Last updated on  31 AUG 15




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Divisional Conference ITPC Pune <<<>>>


31 AUG 15: SNEA (I) MH Circle congratulates,  Com. Kesale Ashok Sakharam, SDE Latur, on his superannuation retirement as on today, 31/08/2015 and wish him & his  family members “A Very Happy, Peaceful & Long Retired Life”.

Com. Kesale Ashok Sakharam, SDE Commercial Latur SSA {9423076600} has started his carrier in CTO Mumbai & has rendered services as ASTT Mumbai/ Solapur, in different capacity of JTO & SDE in Osmanabad & Latur SSA. While working as SDE EB/Commercial Osmanabad SSA, he has generated about Rs.2 Crores business for BSNL. Com. Kesale is very punctual & hard worker of their duties & is taking full responsibility of any given work He is die- hard member of SNEA (I) and has always taken active part on all activities on the platform of SNEA (I). 

SNEA (I) MH salutes sincerity, dedication and affection Com. Kesale Ashok Sakharam towards BSNL and SNEA (I) and on behalf of thousands of Comrades of SNEA (I) Maharashtra Circle, we wish him and his family members “A Happy, Peaceful, Healthy & Long Retired Life”.


31 AUG 15: Counting of MTNL Mumbai stay in SDE Long stay list of Maharashtra Circle: AGM Staff Mumbai issued list of SDEs joined Maharashtra Circle from MTNL Mumbai by counting their stay from date of joining at Mumbai as JTO & calls for corrections in their stay particulars if any. Letter <<<>>> 

Ø This letter is issued as per the BSNL CO clarification dated 25/08/2015 for counting of stay in Maharashtra Circle including stay at MTNL Mumbai.

Ø But in shameless manner, here attempt has been made for including names of female executives in the list of long stay SDEs for transfer to Hard Tenure station and female SDEs are asked to submit their unwillingness for not working at hard tenure station.

Ø This senseless action has been taken by staff section as selfish complaint made by some useless & selfish officers, who want to save themselves from the long stay transfer to hard tenure station and in shameless manner AGM Staff Mumbai is compelling female executives to submit unwillingness.

Ø When there is nothing written in this letter about stay of female executives in this clarification and when names of female executives were never included in long stay list of SDEs for posting to hard tenure Circles, there was no need on part of staff section to add such hopeless & senseless line and create fear among the female executives.

Ø This is not only matter of fear among female executives, but it is also wastage of stationary and office time in such unwanted correspondence on matter not going to yield results. As per transfer policy, unwilling female executives are not to be posted to hard tenure stations. We all are aware that no female executive will be willing for working at hard tenure except one or two cases throughout India. In such known circumstances it would have been correct action on part of staff section that applications would have been called from only willing female executives and not from all female executives. But as usual some senseless & selfish officers showing their poor leadership qualities are intentionally creating unwanted trouble for female executives, just to safeguard themselves from the long stay transfers.

Ø Inclusion of female executives does not serve any purpose except cruel satisfaction of such officers & on the contrary it creates confusion among long stay list and they are thinking that their turn for hard tenure is far away & all off sudden their transfer order is issued to hard tenure station. Anyhow SNEA(I) MH will take up matter with administration for not calling for willingness from female executives and till then no female executive should submit her unwillingness and any female executives willing for working at hard tenure may submit her willingness.  

Ø SNEA (I) MH has also received some individual complaints about wrong interpretation of counting combined stay of two separate territorial Circles by BSNL CO, difficulties faced by these executives who have opted BSNL under rule 8 transfers or by accepting lower pay sales of BSNL as compared to MTNL, about not having option to so called same Circle MTNL etc which we also find justified at this stage.

Ø SNEA (I) MH is studying this matter and final decision will be taken shortly after getting feedback from all DS/COBs and individual officers affected by both the sides. Till then all executives affected by this order may represent their case through proper cannel to GM Pers BSNL CO with detail justification and its copy may be sent to DS SNEA (I) of concerned SSA/CS SNEA (I) MH.


31 AUG 15:  AD Admn II Mumbai published consolidated & updated list of empanelled hospitals in Mumbai area. Letter <<<>>> 


31 AUG 15:  AGM Admn Mumbai writes to all SSA Heads for organization of “Hindi Pakhwada” in month Sept 2015. Letter <<<>>> 


 29 AUG 15: Meeting with Sri V. Umashankar, Jt Secretary/DoT and DIR (PSU): GS met JS (T) and DIR (PSU) and held discussions on the following issues:

a.      Sending proposal to DPE to include Pension revision as terms of reference of the 3rd PRC: As assured to the Forum in the meeting on 01.05.2015 with Secretary/DoT and others, the proposal is initiated by PSU-I section. After approval of the same by JS (T) on 27.08.2015, the proposal sends to Estt section. The proposal will be processed through Member(S), Member (F) and then with the approval of Secretary, DoT it will be sent to DPE.

b.      78.2% IDA fitment for the pensioners: DoE sought some clarifications from DoT on the proposal to waive the 60:40 formula for the BSNL pensioners. DoT authorities informed us that DoT is planning to send the proposal to cabinet incorporating the reply to the issues raised by DoE. In that case the reply will not be send to DoE again and the cabinet memo will be send to the Cabinet secretariat with the DoT reply.


29 AUG 15: Availability of stores related to landline & Broadband: In Circle Executive Committee Meeting held at Solapur on 8th & 9th August 2015, ALL District Secretaries have raised issue of Shortage of Stores and it was resolved that the matter should be given on Top Priority by SNEA(I).  Accordingly we have accessed the availability of CFA related stores items like Drop wire, EBPT, UY Connector, Modular Connector, Modules for DP /CT Boxes and Broadband Modems. We had detail discussions with Com. A.K.Tiwari, AGM SP/CP holding additional charge of AGM Broadband. We elaborated him the situation of stores in field and how it is affecting overall growth of BSNL and how our comrades in the field units are facing critical situation and unrest of the customers. Com. Tiwari agreed that there is scarcity of some of items but it is within hands & due to continuous efforts taken by his office the situation will change shortly. He was firm that in days to come ample stores will be available not only in stores but in field units also. We made him clear that though stores are available in field units, it is not practically available with the officers/Staff working at field units. He agreed for that and assured to allot the stores as required by SSA. He also reproduced the words of CGMT MH that the SSAs which are giving specific requirement with firm targets of revenue generation, addition of landline etc, then they will be given priority. He specifically mentioned that SSAs are not updating store utilizing in ERP which is showing excess availability of stores with field units. He stressed upon updating data of utilization by not only SDE/DE MM of SSA but by each and every field unit has to update store utilization data and till data is updated it is shown as unused stores and further allotment is being made on the utilization report & balance stores in ERP.  Anyone facing shortage of stores for targeted works should update utilization data in ERP & then may contact to SDE/DE MM of their SSA then to Com. Murali Uduta JTO CP Mumbai on 022-26467305 and till there are certain unresolved issues they can call to Com. A. K.Tiwari AGM SP/CP Mumbai 022-2646732.  For requirement of Broadband modem one can contact to Com. Mrs. Saima JTO Broadband 022-26467305.  The item wise availability of critical stores is as follows.

1.     Caller ID EBPT: It is our surprise that there is shortage of EPBTs in field units, in Central stores of Maharashtra Circle total 1,22,000 Caller ID EPBTs are available. The field units facing shortage of EPBT should take note of it and collect EPBT as many required through SDE/DE MM of concerned SSA. As such there should not be any cry on shortage of EPBT in Maharashtra Circle.

2.     Drop wire: We informed him about complaints of biased allotment of drop wire and expenditure made on transportation excess than the cost of drop wire due to short allotment to SSAs. He informed that for allotment of drop wire certain standard formula is adopted by his office. i.e. for new connections drop wire is allotted @ 75 mtrs per new connection & for maintenance drop wire is allotted @ five meters per working DEL per year. We have brought to his notice that no SSA is allotted drop wire for maintenance, he informed that field units can utilize drop wire both for maintenance as well as new connections and detail utilization report may be sent to his office along with fresh requirement, so that additional allotment can be done on basis of this requirement & utilization report. As on today, there is shortage of drop wire as it is short supplied by Telecom factory Mumbai/Jabalpur.  For this year total 6000 Kms drop wire will be available for Maharashtra Circle and out of first lot of 1000 Kms for First Quarter i.e. April to June 750 Kms drop wire has been received and issued to field  units. He further informed that 5250 Kms drop wire will be made available in phase manner & by next week 500 Kms drop wire will be received including that of left out quota of First quarter. Further in 2000 Kms will be available in Quarter II, 2000 Kms in Quarter III & 1000 Kms in Quarters.

3.     UY & Modular Connectors: He agreed that there is shortage of UY connectors at Circle store depots, but it is available in some of SSA stores and same can be utilized by local diversion and if required, such diversion cases can be approved by Circle office. He added that MH Circle has placed order for 50,00,000 (Fifty lakhs) UY Connectors & 60, 000 (Sixty Thousands) and in coming month its first lot is expected in CSDs & entire supply is to be completed by 13/10/2015.

4.     Modules for DP/CT Box: He informed that process for procurement of 10,000 Modules for DP/CT Box for replacement of old modules has been initiated by CPC Cell Mumbai and shortly order will be placed for same and shortly modules also will be available in field  units.

5.     Jointing Kits for PIJF Cables: He informed that some quantity of jointing kits is available in stores and additional supply is in pipeline. In first lot which will be received by 15/09/2015,  1600 TSF II, , 2600 TSF II, 1000 TSF IV, 250 TSF V and next lot of 3000 TSF III, 300 TSF IV,  400 TSF VI & 90 TSF VII will be received by 31/12/2015.

6.     PIJF Cables: He informed that there is shortage of higher size cable i.e. cable of 400 pairs and above, but smaller PIJF cables are also not available in ample quantity but sufficient quantity is available which can be made available for all target & revenue oriented works and assured for immediate allotment of cable by arrangements on such firm & target oriented requirement of cables.

7.     Broadband Modems: He informed that more than 97,000 Type II TERACOM modems are available in Central store depots and any one in need can collect it. We have brought to his notice that the quality of these modems is very poor and specifically its WiFi connectivity is very very poor and there is mass refusal of modems by customers. It was to our surprise that when there are many complaints about the quality of modems, Com. A.K.Tiwari told that there is no single complaint received by his office about quality of modem. If complaints are received definitely his office will take care of all these issues. We also informed him that there are new & major issues created due to compulsion of modems to BSNL customers & he informed that excess quantity is available with BSNL and hence orders for compulsion will have been issued and directed us to take up matter at higher level.  The field units which are facing issues about the quality of modems supplied by TERACOM or any other modem should send detail complaint to AGM SP/CP Mumbai with facts & figures so that the present lot of useless modems can be replaced by new one otherwise the method of procurement of useless && poor quality modems will continues and we will keep shouting & shouting which is of no use. All DS/COBs, activists, field officers/staff are requested to look into issues and send complaints about quality of modem without any further delay. 

