
0 |
11 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
76 |
19 |
Nashik |
248 |
238 |
149 |
54 |
12 |
21 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
238 |
20 |
Osmanabad |
40 |
38 |
24 |
10 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
38 |
21 |
Parbhani |
45 |
44 |
30 |
12 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
44 |
22 |
Pune |
916 |
851 |
408 |
346 |
21 |
46 |
1 |
1 |
12 |
12 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
851 |
23 |
Raigad |
87 |
83 |
57 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
83 |
24 |
Ratnagiri |
85 |
83 |
71 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
83 |
25 |
Sangli |
106 |
105 |
64 |
40 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
105 |
26 |
Satara |
97 |
92 |
42 |
49 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
92 |
27 |
Sindhdurg |
72 |
67 |
47 |
16 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
67 |
28 |
Solapur |
126 |
125 |
84 |
37 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
125 |
29 |
Wardha |
35 |
35 |
16 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
35 |
30 |
Yavatmal |
53 |
51 |
29 |
21 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
51 |
31 |
Mumbai |
639 |
563 |
287 |
241 |
1 |
24 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
563 |
Total |
4702 |
4439 |
2531 |
1489 |
85 |
234 |
15 |
4 |
21 |
18 |
16 |
14 |
12 |
4439 |
9 DEC 16: Counting
of Votes of First membership verification of Executive Association in BSNL to
start at 0900 hrs today in all SSAs and most probably results in respect of all
SSAs except Pune/Mumbai will be available by 1100 hrs. SNEA MH
will give update on SSA wise results on this website from 0900 hrs.
9 DEC 16: AGM Admn
Mumbai issued orders for Change of holiday on occasion of Id-E-Milad from 13/12/2016 to 12/12/2016. Letter <<<>>>
BSNL CO calls for detail information of AGMs/DEs, SDEs in Seniority list No. 5,
6 & 7 viz. Name, Perner /HR No, Desgn, DOB, Stream, Present Circle, Staff
No etc. for onward submission to AGM Vigilance BSNL CO for grant of Vigilance
Clarence for AGM/DE Regular promotion and last date of submission of
Information is 25/12/2016. Letter <<<>>>
This is best example how the HR issues of BSNL
executives are being handled with deliberate negligence and how implementation
of ERP by spending Crores of Rupees also is useless for BSNL.
Naturally the data should be available with BSNL
CO as seniority list is prepared by BSNL CO, but in senseless manner and in
totally unwanted method, the data s called from the filed units.
It was quite possible that the information
missing only would have been called, but information has been called in respect
of all SDE, AGM/DE Adhoc and even for DGMs appearing in list No. 5, 6 & 7,
making clear that there is no correct seniority list with BSNL CO.
Casual approach of BSNL CO is clearly visible
that last date of submission of data is 25/12/2016 which is holiday and who
will be available in BSNL CO to collect this data is also under question.
This is ridiculous to see
the approach of BSNL CO while these officers are being promoted to STS level
and there needs some basic changes in DPC and overall approach about the
promotions of BSNL’s own officers.
Let us hope this there is
some changes in approach of the BSNL CO in dealing with such sensitive issues
and proper records are maintained by BSNL in soft as well as hard copy and
every now and then data is not called from Circles/SSAs.
8 DEC 16: Jt GM
Rectt BSNL CO writes Circle Heads for not taking any action of the process of
JE recruitment in BSNL, meaning that the process of JE recruitment has been
kept on hold by giving administrative reasons. Letter <<<>>>
8 DEC 16: Jt GM
W&QA BSNL CO issued guidelines on procurement of readymade furniture. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: AGM DPC BSNL CO writes all Circle/Unit Heads
for immediate updating of staff Number allotted
in SDE Cadre in respect of all SDEs/DEs/AGMs & DGMs and it is to be
done by individual officers by their ERP login. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: DoPT, Govt of India clarified that warning,
letter of caution, reprimands or advisories administrated to Government Servant
do not amount to be penalty and any type of promotions of the official/officers
cannot be barred on basis of such letters treating it as penalty. Letter <<<>>>
DEC 16: Historical &
Grand Response from Executives in Maharashtra Circle: Comrades, in overwhelming response from the executives
throughout Maharashtra Circle,, in the first
Membership Verification of Executive Association in BSNL, about all executives
have visited polling booths and casted their vote as responsible citizen. We
have received reports from all District Secretaries of SNEA that since morning
executives were fully enthusiastic and more than 60% voting was completed by
1300 hrs. On conclusion
of voting by 1700 hrs out of total 4702 voters 4442 voters casted there vote
which comes to be 94.47 % votes. This is possible
due to the day night efforts taken by DS/COBs/DOBs and activists and SNEA
Voting Percentage as per reports from District Secretaries SNEA
Maharashtra |
Sr |
District |
Total Votes |
Votes casted |
Absconding |
Le ave |
Not voted |
Any other |
Total |
Percentage |
1 |
Ahmednagar |
139 |
134 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
139 |
96.40 |
2 |
Akola |
71 |
70 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
71 |
98.59 |
3 |
Amravati |
103 |
103 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
103 |
100.00 |
4 |
Aurangabad |
159 |
152 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
159 |
95.60 |
5 |
Beed |
56 |
54 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
56 |
96.43 |
6 |
Bhandara |
59 |
58 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
59 |
98.31 |
7 |
Buldhana |
37 |
36 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
37 |
97.30 |
8 |
Chandrapur |
54 |
54 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
54 |
100.00 |
9 |
Dhule |
85 |
81 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
85 |
95.29 |
10 |
Gadchiroli |
34 |
34 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
34 |
100.00 |
11 |
Goa |
194 |
187 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
194 |
96.39 |
12 |
ITPC Pune |
266 |
250 |
0 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
266 |
93.98 |
13 |
Jalgaon |
102 |
97 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
102 |
95.10 |
14 |
Jalna |
35 |
35 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
35 |
100.00 |
15 |
Kalyan |
288 |
267 |
4 |
17 |
0 |
0 |
288 |
92.71 |
16 |
Kolhapur |
208 |
203 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
208 |
97.60 |
17 |
Latur |
71 |
68 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
71 |
95.77 |
18 |
Nagpur |
381 |
356 |
0 |
13 |
0 |