     This is status of the stores related to landline & Broadband modem & we will continue to monitor status on regular basis. But all field units are requested to send requirement with utilization of stores in hand, updating its data in ERP and with details of new connection, revenue generation with the use of required stores. Also requirement of critical stores required for maintenance should be sent with detail justification and for any issues matter should taken with concerned SDE/DE MMs & officers concerned in Circle Office Mumbai. We will shortly update on stores related to Transmission Network, Lease circuits, FTTH and CDMA FWTs & CDMA AMC related issues.    


27 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued transfer orders of 63 long stayed SDEs as substitute to SDEs who have completed All India Hard Tenure in different Circle wherein CGMs of non tenure circle are directed to relieve these officers within 15 days. Letter <<<>>>


27 AUG 15:  AGM Estt Mumbai calls for VCs of SDEs for DE Adhoc promotions and last date of submission of VCs is 28/08/15. Letter <<<>>>  List I & II <<<>>>


26 AUG 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for cancellation of request transfer of one SDE & for retention of two SDEs at Nagpur for further some time. Order <<<>>>  Order <<<>>>


26 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued clarification on query raised by MH Circle wherein it has been clarified that while counting long stay of Maharashtra Circle stay of MTNL Mumbai also should be counted. Letter <<<>>>


26 AUG 15: Meeting with Shri. Prabhash Singh CGM ITPC Pune: {Report by Com. S.V.Bhad, CP SNEA(I) MH}: Before commencement of the Divisional Conference of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune Delegation of SNEA(I) led by Com. S.V.Bhad, CP SNEA(I) MH comprising Com. M.S. Adasul, CS SNEA(I) MH, Com. S.B. Rane, DP SNEA(I) ITPC Pune, Com. Vijay Kokare DS SNEA(I) ITPC Pune &  Com. Sunil Pawar DT SNEA(I) ITPC Pune had meeting with Shri. Prabhash Singh, CGM ITPC wherein we had detail discussions on different HR & development issues related to ITPC Pune.  Shri. Prabhash Singh CGM ITPC while giving warm welcome to delegation leaders expressed pleasure to have such discussions and memorized golden moments in the association activities he has shared with Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao prominent leader of executives in BSNL while both the worked at Delhi. He shared with us the united efforts taken by SNEA (I) & ITSA for betterment of executives. He explained working of ITPC on different platform, its important and his own style of working with his keen attention on each and every segments of ITPC.  After general discussions on different issues we had detail discussions on following issues.

1.     Issues after migration of IN works from Bangalore to Pune: We informed CGM ITPC that there are many issues on transfer of IN load from Bangalore to Pune and till the bills of July are not generated. Understanding situation, we have immediately taken updates from Com. Vishwanth CS SNEA(I) AP, and CGMT asked from him detail issues by email or through Com. Padmanabh Rao, DE CDR Hyderabad so that all the pending issues can be resolved in time bound manner.

2.     Migration of Lease Circuit to CDR: Shri. Singh explained the detail about the current issues in Lease Circuit Billing and how after migration to CDR there are chances of proper billing of all Lease Circuit. He also narrated the critical issues in migration of Lease circuits to CDR and how individual can make complaint at single window and immediately sms alert can be sent at time to all concerned officers responsible for maintenance of that particular circuit. This will give customer a complaint number and there will be immediate action on restoration of lease circuit. He informed that he has target of 30th October 2015 to complete all the migration works and till today data of two billing centers is migrated and work for all other billing centers is in progress. We have brought to his notice how SNEA (I) is alert on provision and mtce of Lease circuits and we have resolved in CEC Solapur that SNEA (I) comrades will take special efforts in provision & maintenance of Lease circuits and we will definitely get involved in getting data of officers responsible for maintenance of Lease circuits so as early migration of all lease circuits. CGM Shri. Sing was optimistic that after migration of all Lease circuits there are chances of increase in overall revenue of lease circuit by minimum 10 percent to maximum 20 percent and hence this work should be completed in time bound manner and with Top priority.   

3.     Implementation of CDR Group Billing: Even after four years of implementation of CDR the group billing facility is not yet made available to Industrial Customers as it was earlier available in DOT Soft which will facilitate by issuing single bill for its multiple services like LL, ISDBN BRI/PRI, Lease lines etc. This issue was discussed in last meeting also.CGM informed that it is already implemented and such groups can be formed by SSA teams. If there is any problem ITPC is ready to provide training to concerned officers. This will solve the problem of Industrial & Corporate customers by issuing sing bill for all different types of the services taken from BSNL.

4.     Steps towards Paperless working in BSNL: We pointed out need of paper less working at least after implementation of CDR/ERP in the BSNL and requested for initiatives from ITPC with active role in it. We elaborated CGM ITPC about the feedback given by our DS in CEC Solapur and Resolutions passed thereof for paperless working and specifically need of reduction in no. of reports being called by different offices. CGMT supported our stand & explained that all the reports are generated from ERP/CDR & there is no need of any report at routine intervals from field.  But he added that certain information is available in field units and in only such specific field related information, reports should be called from field units & assured to look into issues of repeated reports being called by different offices.  

5.     Explorering creative ideas by giving scope to in house talent: CGM expressed that he is having best officers in ITPC and have proved their intelligent in many of the internal project. He also informed that he is trying to get some external IT project works so that additional revenue will be generated. He also added that there are many internal projects which can be programmed & successfully run by the ITPC executives. He expressed his proud feeling to have such expert executives who have saved crores of rupees of BSNL by creative ides of internal project like “BSNL Apps’ and assured to get output from his expert team.  CGM further expressed that he is having idea of formation of IT EB team of BSNL which can explorer ideas of creating different IT solutions for generation of revenue and at the same time to provide total solutions to esteemed customers of BSNL so as to have more attachment of customers towards BSNL.

6.     Undue Delay is handing over USO Subsidy claim data by ITPC Pune & loss of lakhs of rupees to BSNL: We brought to the notice of CGMT MH how the process of subsidy claims are delayed all over Maharashtra and how BSNL is making loss of lakhs of rupees to on delayed subsidy claims and on expenditure to complete entire process within 8-10 days available in hand with field units after receipt of data. We also informed that this is matter of only third month of every quarter & if ITPC saves time of ten days & submit the information by 10th of third month of quarter then matter will be resolved amicably. CGM ITPC immediately called Shri. Rahul Rane, DGM ITPC in the meeting and has taken update from him about the delay and directed him to take care in generation of report in third month of every quarter & make the information of USO subsidy claim latest by 15th of third month of the quarter. We also brought to his notice that after receiving data it is arranged in the required format by each and every SSA using more manpower for similar works and stressed that if ITPC itself provide data in the required format it will be most easy task in submission of subsidy claims. We requested him to develop software, which can give the data with complete calculation of subsidy claims by for all 30 SSAs in Maharashtra which will save time & energy being repeatedly used in each SSA for manual calculations and in processing subsidy claims. We specifically informed that if such software or programme is developed by ITPC and subsidy claims in prescribed format are given to field units directly for claim then 34 JTOs/SDEs & concerned staff under these JTOs/SDEs which is more than 50 will be spared and can be better utilized in other important activities. Finally CGM instructed Shri Rahul Rane for minimizing time taken in generation of information from ITPC and also instructed to prepare the USO claim in the required format. Shri. Rane also agreed that it is quite possible if the said format is made available to his team. It was decided to have meeting with DGM OP MH Circle Mumbai for giving final shape to this proposal so that ITC submits data to field  units in the prescribed format and this data will be provided latest by 15th of every month.

7.     Requirement of additional executives in ITPC Pune: CGM ITPC started discussions on additional need o manpower in ITPC and informed us the details thereof & expressed displeasure on non relieving of executives by Maharashtra Circle.  He also shared details of his persuasion with CGMT MH and experience thereof and he categorically mentioned that he wants persons to run the show efficiently. He asked support of SNEA on this issue and wanted to know the reasons for oppose by SNEA for posting to ITPC Pune. We have made it clear that SNEA (I) has no oppose for posting of executives to ITPC, on the contrary SNEA (I) MH is & was pursuing for posting SDEs to ITPC Pune as many of comrades are willing to work at ITPC Pune. But we have opposed & will continue to oppose the pick and choose transfers of executives to ITPC Pune that to with violations of instructions issued by BSNL CO for not posting long stay officers, posting officers under transfer within Circle. CGM ITPC expressed that he is not worried about stay and can manage it with anybody. Then we have reminded him his statement on posting of an executive to ITPC, BSNL makes expenditure of more than 6-7 lakhs on training of such executive and if he takes long stayed officers then they will be transferred again from long stay at ITPC , then it will wastage of BSNL Money. CGMT agreed on our stand and stressed to have more 4-5 executives i.e. JTOs/SDEs in telecom Wing & about 10 executives in Finance wing i.e. JAO/AO. We assured him total support on posting of executives to ITPC Pune on basis of uniform criteria. CGMT informed that he will again write CGMT MH for additional manpower and appealed delegation to support this request so as to have additional manpower for ITPC as work of ITPC is being increased in many fold. CGM expressed that there is huge work at ITPC and all willing executives can be accommodated in phase by phase manner. We also. 

8.     Under utilization of manpower available in ITPC Pune: We have brought to notice of CGM ITPC that when he is stressing for additional manpower, the manpower available at ITPC is not being utilized properly and many of the officers including senior officers are leaving offices before duty hours. We also brought his notice disparity that some of officers are overloaded while some are not having even sufficient work in hand. Some of officers in Staff/Admn section are having practically nil workload and without such maximum utilization there is no meaning in posting additional executives to ITPC Pune. Shri. Singh CGM was surprised over such feedback, and added that he is having full control and information of works allotted to each executives and agreed that there are some executives of which services are not useful at ITPC. We informed him that these executives not suitable for ITPC works scan be better utilized in field  units and ITPC has to finalize the names of such officers & can ask for replacement and many of the willing executives can be posted to ITPC & there services can be better utilized at ITPC Pune. Shri. Singh CGM was very happy on such concrete & effective suggestion and assured to have steps for efforts for utilization of available manpower and if somebody is not suitable for IT works, then he will be returned back to MH Circle wherein services of these officers can be utilized at different general, customer or in public relations.

9.     Forwarding of Request transfers out of ITPC Pune: We brought to his notice the issue of withholding request of SDEs for posting out of ITPC Pune and requested for early & positive decision & action for forwarding all such request with proper substitute recommendations and such requests can be considered as one to one basis because many of executives are willing to join ITP at own cost and there is no meaning in withholding requests. Shri. Singh CGM agreed to forward all such request transfers out of ITPC and relieving of the executives for whom order is already issued. CGM again requested to help in relieving of 2-3 executives posted before 3 years but not yet relieved by Maharashtra Circle/Pune SSA. But he specifically mentioned that request on immediate completion of two years break at ITPC is not possible as ITPC is making expenditure of lakhs of rupees on their training and executives once posted to ITPC should be ready to serve for minimum ten years period and only such executives should apply to ITPC units and not just by keeping mind for break of long stay in their Circle/SSA. We also conveyed our agreement on this valid and strong point as related to working of ITPC Pune, and requested not to apply this stand in earlier cases and same can be applied in all future request to ITPC Pune & requested to take care for not posting any long stayed officer to ITPC till he breaks his long stay at SSA/Circle and we have no objection on posting to ITPC after break in long stay as defined in transfer policy. 

10.            Black Magic & Bengali Baba Issue raised by SNEA (I): We also have detail discussions on issue of “Black Magic & Bengali Baba”in issuing posting order of SDEs to ITPC Pune. Shri. Sing was interested to know the facts thereof and details about stand taken by SNEA (I) MH on this issue. We have explained entire episode of posting of Executives on pick & choose basis by violations of guidelines and our strong oppose for biased approach of the administration in relieving of single executive. We further explained how longest stayed executives are taking shelter of ITPC to avoid their transfer to other SSA/Circle, there by suffering other executives. CGM understood the concern of SNEA, its policy bounded work and real issue. Actually SNEA never opposed for posting of executives to ITPC. CGM again asked support from our Association in getting some useful hand in cadre TTAs/JTOs/SDEs /JAO/AOs and we have made it clear that SNEA (I) will support for posting of Executives to ITPC if orders are issued as per transfer policy and informed that any pick and choose transfer will be opposed by SNEA (I) and we should not be blamed at later stage for any failure or loss on delayed or non joining of officers to ITPC. On our query about propaganda of loss of more than one crore due to non relieving of SDEs from MH Circle, Shri. Singh informed that there was no direct financial loss even in thousands of rupees, but the IN project delayed due to non availability of manpower and expressed that with joining of all five SDEs from MH Circle now the works of IN units have started functioning smoothly.

11.            Canteen facility for ITPC Executives: We brought to his notice that in our last meeting also this issue was raised and it is shameful that since then one single letter for request for space is not sent by Admn section. CGM immediately called GM HQ who informed that letter has been given for additional space and no letter has been given for canteen. CGM directed to issue fresh letter specifically for canteen. CGM also expressed that it was better if matter was brought to his notice in between period. He directed Com. Kokre to remind him after 15 days if issue not settled and not to wait for next meeting. Finally CGM assured for getting allotment of space for canteen from PGMT Pune and to resolve the canteen issue once for all.

12.            Restrictions on Internet facility in DC unit: We have again brought to notice of CGMT about restrictions on use of internet in DC unit and some other units of ITPC. CGM expressed that it cannot be fulfilled due to cyber security threats. On the contrary he requested to extend help in rising of height of the present compound wall considering importance of ITPC and possible threats there off. We agreed with CGM ITPC and assured for the same and suggested to provide internet through separate Broadband or through Wi-Fi hotspot to executives working at ITPC Pune. We also discussed to have internet café for exclusive use of executives so that internet facility can be made available for all. CGM immediately accepted demand of Wi-FI hotspot at 2-3 locations or to have separate broadband facility which ever is possible early.

13.            Issues with ERP implementation & its smooth functioning: We have detail discussion on issues related to ERP and Shri. Singh CGM ITPC shared with us many of creative ideas of improvement in working of ERP. He also added that there is no support from ERP team on Saturday & Sundays and this is really creating problem for field  units and stressed for active support from ERP all seven days and directed us to take up all such issues for early resolution of matter.

              We have very fruitful and meaning full discussions with Shri. Prabhash Singh CGM ITPC Pune in this meeting which lasted for one & half hour and let us hope all these issues discussed will be resolved/settled shortly.



25 AUG 15: JTO to SDE Promotion case at Hon CAT, Chandigarh on 25.08.2015: The case could not take up as the bench is not sitting today. Hon CAT, Chandigarh stayed the JTO to SDE promotion with reservation under 67% seniority quota on 21.07.2015 without implementing the Hon Supreme Court order on Nagaraju case where Hon court directed to certify there is backwardness as well as shortage before providing reservations in promotions. 


25 AUG 15: The details of meeting with Shri. Prabhash Singh, CGM ITPC Pune & discussions thereof will be uploaded tomorrow.


25 AUG 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for transfer, posting, reliving of SDEs in, from & within Maharashtra Circle.

·          Relieving order on transfer to NCNGN Circle <<<>>>

·          Relieving order on transfer to All India hard Tenure  <<<>>>

·          Posting within MH Circle on completion of Hard Tenure <<<>>>

·          Transfer order to All India Soft Tenure  <<<>>>

·          Change of posting <<<>>>


25 AUG 15: EE HQ Civil Mumbai issued looking After arrangements for EE Civil for 180 days. Letter <<<>>>


25 AUG 15:Divisional Conference of ITPC Pune: {Report by Com. Vijay Kokare DS SNEA(I) ITPC Pune}: As notified, Grand Divisional Conference of SNEA(I) ITPC Pune was held at 1630 Hrs on 21/08/2015 in Conference Hall RTTC Chinchawad Pune. After the meeting with senior management, the Divisional conference started at 1645 hours, the meeting was attended addressed by following dignitaries,

1.     Com. S. V. Bhad, Circle President SNEA (I) MH.

2.     Com. M. S. Adasul, Circle Secretary SNEA (I) MH.

3.     Com. Bharat Sonwane, District Secretary SNEA (I) Pune.

4.     Com. Sunil Rane, District President ITPC Pune.

5.     Com. Vijay Kokare, District Secretary SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

6.     Com. Sunil Pawar, District Treasurer SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø After formation of Dias, the dignitaries were given warm welcome and felicitated by beautiful bouquet.

Ø Com. Rahul Wargad founder District Secretary SNEA (I) ITPC Pune was congratulated and felicitated by CS SNEA (I) MH by offering Shawl, Shrifal, bouquet for outstanding and great achievement in Istanbul, Turkestan for his paper presentation.

Ø Com. Pralhad Dudhal, SDE ITPC Pune & EX DT SNEA(I) Pune was specially felicitated by CS SNEA(I) MH on publication of his book of Marathi Poems. 

Ø Following Comrades Newly joined SNEA (I) ITPC were felicitated and welcomed by auspicious hands of our beloved Com. M.S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH.

1.     Com. R.D. Aware, SDE,

2.     Com. N.L. Sapkale, SDE,

3.     Com. V.V. Ashvinkumar, SDE,

4.     Com. D.R. Tiwari,SDE,

5.     Com. N.H. Thorat,SDE,

6.     Com. Ramesh Bhoyar, JTO,

7.     Com. Rahul Kondawar, JTO,

8.     Com. Fernades, SDE,

9.     Com. Mahesh Kothare, SDE,

Ø Staring proceedings with Welcome speech, Com. Vijay Kokare DS SNEA (I) ITPC Pune, presented his report before the house for overall working of ITPC branch, the support he received from CS SNEA MH Circle, and he appreciated the total and committed support by all the comrades of SNEA (I) ITPC Branch in dealing with the issues and observing various agitation calls given by CHQ and Forums. He thanked CS SNEA (I) MH for taking firm stand on the issue of transfer posting to ITPC Pune and successfully relieving of officers under transfer to ITPC Pune. He specially thanks to Com.Nilesh Patange for his great support and helping hand in discharging his duties as DS SNEA(I) ITPC Pune. DS also conveyed thanks to Com. Sanjay M.Sonar for his great support to taking DS work on his head during the association activity. He congratulates to Founder DS Com.Rahul Wargad for his achievement at Istanbul for his Paper presentation, also congratulate to Com. Pralhad Dudhal for his publication of a special book of his poems. He is also thankful to Com.Sunil Dudhalkar and Com. Nanekar for his support to organize such big program.

Ø Then Com. Sunil Pawar, District Treasurer SNEA (I) ITPC Pune presented his detail report of accounts of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune. He also thanked all the comrades for timely payment of CHQ & Circle quota. Both the reports passed by house by loud claps.

Ø Com. Bharat Sonawane, DS SNEA (I) Pune addressed the gathering, he expressed happiness that ITPC branch had grown and he is happy to see such a huge gathering. He expressed present situation BSNL is passing and assured committed and full support to this ever growing branch in resolving day to day issues as well as issues related to Pune TD. He conveyed his best wishes for grand success of divisional conference of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø Com. S V Bhad, CP SNEA (I) Maharashtra addressed the gathering, he appreciate the comrades of ITPC for excellent work on the Association ground and for such a huge gathering. He appraised the gathering, that after taking over by Shri. Anupam Srivastava  as , how decisions taking have been improved and how BSNL started reviving and now we are having hope that Hon. CMD will be successful in achieving his own target of giving third PRC benefits to BSNL employees.  Since last 10 years, it is continuously bombarded by various agencies that BSNL is putting in to loss due to burden of huge employee base and are always pressing for VRS. The real fact is that the required decisions were not happening, materials were not provided, and no proactive schemes were available. After announcement of two schemes like night calling free in land line and mobile roaming free, in the leadership of new CMD customers are being attracted to BSNL.  Still there is need of improvement in Quality of service & ITPC Pune has to play an important role in development of BSNL and there is huge scope in Data centre business. He explained in details the role of SNEA(I) in persuasion of issue like standard pay scales, how its hurdles are removed, how the committee is reconstituted brought it on the verge of settlement. Still the issue has to be persuaded at many offices. He also explained democratic way of functioning of the Association. How policies are formed and implemented to avoid injustice to be inflicted on our members.

Ø Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH in his marathon address of two hours, he appraised house about all the activities in circle office. He appraised the house about present situation the company is passing through, role of SNEA (I) CHQ right from selection/posting of CMD, DIR (HR), DIR (Fin) and how the company started reviving in the leadership of New with him regarding some of pending issues like minimum required facilities like CMD. He appraised comrades regarding meeting with CGM ITPC and discussions canteen, use of internet for executives by hotspots or Broadband facility to avoid security threat etc. He explained issue of posting of executives to ITPC, how initially the posting order of 14 executives to ITPC was ignored by Association, considering that the order might be issued as per policies and rules & when it was issued after long gap. He explained idea behind “Black Magic and Bengali Baba” which started from relieving of single SDE on pick and choose basis & how it has been successfully resolved by SNEA (I) MH. He added that matter of additional posting to ITPC Pune & request out of ITPC Pune has been discussed with CGM ITPC Pune for additional requirement of SDEs at Pune and how it can be resolved in uniform policy manner. CS in his speech, made aware to all the comrades of ITPC about functioning of Association, appreciated deliberations by each and every DS at CEC Solapur and the resolutions passed.  The problem of shortage of materials faced by field units and efforts of the Association, The role of Association in getting materials, arresting leakage of revenue due to wrong policies and implementations, he gave examples like AMC on equipped capacity of the exchanges instead of working connections’. Stand of the Association on working hours of its employees. He discussed issues related to TERM Cell, outstanding against DoT and how SNEA (I) MH has raised this issue & how it is successfully being monitored at higher level. He appraised house about the efforts made by SNEA (I) MH to stop corruption and recover the BSNL money being swallowed by individuals. In his speech, he pressed need of united & dedicated team working by our Executives and non-Executives. He added that is huge difference between service of BSNL and other companies even other PSUs. CS appraised Government plan to privatize our beloved company by adopting different ways like formation of subsidy Tower Company & explained in brief the dangers in formation of separate tower company & stressed for united struggle on platform of JAC. He added that it is time to be united strongly and supports all the call given by CHQ very strongly. He while elaborating importance of land to BSNL explained how the assets of BSNL just in Mumbai will be more than sufficient for revival of BSNL. He emphasized need of unbiased working of management and apprised all the comrades that How Association is vigilant on such biased decisions of management to avoid demoralization of the workforce of the company. He gave example of issue of nominations for Awards for some non eligible officers and its cancellation as the issue was raised by SNEA (I) MH at right time. He explained need of mobile expansion in west zone, efforts being taken by SNEA (I), action of SNEA (I) MH in diversion of data traffic, expansion of SGSN and GGSN & generation of more revenue for BSMNL. He updated house about stand of Forum on VRS and how it is affecting performance of BSNL. CS then elaborated present HR issues and challenges before Association in days to come and to face third PRC in the year 2017. The issues like standard pay scales, 30% superannuation benefits to our young comrades, First time bound promotion in four years, pay anomalies, MT recruitment and stand of the Association, JTO to SDE Promotion case and its new hurdles, SDE to DE, DE to DGM DPC, JAO to AO, AO to CAO, issues of Electrical and Civil comrades are explained in details by CS in his style. He explained issue of modification of seniority list number 6 & 7 due to Supreme Court’s decision, the issues there off, the resolution passed in our CEC Solapur to make efforts by association at CHQ level to restore the seniority of LDCE successful executives. Also he elaborated stand on Looking after arrangement, In this case he emphasized that association warned administration that L/A is not promotion and there is not any financial or promotional benefits available and hence it is arrangement by administration to manage vacant post and responsibilities, need to stop such arrangement and go for regular promotions.

Ø After marathon speech of Circle Secretary, Com. Sunil Rane, District President ITPC summarized proceedings of the house. After unanimous nomination & appointment of Com. D.D.Shinde as Election Officer and Com. Sunil Rane DP dissolved the existing body on completion of its tenure

Ø In unanimous elections, Com. K.L. Jadhav, Com. Vijay Kokare, & Com. Sunil Pawar, were respectively elected as DP, DS & DT of SNEA (I) ITPC Pune.

Ø Com. S. V. Bhad, Circle President administered Oath of alliance to all newly Elected Office Bearers. Circle Secretary felicitated all newly elected Office Bearers and assured them for total and committed support from Circle office bearers for their forth coming activities.

Ø The meeting was nicely anchored by Com. Rishikesh Dani.

Ø After elaborate discussions the House is adjourned at 2040 hrs with National anthem & slogan of unity & BSNL Zindabad.

Ø Newly Elected District Body <<<>>>

Ø PHOTOs <<<>>>


22 AUG 15: AGM Estt Mumbai calls for VCRs of 163 SDEs for DE LA arrangement in fresh spell and last date for submission of VCRs is 25/08/2015. VCRs are to be sent excluding names of the SDEs unwilling for DE LA Arrangements.  Letter <<<>>>


22 AUG 15: BSNL issued orders for indication of Adhar Card Number in Salary Package Software/Service Book/Pension papers of Govt Employees as per PMO direction. Letter <<<>>>


20 AUG 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for JTO Officiating Promotions for 118 TTAs with retrospective effect 06/07/2015. Letter <<<>>>


20 AUG 15: BSNL CO approves proposal submitted by Nagpur SSA for Wi-Fi Hotspot location at Bazargaon in Nagpur SSA.  Letter <<<>>>

        This is one of the issues raised by Com. T. B. Wankhede, DS SNEA (I) Nagpur in our CEC Meeting Solapur, wherein Nagpur SSA has taken special efforts for such Wi-Fi Hotspots through funds of Hon. MPs. Similar proposal for Wi-Fi Hotspot at Aurangabad Airport is also approved in same letter. This is new way of generation of revenue for BSNL as well as special efforts to reach BSNL customers in Rural area. 


20 AUG 15: DGM HR/Admn Mumbai writes SSA/Units Heads for updating personal details of employees in ERP by 27/08/2015. Letter <<<>>>


19 AUG 15: Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA (I) MH at Solapur: Delegate session and DS Report on concluding day: Report Day II, 09/08/2015 by Com. S. R. Kalmegh ACS East:

Impressive & remarkable Delegate Session of Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA (I) MH at Solapur was conducted on entire final & concluding day, Sunday, 09/08/2015. District Secretaries from nook and corner of MH and Goa presented their DS report, covering all HR and developmental issues being faced in their districts.

Ø Report of each and every district was very versatile & well studied. In continuation of delegate session of Day I, remaining DS have continued their submission and presented their DS reports systematically.  These reports were presented in such a way that everyone  in the august house appreciated the efforts taken by the concerned DS in highlighting the problems faced by the executives in their respective districts as it were reflecting the true picture and prevailing conditions in their districts. Reports of all the districts were highly appreciated with thundering claps. Contents of reports covered issues of shortage of cables, drop wire, battery sets, radio modems, and modules in CT Box, BB Modems, Cable fault locator, U-Y connectors, MPLS cards, Media converter and GSM cards in almost each and every districts.  District Secretaries also submitted their views about MT recruitment, TBP, uncontrolled expenses through indoor treatment and remedies to overcome the same, period of executives deputed on term cell, present quality of EPBTs and type II modems being made available by BSNL for our customers, immediate requirement of BTS in all taluka places in MH, Requirement of Power plant, requirement of laptops for GSM BTS mtce team etc.

Ø Morning delegate session was witnessed with the presence of Com. G. L. Jogi CHQ President, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, Com W Seshagiri Rao, Com. A. R. Manani, Com. V. M. Wankhede AGS, Com. M. B. Sangle, JS West. All the leaders listened the DS reports carefully so as to ascertain ground realities and problems faced by executives in field. On the special request of house, Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA (I) CHQ and Com. G. L. Jogi President SNEA (I) CHQ addressed the house on HR point of view.  

Ø Com. K. Sebastin GS SNEA (I) CHQ spoken on HR issues and also gave details about settlement of welfare claims by SNEA (I) CHQ. He told that SNEA (I) CHQ has cleared 95 welfare claims which is costing around 77, 46,000/- out which 77 cases have been dispatched to the concerned. Speaking on HR issues, Com GS told that new BSNL management is young and dynamic. He has also elaborated the contribution made by this association in past and how it is contributing in present. He specifically mentioned that , after formation of BSNL, TEOA was the only Association opposed the proposed absorption into BSNL without any terms and conditions like pay scales, promotion policy and fitment formula. When all other Assns were ready to get absorbed in BSNL on an adhoc payment of Rs 2000 offered by BSNL Management, TEOA legally and organizationally fought against this and come out successful. He further stated that EPF contribution @ 12% Basic plus IDA without ceiling instead of a fixed amount of 12% of Rs 6500/ with ceiling (paid up to 2005) for the BSNL recruited employees was another milestone. BSNL taken this decision in May 2005, Board approved it on 11.07.2005 and orders issued on 12.08.2005. On 18.1.2007 TBP policy announced which ensured 5 TBP in a span of maximum 26 years of service, another career breakthrough as a result of our struggle in 2002-03. Till that time hardly one or two TBP was available in DoT/BSNL from JTO to Lateral JTO and from SDE to Sr SDE after 12 years of service in each cadre. SNEA (I) fought the court case against LDCE which resulted in the promotion of about 900 JTOs of 2001 batch in the LDCE in 2008. After that SNEA (I) struggled for revamping the LDCE and OMR system introduced, descriptive type question pattern changed to objective type multiple choice questions, giving no chance for subjectivity. BSNLMS RR 2009 come into force on 14.07.2009 abolishing the bottle neck of JTS, ensuring promotions directly from SDE to DE/AGM and further up to GM/CGM in the coming days. A direct rect JTO was retiring with just one promotion as SDE till 2009, but BSNLMS RR ensured that the Executives are getting promotion up to DGM today and the younger generation will definitely reach up to GM/CGM. Further progress made in the BSNLMS RR in 2013-14 by increasing the regular quota from 50% to 75%, the real beneficiaries will be the younger generation.  After long legal hurdle, last LDCE also conducted for the vacancies up to 2009-10. He further added that main concern for recruiting MT was to recruit executives /managers who will lead this company at this important juncture. He also gave details about forthcoming DPC from DE-DGM in which nearly 150 executives will be promoted. Finally he assured the house that SNEA (I) is duty bound to protect the interest of BSNL and also the executives working in BSNL.

Ø Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA (I) CHQ in his motivational speech highlighted the need of good leaders in each and every segment of BSNL. He told that Human resource is continuous process and continuity of this process shall depend upon our organizational preparedness. Growth of us is possible unless company grow. Our past struggle was not focused on our growth of the company as financially BSNL was in better financial position but now we have to struggle for the growth of this company. He told that SNEA (I) is having huge gigantic task of dealing with 3rd PRC. So it is high time to have vibrant leadership at all the key positions and segments of BSNL. He elaborated that our vision is to lead this company from front and that is why MT was introduced. So everyone has to accept this challenge and compete in the exam so that you can lead this company by grabbing key positions. Our main concern was also to get good leadership who will think differently and that was possible through MT process. He told that some of the associations are acting as negative force at this critical moment when there is need of unity. He emphasized that formation of subsidiary company, merger of BSNL-MTNL without clearing the outstanding dues of MTNL etc are calculated moves to destabilize BSNL. Against this he appealed all to get ready for the struggle since SNEA (I) will never and never allow fragmentation of this company. At last he appreciated the efforts taken by all for making the CEC at Solapur a grand success and reiterated that he is getting energy when he visits active and vibrant circler like MH.

Ø Then the Queries raised by comrades were adequately answered by GS & President CHQ. .

Ø In the afternoon delegate session, house continued it’s proceeding with DS report. 

Ø Com S. B. Bhosale, Circle Treasurer, SNEA (I) MH Circle also submitted his report on receipts & expenditure by SNEA (I) MH since CEC Yavatmal which was agreed by all with loud claps.

Ø Immediately after completion of DS report, Com M. S. Adasul CS SNEA (I) MH Circle satisfactorily replied on the presentation made by district secretaries.

Ø Thereafter Com. V. B. Kokate, Vice President SNEA (I) MH, Com. S. R. Kalmegh ACS (E) SNEA (I) MH, Com. S. R. Bhise, ACS (W) SNEA (I) MH, Com A M Singh CEC Member Kalyan, Com S A Chavan CEC Member Nashik, Com. M. M. Wadhwani, Jt Sec Kalyan, Com. S. M. Sahare Jt Sec NRU, Com. N. D. Barde, Jt Sec North shred their views & presented their reports in brief.

Ø Immediately after these reports, house passed resolutions on the basis of brainstorming deliberations in both the days of CEC. These resolutions complied Com. S.R. Kalmegh ACS East, Com. S.R.Bhise ACS West & Com.  V.B. Kokate VP were read out by Com. M. S. Adasul CS SNEA (I) MH Circle which were unanimously approved by the house with thundering claps.  

Ø Finally in the concluding speech, Com S. V. Bhad, Circle President SNEA (I) MH Circle appreciated all the delegates and observers for their active and sincere deliberation for making the CEC of SNEA (I) MH Circle at Solapur a grand success. He specially mentioned his experience as CP and how he was enlightened while presiding over as CP while many of stalwart DS submitted their deep studied reports. 

Ø It was the joint & sincere efforts of team SNEA(I) Solapur led by Com. S. R. Paspule, DS SNEA (I) Solapur, Com. B. N. Kore Jt Sec South and Com. G. S. Patane Ex-Jt Sec South that CEC Solapur was grand and highly successful with wonderful & most comfortable arrangements .  SNEA(I) MH Circle salutes the sincere & special efforts of Com Prashant Zingade, Com. S. K. Chudhari, Com. S. A. Relekar, Com. M. A. Darud, Com. B. J. Satpute, Com. A. R. Joshi, Com. Talwar, Com. J. C. Kolarkar, Com. V. V. Deshpande, Com. S. S. Atanur, Com. M. A. Birajdar, Com. P. P. Chatufale, Com. A. J. Joshi, Com. Pravin Kawade, Com. S. C. Bhingoli, Com. D. V. Kulkarni, Com. Navin Puppala,, Com Awtade for the success of CEC Solapur . This CEC will always be remembered for the brainstorming & active deliberations by our ever active district secretaries of Maharashtra Circle. SNEA (I) MH Circle appreciated the joint efforts of all these comrades by felicitating them in the hands of Com. A. R. Manani, Com. M. B. Sangle, Com. S. V. Bhad &  Com. M. S. Adasul.

Ø Finally after two days brainstorming deliberations, house adjourned at 2130 hrs with National anthem and loud slogans of unity & dinner thereafter.

Ø Resolutions passed in CEC Meeting. <<<>>>

Ø Photos by Com. S.S. Atnur & Com. G.S Patne <<<>>>

Ø Reports submitted by District Secretaries & consolidated by Com. S.R.Bhise, ACS (W) <<<>>>  


19 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued clarifications on implementation of policy guidelines for PA/PS working in field units. Letter <<<>>>


19 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued clarifications for issuing Vigilance Clearance in respect of transferred officers. Letter <<<>>>


19 AUG 15: Joint Committee meeting on 13.08.2015: The Joint Committee discussed implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy in BSNL. The draft proposal for Time bound functional promotion up to DGM level with stringent attendant condition of “very good” bench mark even for JTO to SDE promotion discussed. Joint committee is of the unanimous opinion of Time bound functional promotion up to Sr SDE and equivalent grades. Members from official side vehemently opposed the proposal of Time bound functional promotion to DE and DGM grades citing the huge number of more than 13,000 Executives working in DE/DGM scale and more than 5,000 Executives working in DGM scale where the present total sanctioned strength is 5303 (3978 for promotion) and 1361 respectively. This number will increase every year. This will create chaos in the company, according to them. Management side is of the firm view that at least 50% dropping is required in promotion from DE onwards which Assns opposing. Members from Assn side welcomed the draft proposal and demanded reducing the stringent attendant conditions. It is decided to continue the discussion on the draft proposal. Submissions by GS/SNEA (I) in the joint Committee


19 AUG 15: Forum meeting with CMD BSNL on formation of separate subsidiary Tower Company: Forum had a detail meeting with CMD BSNL on 13-08-2015 on the cabinet decision to form a separate subsidiary Tower Company. Mgt appraised during discussions that formation of subsidiary company is one way beneficial to improve the accounts of BSNL as huge amount shown as depreciation of tower assets will be shifted to the subsidiary company which is much needed in view of forthcoming pay revision in year 2017. In case of any strategic sale or joint venture or disinvestment, BSNL will lose the management control. BSNL Board should have full control on appointment of board, employees and the operation of the Subsidiary Company. Employees will be deputed from BSNL and their benefits will be governed by the BSNL policies. BSNL board must be given full authority. The constituents of Inter-ministerial group is not yet clear.

After the meeting with CMD, forum has conducted its own meeting and decided to have a detail meeting with DOT Secretary to know the detail of cabinet note then it will be decided for intensifying the struggle. The cabinet decision is based on the recommendations of the consultant. In its recommendation consultant recommended for a joint venture. Reliance-Jio and others may be waiting for this. It will be the first step towards disintegration of BSNL. Forum will be taking some tough decisions in this regard in the next meeting on 31stAugust after getting details.


18 AUG 15: The work of complying DS reports, Resolutions passed in CEC Meeting Solapur & uploading photos is at final stage and same will be completed by today evening. All these details will be uploaded tomorrow i.e. by19/08/2015. Extremely sorry for delay on our part in uploading details due to some unavoidable reasons.


18 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued transfer order of SDEs from MH Circle to NCNGN Circle. Letter <<<>>>


18 AUG 15: AGM CPC Mumbai issued purchase order for Discrete Wire & Modular connectors. Letter <<<>>>


18 AUG 15: AGM Admn Mumbai issued orders for special CL for staff in Circle office Mumbai who could not attend office due to heavy rains on 19/06/2015. Letter <<<>>>


18 AUG 15: AO CA Mumbai issued SSA wise loss profit statement for Year 2014-15 & as per this statement only three SSAs namely Goa, Sindhudurg & Gadchiroli are the SSAs in profits and all other SSAs are in loss. Letter <<<>>>




 14 AUG 15:  Details on DS reports, deliberations on second day,  passing resolutions as outcome of Circle Executive Committee Meeting Solapur on 09/08/2015 & report on Special General Body Meeting of SNEA(I) Pune will follow.


14 AUG 15: Highly Successful Open Session of Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA (I) MH at Solapur. Report of Day I, Part II, on 08/08/2015 by S.R.Kalmegh, ACS East SNEA(I) MH: Grand and highly successful Open session of Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA(I) MH at Solapur was conducted in the afternoon session. Before the Open Session i.e. from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs many of the DS have submitted their well studied report & details will be uploaded on website by tomorrow.  Open Sessions details are as follows.

After tea Break at 1630 hrs House gathered at 1640 hrs for open session. The open session which was presided over by Com S V Bhad Circle President SNEA (I) MH Circle was attended and addressed by:

1.     Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA(I) CHQ,

2.     Com. W. Seshagiri Rao, EX President CHQ & Veteran leader SNEA(I) CHQ,

3.     Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA(I) CHQ,

4.     Com. A. R. Manani, VP SNEA(I) CHQ,

5.     Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

6.     Com. M. B. Sangale, Jt Sec (West) SNEA(I) CHQ,

7.     Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH Circle,

Ø Open Session was also graced by Com. S. M. Shaikh, DGM OP Solapur & Com. P G Korwar DGM Fin Solapur by their presence.

Ø Com. Motagi DS BSNLEU Solapur, Com S S Khodke, DS NFTE Solapur, Com. D. L, Siddhaganesh,  DS SCSTEWA  Solapur & Shri Dattaji Gaikwad ,Social worker, Trustee of Dr Phadkule Pratisthan & Ex  employee of BSNL were also present. It was also marked by remarkable presence of local comrades of SNEA (I) Solapur.

Ø All the dignitaries on the Dias were felicitated by offering Shawl-Shrifal and beautiful bouquets. Shri Dattaji Gaikwad was felicitated on this occasion for his well-known contributions to the society. DS/DP BSNLEU also greeted GS & President SNEA (I) CHQ by offering bouquets.

Ø Discussion of the open session started with key note address by Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH who welcomed all present in the august house and narrated various milestone achievements by SNEA (I) MH. He elaborated the extract of ongoing deliberations being made by the district secretaries in the delegate session thereby conveying problems faced by the executives in MH circle. He conveyed his special thanks to Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao for coming all the way from Bengeluru, sparing time & attending this CEC in spite of having his personal momentous assignment. He stressed need minimum level of motivation by providing minimum man & material for providing quality services to BSNL customers and assured that SNEA (I) comrades will reciprocate it with positive growth. He also put forth the need & significance of the combined efforts of management, BSNL Executives & Non Executives for the success of free roaming and free night calling facility being offered by BSNL for increasing landline as well as GSM subscribers.

Ø Com. M.B. Sangle, Joint Secretary(West) SNEA(I) CHQ in his address thanked CS, Circle body and SNEA(I) Solapur for arranging CEC at Solapur and making comfortable arrangements for success of this CEC. He raised his concern for declining market share of BSNL. He explained the importance of free night calling and free roaming facility at this point of view for increasing landline and GSM customers in MH Circle. He also narrated the urgent need of replacement of battery sets in most of the GSM sites in MH. He was optimistic that installation of ZTE BTS will improve GSM service but also ascertained to have more no of BTS for increasing the quality of service in GSM sector in MH. Delay in execution of NOFN project is mainly due to lack of proper planning and strategy by BSNL management. He raised objection in differentiation being made by MSEDCL in applying industrial and commercial tariff to BSNL exchanges/tower and appealed to deal this issue centrally from circle level so that it can be addressed properly. Finally he assured all that CHQ will take care of all pending HR issues to the best possible.

Ø Com. V.M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ congratulated all comrades of Kerala and appreciated the joint, consistent, prolonged efforts of SNEA(I) and BSNLEU by virtue of which all the agitating employees at Kerala got the justice , all the vindictive actions were taken back by the management and new CGM is now posted at Kerala Circle. He explained the misleading information being spread in some of the association websites and appealed all not to believe on rumours spread thereby. He told the authenticity of information being published on our website as it has been published after detail confirmation and study. He appealed all to think before opting and applying for J&K Circle due to the prevailing managerial constraints there in J&K. He pinpointed how our own executives deployed in TERM Cell are issuing penalties to BSNL on CAF submission. He expressed the need of replacement of such executives from TERM Cell all over India. He appealed all to generate more leads in Udaan as MH is lagging in same. He expressed the need of improving quality of service in landline as well as GSM in spite of having hurdles. He told to come forward and make consistent efforts to increase BSNL’ market share which is the need of time. He explained the present condition of various DPCs for promotion being pursued by SNEA (I) CHQ and assured that all the legal hurdles will be sidelined with consistent efforts. He thanked organizers for invitation

Ø Com. A. R. Manani, VP SNEA (I) CHQ, stressed upon maintaining the quality of service and raised the concern why it is not being maintained.   BBNL was unnecessarily formed when there was no need of it because most of the work was carried out utilising BSNL’s resources. Now cabinet decision of forming subsidiary tower company from BSNL raised the doubts in the minds of BSNL’s employees and they are more worried. He expressed that proper planning and strategy which is needed from top is absolutely missing. In such situation responsibility of major association, SNEA (I) increases. He emphasized the need of association’s subscription from salary since as of now it has become cumbersome to collect the subscription from each and everybody. He raised the issue of billing of lease line in every SSA since it was observed that proper billing of lease line is not being carried out in some of the SSAs. He expressed his deep concern against govt for not returning the spectrum charges to BSNL in spite of several assurances in past. He explained the unjustified deloittee committee recommendations, uncalled proposed merger of BSNL-MTNL and told that these proposals are not beneficial as far as BSNL is concerned. All such issues are being raised by vested interest time to time to divert the attentions of employees and forcing them to come on street. At last, he assured the house that SNEA (I) CHQ will try its level best to resolve all such issues as it has wide experience and is the strongest association in BSNL for dealing with all such concerns.     

Ø Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA (I) CHQ in his speech congratulated Kerala comrades for their sustained, prolonged struggle in the form of hunger strike and non cooperation against vindictive actions, trade union rights, corruption charges and growth related issues. He told that SNEA (I) and BSNLEU started joint struggle on 03/08/2015 against victimization of activists of both organizations and restoring trade union rights. He explained how the ex-Kerala CGM has put profit earning Kerala circle in loss. Huge no of landline, broadband, lease lines were disconnected causing notable loss to BSNL and this was mainly due to substantial damage done by Ex-CGM Kerala to the working culture of Kerala circle.  He told that prolonged struggle yielded positive result and BSNLCO swiftly acted and new CGMT was posted on 07/08/2015. With new CGMT, all outstanding issues were resolved within one hour and call of agitation was withdrawn. He mentioned that all dies-non , charge sheets against the agitating leaders  were taken back thereby cancelling all vindictive transfers etc  bringing Kerala Circle back to normalcy after two years and it was the end to the negative forces and critics. He stressed on popularizing the recent free roaming/free night calling scheme thereby grabbing more no of customers for BSNL. He told that BSNLCO has made materials available in the field and still there is shortage of some materials in MH circle, it will be gradually supplied soon. Ten circles came up positive in landlines and more than 15 circles in MNP. There is 36% increase in mobile connection in June and it is crossing 45% in the month of July. He assured to look after the BTS proposal submitted by Gadchiroli SSA. He told that partial payment of Rs 1215 crores will be given back to BSNL as BWA spectrum charges. He narrated the proposed move of Govt to merge BSNL-MTNL, form separate transmission assets, unlock land & building and form subsidiary tower company which is not at all beneficial to BSNL. He mentioned that instead of giving assured financial assistance to BSNL such moves are being played to weaken & finally disinvest this huge gigantic BSNL Company.  He explained how BSNL is over burdened by paying huge pension contribution as per 60:40 formula and the need of joint struggle to remove such unilateral partial condition. He asked every BSNL employees to come forward and give their best to BSNL since as of now govt. is not going to help any PSU as per the cabinet decision of not giving any financial assistance to any PSU. He appealed to make sincere efforts for converting all non-feasible connections into feasible one.

Ø Com. G. L. Jogi, President SNEA(I) CHQ in his roaring speech appealed all comrades to come out of the dream that government will be responsible for making BSNL’s employees payment. He told that management has given ample amount of materials in the field. If some materials are not available in MH it can be diverted from other circle by persuasion. But self initiatives are needed from each and every one sitting in this house if we want third PRC to be taken from management. In a clear term he told that BSNL management will only come forward for giving third PRC if BSNL will be profitable before 2017. He expressed his displeasure for BSNL’s failure in NOFN in timely laying fiber network in India. He told that Govt has now formed Bharat Net where private companies will be given this assignment for laying fiber network in future. He emphasized the need of 3G network in every corner of India considering the importance of data than voice. He has given confidence that we as an association can do any sort of miracle by our own initiatives which otherwise can be very difficult by management. For this he has given the example of Australian telecom trade unions /association how they covered 10% traffic loss by their own initiatives and combined efforts. In concluding speech, he appealed the comrades of SNEA (I) Maharashtra to contribute more & more towards the growth of BSNL.

Ø Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao, Veteran leader and Ex-GS TEOA/JTOA & Ex-President SNEA(I) CHQ in his address enlightened house in depth about the role of this association for the upward revisions in the pay scales (1986, 1996 and 2000 in BSNL). Five Time bound promotions each after every 5 years instead of just one time bound promotion after 12 years in DoT era. Com. Rao in his address reminded the comrades that through continuous struggle during the last three decades we could make significant improvements in the career of each and every Executive. He explained the history of this Association and the JTO cadre. Along with the change of designation, pay scales and status of JTO cadre, i.e. from ESP to JE and then to JTO, the name of the Association also changed from TESA to JETA(I), JETA(I) to JTOA(I), JTOA(I) to TEOA(I) and finally to SNEA(I). The pay scales also got changed from Rs 1400 to Rs 1640 in 1986, then to Rs 2000 equivalent in 1996 and finally to E1A from 01.10.2000. The status also changed from Group C to Group B Gazetted in 1996 and then absorbed/recruited as an Executive in BSNL. JTO and SDE cadre got one time bound promotion each in 1990s, first time in the history of any central Govt department. All these achieved due to continuous struggle of our senior comrades in the banner of JETA (me) / JTOA (I) / TEOA (I). He told that salary of the basic cadre JTO at that point of time was very less and we struggled for getting comfortable pay but now condition is all together different. Now executives are getting sufficient pay and third PRC is at our doorstep. He asked the question where do we stand.  He further explained the reason for giving TBP and added that it was our dream to have our own executives to become DGM/GM but unfortunately some of them are denying promotions. No other company has given payment like BSNL and hence it is not justifiable to deny promotions but lead this company from front so as to uplift it’s financial condition. He told that you have to give your best for the company then you can demand for better payment. It is for your upliftment and not for the company in real turn. It will be big loss to all of you if you lose third PRC and hence it is high time to make sustained efforts in making BSNL profitable. He was optimistic that MH circle will definitely come up profitable in days to come. He mentioned that the organisationally SNEA(I) Maharashtra under leadership of Com. Adasul CS is very active & over the days it is become vibrant Circle with many of the milestone achievement. He further added that as many of the activities are taken care by SNEA (I) MH there is now limited scope for Com. Adasul at Circle level activities and directed that he should look upward for betterment of SNEA (I) Executives and overall growth of BSNL and render his services at wider level. In conclusion of speech he conveyed thanks for inviting him for this CEC Meeting Solapur and conveyed best wishes for CEC Solapur.   

Ø Com. S. V. Bhad, Circle President SNEA(I) MH Circle n the concluding presidential speech, explained the prevailing situation in Maharashtra, how there is shortage of materials like drop wire, fund shortage in some of the SSAs and difficulties faced by the executives while imparting essential telecom services to our esteemed customers. He told that this is as per the reports submitted by some of the DS in delegate session and these hurdles are required to be removed first. He told that improvement is essential and customers are still having faith on BSNL but it is equally important to resolve such practical difficulties on top most priority. On behalf of Maharashtra comrades, he assured the CHQ Leaders that our executives will try to give their best by utilizing available resources and assured house that SNEA MH will definitely raise this issue of shortage of materials and fund at right platform so that  conducive environment will be created for the executives working in field.

Ø Open session was nicely and beautifully anchored by Com. V. B. Kokate, Vice President SNEA(I) MH in his unique & well-known style.

Ø Com. S. R. Kalmegh, ACS (E) SNEA (I) MH conveyed vote of thanks to all the dignitaries and all other who have made sincere efforts in making this Open Session a grand success by arrangements and deliberations.

Ø Com. S. R. Paspule, DS SNEA (I) Solapur and his entire team of SNEA (I) Solapur, Com. B. N. Kore Joint Secretary South and Com. G. S. Patane Ex Joint Secretary South SNEA (I) MH & many other active comrades have taken sincere efforts for the success of this grand, highly attended and successful Open Session of SNEA (I) MH Circle at Solapur.

Ø The marathon Open session which started at 1645 hrs concluded at 2045 hrs and dinner thereafter.

Ø    Photos  <<<<>>>


14 AUG 15:  By endorsing letter by Director CFA BSNL Board, CGMT MH Circle writes to SSA Heads for special efforts for quality services & maximum efforts for new landline & Broadband customers. Letter <<<>>>


14 AUG 15:  SE P&A Mumbai issued transfer order of Five JTOs in Civil Wing. Letter <<<>>>


14 AUG 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued instructions for forwarding all Rule 8 applications complete in all respect to Circle Office & not to withheld any applications at SSAs. Letter <<<>>>


14 AUG 15: AGM Staff Mumbai issued instructions for rotational transfers of Gr C & D Staff. Letter <<<>>>


13 AUG 15:  Lunch Hour Demonstration in Protest of Tower Company: As per call given by CHQ of Forum of BSNL Unions & Associations opposing move by Govt Of India for separate Company, Executives & Non Executive comrades throughout Maharashtra Circle participated in Lunch Hour Demonstrations and registered their strong & protest against this biased move of Govt of India which will have very bad impact on survival of BSNL. PHOTOs <<<>>>


13 AUG 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued additional vacancy position of DEs for LA arrangements and for small SSA like Jalna one separate post of DE Mobile which is not at all justified as entire maintenance work is under SSA Head and there is no work under Mobile section for officer in DE cadre. Creation of such unwanted posts will be direct wastage of manpower, office establishment & vehicle. Letter <<<>>>


13 AUG 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued additional vacancy position of DEs for LA arrangements and for small SSA like Jalna one separate post of DE Mobile which is not at all justified as entire maintenance work is under SSA Head and there is no work under Mobile section for officer in DE cadre. Creation of such unwanted posts will be direct wastage of manpower, office establishment & vehicle. Letter <<<>>>


12 AUG 15: Spectacular & Brain Storming Circle Executive Committee Meeting of SNEA(I) MH Circle at Solapur: Report For Day I, 08/08/2015 by Com. S.R.Kalmegh ACS East SNEA (I) MH}: Well attended and highly successful two days Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA (I) MH Circle was held for two days on Saturday 08/08/2015 & -Sunday 09/08/2015 in the beautiful, Air Conditioned & fully decorated Conference Hall of Dr. Nirmalkumar Pratishtan, in Campus of Sindheswar Temple at Holy City Solapur.

On the day First , the CEC Meeting started sharply at 0945 hrs with the Flag hosting in the hands of Com. S.V. Bhad, CP SNEA(I) MH and in presence of Com G.L. Jogi, President SNEA(I) CHQ, Com. W. Sheshagiri  Rao,  Ex President SNEA(I) CHQ & Veteran Senior Leader, Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA(I) CHQ,  Com. A. R. Manani, VP SNEA(I) CHQ, Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ , Com. M. B. Sangle, Joint Secretary West SNEA(I) CHQ.

At this promising moment all the delegates coming from nook and corner of Maharashtra Circle, CWC members, office bearers, CEC members & active comrades of SNEA(I) as observers were present at full vigor and enthusiasm up roaring the slogans of SNEA(I) Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad in voice and rhythm. 

 Immediately after flag hosting all the leaders and delegates assembled in the conference hall so as to start the proceeding of the Circle Executive meeting which was commenced with Dias formation and following leaders on the dais.

1.     Com. S.V.Bhad,  Circle President SNEA(I) MH ,

2.     Com. G. L.Jogi, President SNEA(I) CHQ,

3.     Com. W. Sheshgiri Rao, Ex President/GS  CHQ & Senior Leader,

4.     Com. K. Sebastin, GS SNEA(I) CHQ,

5.     Com. A. R. Manani,  Vice President SNEA(I) CHQ,

6.     Com. V. M. Wankhede, AGS SNEA(I) CHQ,

7.     Com. M. B. Sangle, Joint Secretary (West) SNEA(I) CHQ,

8.     Com. M. S. Adasul CS SNEA(I) MH,

9.     Com. V. B. Kokate, Vice President SNEA(I) MH,

10.            Com. S. R. Kalmegh, ACS(East) SNEA(I) MH,

11.            Com. S. R. Bhise, ACS(West) SNEA(I) MH,

12.            Com. S. B. Bhosale, Circle Treasurer SNEA(I) MH,

Ø Delegate session commenced with melodious song, "Itani Shakti hame dena data" sung in one voice by everyone present in the august house. Thereafter deep prajwalan took place in the auspicious hands of the leaders present on Dias.

Ø Thereafter lighting the lamp and Saraswati Poojan, the house observed two minutes silence for departed Souls and paid respectful homage. 

Ø The comrades of SNEA (I) Solapur welcomed all the dignitaries on Dias, CWC Members, CEC Members & all Circle Office Bearers by offering beautiful bouquets of flowers with shawl shriphal, momento and Solapuri Chadar as a token of love and affection.

Ø All others present in the house were also presented a beautiful bunch of flowers.

Ø Com. S. R. Paspule, DS SNEA (I) Solapur in his welcome speech gave warm welcome to all the comrades and gave brief idea about the holy city Solapur, its historical importance and information about divine places nearby and assured to have comfortable stay for all present. 

Ø Com. S.V. Bhad, CP SNEA(I) MH , in his inaugural speech briefed house about the deliberations in Circle Executive Committee Meet and appealed all delegates to co-operate by being specific in their reports and requested to adhere with time schedule.

Ø Then the agenda of two days meeting was approved by the house & further proceedings started with report by CS.

Ø Com. M.S. Adasul, CS SNEA(I) MH submitted his brief report about the activities of SNEA(I) Maharashtra form April 2014 to August 2015. In his 26 pages report he congratulated SNEA(I) CHQ for resolving long pending Kerala issue and conveyed  thanked Com. G. L. Jogi, Com. W. Sheshagiri Rao , Com. K. Sebastin, Com. A. R. Manani, Com. V. M. Wankhede and Com. M. B. Sangle for sparing time  attending CEC Meeting of SNEA (I) MH in spite of their busy schedule.

Ø He prominently appealed CHQ leaders to resolve long pending issue of JTO-SDE promotion, issue of granting TBP uniformly after 4 years, subscription through salary, declaring Gadchiroli as hard tenure and pursuing for granting approval by BSNLCO for New BTS proposal submitted by Gadchiroli SSA which in turn will earn revenue for BSNL from such proposal from other SSAs also. His report include impact of night calling and free roaming schemes offered by BSNL and measures to be taken against the leakage of revenue by misuse of vehicles by many the officers in various offices etc. His report covers entire activities taken over by SNEA (I) MH after last CEC Meeting at Yavatmal in April 2014. After elaborate discussions on the different issues in the report, finally entire report was appreciated by house with loud claps.

Ø After this report, at 1400 the delegate session was given short break for lunch and all the comrades reassembled in the house for DS Reports.

Ø CS report <<<>>>  

Updates on further details of CEC Meeting will continue


12 AUG 15: Forum of BSNL Unions and Associations holding of demonstrations on 12.08.2015, protesting the decision for formation of a Subsidiary Tower Company. Circular  <<<>>>.


 11 AUG 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai calls for willingness among SDEs for their posting as DE LA. Letter <<<>>>

ü Out of total 160 willingness called for,  six SDEs have been transferred out of Maharashtra Circle & till willingness are called from them for DE LA which is totally wrong , also some have even become DE Regular in last DPC, but till their names are added in this willingness list for DE LA arrangements.

ü Also there is some change in vacancy position in some of SSA as shown and as per physical availability. In many of SSAs more vacancies exits than shown in the list as presently works are being managed from SDEs with local DE LA which is illegal.

ü All comrades are requested to go through the vacancy position and get it corrected with detail feedback with facts & figures by sending corrections if any in vacancy positions.

ü The posting will be done in same working SSA till all the vacancies are filled and then excess Executives will be posted out of the working SSA, first nearby & then to SSAs having shortage of DEs.

ü As such all concerned SDEs in list even willing to work in same SSA, should submit willingness for same SSA and if they are not willing for posting in any other SSA or even within same SSA, such refusal may be given during this willingness process well within time frame.

ü As willingness are called well in advance, there are chances that refusals may not be accepted at later stage and all are requested to submit their willingness/refusal if any to avoid difficulties at later stage. 

ü As such, it becomes mandatory for everyone in the list to submit either willingness or unwillingness with details as called in this later latest by 14/08/2015.


 10 AUG 15:  AGM Estt Mumbai calls for VCs of 35 DEs for their DGM Adhoc promotions& last date is 12/08/2015. Letter <<<>>>


 10 AUG 15:  AGM Staff Mumbai issued orders for extension of DE LA arrangements for one month period. Letter <<<>>>


 8 AUG 15:  BSNL CO issued orders for extending benefits of EPF coverage to all BSNL recruited employees for pre-induction training period uniformly at all circles,. Letter <<<>>>


 8 AUG 15:  BSNL CO issued modified policy for renting out vacant staff quarters to Central/State Govt Depts /CPSU/PSU and their individual employees. Letter <<<>>>


 7 AUG 15: Two Days Circle Executive Meeting of SNEA(I) Maharashtra will start at Conference Hall, Dr. Nirmalkumar Pratishtan, Solapur from 08/08/2015. Host branch, SNEA (I) Solapur has made nice arrangement of Stay for all CHQ/Circle Office Bearers, CWC/CEC Members, District Secretaries & observers. The allotment of rooms for DS & Office Bearers has been made well in advance by very active comrades of host branch under leadership of Com. S.R. Paspule, DS SNEA (I) Solapur & Com. B.N. Kore JS South SNEA (I) MH. Accommodation details <<<>>>

Though Host branch has made similar & sufficient arrangements for stay of observers, the allotment of rooms for observers will be made on the spot on their arrival at Solapur. In case of any difficulties comrades can contact of Accommodation committee namely Com. P.P. Chatufale, 9423589289, Com. A . J. Joshi ,9422966100 & comrades of Transportation committee namely Com. D.V.Kulkarni, 9421021094, Com. Sandip Relekar, 9420782200.


7 AUG 15:  Message from Shri. N. K.Mehata New Director Enterprise BSNL Board New Delhi to all officers and employees of BSNL Message <<<>>>

In first ever message after taking over as Director Enterprise BSNL, Shri. N.K. Mehata, stress upon the timely delivery of services, total IT solution plans to customers with single window services etc. He also specially touches most important difficulty in field units i.e. our inability in delivery of services due to shortage of material and gives commitment to remove such bottlenecks and appeals to bring such instances to his notice at first instance itself. He further expresses his openness to suggestions which contribute to success of BSNL. It is now our turn to respond his appeal with positive actions and with more commitment so as to give Quality services to BSNL customers and generation of more & more revenue thereof. 


7 AUG 15:  EE HQ Mumbai issued orders for looking after arrangements for EE Civil for period of 180 days. Letter <<<>>>


 7 AUG 15:  AGM Estt Mumbai calls for requirement of seats and to s for JTO Phase II training. Letter <<<>>>


 6 AUG 15: Highly Successful District Conference of SNEA (I) Sangli: {Report by Com. V. M. Patil, DS, SNEA (I) Sangli}: The District Conference of Sanchar Nigam Executives Association (I) Sangli was held on Saturday, 01/08/2015 at 1730 hrs at Conference Hall Telephone Bhavan Sangli. Com.  V. D. Bhede, DP SNEA (I) Sangli presided over this Conference. The meeting was attended by:

1.     Com. M. S. Adasul, Circle Secretary SNEA (I) MH,

2.     Com. B. N. Kore, Joint Secretary (South) SNEA (I) MH,

3.     Com.  V.  D.  Bhede, District President SNEA (I) Sangli,

6.     Com. V. M. Patil, District Secretary SNEA (I) Sangli,

7.     Com. S. D. Mali, District Treasurer SNEA (I) Sangli,

8.     Com.  S.  M. Suryavanshi,  Ex-DP SNEA (I) Sangli,

9.     Com.  V. S. Halkude, Ex-DS SNEA (I) Sangli.

Ø All the guests, dignitaries and new members were given warm welcome by comrades of SNEA (I) Sangli. Thereafter discussions on local point’s viz. Transfers, relieving of executives were held, shortage of staff & executives.

Ø  Com. S. M. Suryawnshi, DE, Ratnagiri and Ex-District President SNEA (I) Sangli guided the house. He told that every member of SNEA (I), Sangli is secretary because our Com. Adasul CS is taking care of all problems and issues. On shortage of executives he told that shortage is everywhere in Maharashtra and all having to manage all work with available staff/executives. He advised to longest stayed comrades to opt for nearby SSA instead of tenure station to resolve shortage of executives. All should work hard to save BSNL and our beloved com. Adasul is there to take care of our problems and to guide us. 

Ø Com. B. N. Kore, Joint Secy (South), SNEA (I) MH told that members of SNEA (I), Sangli are lucky that our beloved Com. Adasul CS attending to guide and address every General Body meeting.  He told BSNL is going through critical financial crisis and every BSNL employee should work hard for bringing back glory to BSNL by increasing market share of BSNL. He elaborated status of various issues taken at Circle and CHQ viz. E2 & E3 standard pay scale, status of DPC of JTO to SDE etc.  He appealed to longest stayed comrades to give option to nearby SSAs to overcome acute shortage of executives. Shortage of executives of Sangli shall be minimized after DPCs.

Ø Com. V. M. Patil, DS, SNEA (I), Sangli elaborated about transfers and transfer policies laid by Circle administration and he told that due to transfer policies tenure stations are now having 100% and more than 100% executives while SSAs like Sangli/Solapur and other are facing acute shortage of executives and due to this shortage every executive is over loaded and needs to resolve the issue. All local issues and transfers are resolved through SNEA (I) and all members are happy. He appealed to comrades who are transferred to tenure station under longest stay criterion may submit their request for retention to administration for its consideration and this will help to resolve shortage somewhat. He extended thanks to CS & JS, SNEA (I) MH for attending and addressing the GB.

Ø Com. M. S. Adasul, CS SNEA (I) MH addressed and guided to gathering in his special style. He told maximum request transfers are made through chain transfers. He detailed about various clues to resolve HR issues from administration. All executives whose transfer orders are issued but not relived till today will be relieved soon through ERP and file for the same is under consideration of CGMT MH. He told that HR approach should be extended to executives to make them happy and to extract more work. He discussed issue of E2/E3 standard pay scale to JTO/SDE in detail and how SNEA (I) persuaded the issue since long back and same is agreed by committee. Standard pay scales will be implemented after approval of BSNL/DOT/MOC and it will take some time. He discussed about CDMA AMC case in MH circle office and how BSNL money is being looted by vendors. He advised to all members how to save BSNL and all should be vigilant while signing any financial document. All illegal affairs should be resisted on association platform. He told that customer’s grievances should be listened and resolved immediately. He discussed various court cases about seniority, revision of seniority lists, 206 case, 147 case and stand of association on seniority case. JTO to SDE promotion case is at final judgment, once judgment is received DPC will be conducted and promotion orders will be issued immediately. In case of JTO to SDE promotion DPC, MH VCs will expire on 15th August 2015 and requested to submit fresh VCs immediately. All executives are getting good salary and it is duty to motivate work force and to manage all problems to save BSNL.

Ø The Circle office bearers satisfactorily answered all the queries raised by members.

Ø Thereafter Com. S. D. Mali DT SNEA (I), Sangli submitted partial treasurer report and final accounts will be submitted in next Executive Body Meeting after collecting pending subscription from all comrades.

Ø Com. V.  D.  Bhede, District President SNEA (I) Sangli in his presidential speech told that all issues in respect of Sangli comrades at circle level are settled by our beloved CS Com. Adasul. He appealed to comrades who are under transfer to tenure stations to submit representation to Admn for retention before relieving through ERP.  He extended vote of thanks to all for attending general body meeting.

Ø Thereafter the existing District body was dissolved and election for new office bearers for the next term was held & in unanimous elections, Com. R.S.Partil, Com. V.M.Patil & Com. A.R.Joshi were respectively elected as DP, DS & DT of SNEA (I), Sangli.

Ø Com B. N. Kore Joint secretary (South) SNEA (I) MH gave oath to unanimously elected new executive body of SNEA Sangli.

Ø Com. Suryawanshi has nicely and effectively conducted the whole district conference which started at 1800 hrs and concluded at 2300 hrs with vote of thanks by Com. Abhay Joshi DT SNEA (I) Sangli and dinner thereafter.

PHOTOS <<<>>>   Newly Elected District Body <<<>>>


 6 AUG 15: BSNL CO calls for willingness in DE Cadre for posting at BBNW Mumbai & Delhi. Letter <<<>>>


5 AUG 15: Joint Committee meeting on CPSU cadre hierarch: The Joint committee meeting held today and discussion took place for about two hours. Chairman and members from Management side proposed very stringent attendant conditions along with interview, grade of service and educational qualifications to decide the promotions. The bench mark should be minimum “Very Good” according to them even for JTO to SDE promotion.

SNEA (I) made the following submissions:

1.     The terms and conditions of absorption in BSNL ensured Time Bound promotions from JTO to SG JAG grade between 4 to 6 years with attendant conditions, without linking promotions with availability of posts. Promotions beyond SGJAG will be based on availability of posts.

2.     However in Executive Promotion Policy (EPP), the promotions are divided into two parts, I. Time bound IDA pay scale up gradations and II. Post based promotions.

SNEA (I) very strongly opposed any interview for promotions or promotions based on educational qualifications. Now thousands of Executives are working in different scales. They are getting pay scales and good pay. But due to various reasons, mainly due to litigations they are not getting functional promotion which provides higher responsibility and status. For example thousands of Executives are in Sr SDE scale (E3) but working as JTO. Similarly thousands of Executives are in DGM scale (E5) or in DE scale (E4) but still working as SDEs. Again, recently the promotions in almost all the cadres in BSNL are stayed by Hon Chandigarh Tribunal without implementing judgment on Nagaraju case on SC/ST reservation. So the new promotion policy should address the twin problems of i) seniority related issues and ii) availability of vacancies/posts as much possible and ensure smooth promotions.

The following points are to be deliberated.   

a)    Time bound functional promotion has to be implemented upto which grade, without linking it with availability of posts and minimum how many promotions can be assured. For this data can be verified to know how many Executives are working in each scale/grade.

b)    Reporting and hierarchy to be followed in the new set up and duties and responsibilities.

c)     Bench mark for each promotion to be reviewed and decided as per the present practice.

d)   Qualifying service and quantum of relaxation in service.

e)     New Designations to be introduced in BSNL.

f)      Financial implications.

a)    No of promotions: The minimum number of promotions should be maintained as 5 itself in the new scheme also.

b)    No of Executives working in each grade. Majority of the Executives are working in Telecom Engg wing. The total number is about 34,500.

c)     JTO Scale-- About 4800, SDE Scale -- About 4300, Sr SDE Scale  - About 11800, AGM Scale -- About 7800, DGM Scale --About 5200, SG JAG Scale -- About 600.

d)   Accounts – 6500, Civil – 1747, Elect: 1134,  Arch --- 147, TF --- 122, Misc – 425.

e)     Reporting, hierarchy to be followed and duties and responsibilities: Bell curve issue can be addressed by following hierarchy. Existing hierarchy to be changed (JTO -à SDE -àDE -à DGM) to JTO/SDE/Sr SDE/DE --à DGM/SG JAG -àGM -à PGM. Duties and responsibilities can be modified accordingly.

f)      Bench mark: BSNL Executives are working in different areas like External, Internal, installations, planning, offices, mobile, transmission, landline etc. The performance of the Executives are depending upon the area of their posting and availability of material, manpower, labour, stores, equipments etc. So the performance of the Executives working in various areas cannot be compared at all on the basis of APAR alone. Most of the other PSUs are in production sector and the nature of job is more or less same or comparable. They are having time tested mechanisms of performance evaluation. So the promotion mechanism in other CPSUs cannot be copied as such in BSNL at least for the time being. So the new bench mark should be finalized considering this fact as well as and the bench mark existing today for post based promotions.

g)    Qualifying service and quantum of relaxation in service: The qualifying service should be between 4 to 6 years as per the terms and condition and it should not be more than 6 years in any case.  

h)    Note: Now IDA pay scale up gradations are given on completion of qualifying service. Post based promotions are given with relaxation in service (1 year relaxation for JTO to SDE promotion where the qualifying service is 3 years). Since the pre-appointment training varies from one to two years, relaxation of qualifying service to the Executives of same rect year (in case of rect) / vacancy year (in case of promotion) also to be considered. Similar relaxation is to be considered for promotion to DE grade also for the existing Executives working at SDE/Sr SDE/DE scales. However no relaxation is required for Sr SDE grade. For the Executives who got relaxation for promotion to the SDE grade as per the new scheme, further relaxation at Sr SDE and DE grade are not required.

i)      New Designation to be followed as done in BSNLCO:

j)      After discussion, Mgt side agreed for Time Bound functional promotions to SDE and Sr SDE grades. Promotion to AGM and DGM grades on time bound basis will collapse the existing mechanism, according to the members from Mgt side. We strongly opposed this view. Discussion will continue in the next meeting on 13.08.2015, 3 PM.

 5 AUG 15: JTO- SDE case posted for next Wednesday ( 12-08-2015 ) after allowing the impleading petition filed by SNEA (I).


 5 AUG 15: The report & photos of General Body Meeting of SNEA(I) Sangli as on 01/08/2015 will follow.


 5 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued transfer order of 91 SDEs after completion of All India hard tenure in different tenure Circles in which 12 SDEs are returning to Maharashtra Circle, WTR & ITPC Pune after completion of two years tenure.  Order <<<>>>


 5 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued reminder for sending APRs of DEs for proposed DPC for DGM Regular promotions. Letter <<<>>>


 5 AUG 15: Delegation of SNEA (I) Goa welcomes Shri. G.K. Upadhay, CGMT MH: {Report by Com. S. A.Aga, DS SNEA (I) Goa}: By sensing opportunity of availability of Head of Maharashtra Circle in Goa on his personal visit, delegation of SNEA (I) Goa comprising Com. S.C. Vete, CWC Member, Com. R.J. Badgujar DP, Com S. A. Aga DS, Com Datta Lolyekar, ADS, Com A. A. Shaikh, DT, Com, Md. Hussain Executive Member and Com. K. A.  Gawali Executive Member gave warm welcome by presenting beautiful bouquet to Shri. G.K.Upadhay, CGMT MH Circle & had meeting on important HR as well as development issues 29/07/2015 in Bombolim Inspection Quarters.  

Com. S.A. Aga DS SNEA (I) Goa submitted memorandum to CGMT MH highlighting the issues which are of immense importance in relation to Development and growth of BSNL Goa. Shri. Upadhay CGMT MH was much pleased for showing the concern about the development and growth of BSNL. He was very much impressed and even went to the extent to comment that there is no single HR issue raised by SNEA GOA and asked to speak if anything is there.

Though there was no detail point to point discussions on each and every issue due to paucity of Time we had a briefed him in short about the issues. We requested for recruitment of  Direct TTA’s  , Replacing Batteries and AC’s of BTS sites for maintaining the uptime of BTS, Provision of higher capacity DSLAM, NGN training , provision of basic store like drop wire and 5 pair cable for faultless BB connections..

Memorandum <<<>>>>   Photo <<<>>>


 5 AUG 15: HATS OFF to Joint Forum Amravati for freeing BSNL’s land from encroachment & saving BSNL property of crores of rupees: {Report by Com. S.R. Kalmegh, ACS East SNEA(I) MH}.  By showing extra ordinary unity of employees & officers under banner of Joint Forum Amravati constituting all unions and Associations in Amravati, have freed 1.5 acre open land of BSNL from the encroachment.

SNEA (I) Maharashtra congratulates the administration of BSNL Amravati headed by GMT Amravati, leaders and members of the Joint Forum Amravati for this mile stone achievement with extra ordinary courage to remove the encroachment on BSNL’s open plot by local institution strongly supported by political leader. Yes Comrades, Joint Forum Amravati has done it and created an example for all of us for safeguarding BSNL property.   

The detail report of incident is as follows.

BSNL Amravati has it’s possessed land of 2 acres in Saturna Industrial Estate Amravati, having it’s 7/12 in the name of GMT BSNL Amravati and having paid development charge to the AMC Amravati recently in the year 2010. This vacant land was protected by the cement concrete compound wall all along it’s boundary having iron barricades over the concrete wall.  Rana Education society is also said to have their vacant land on both sides of BSNL’s land. All of a sudden on 25/07/2015, adjacent plot holder demolished our solid concrete wall which was 62 meter long, removed all iron barricades and came nearly 1.5 acres inside and constructed his own wall on BSNL’s land without any prior intimation or communication with BSNL. It means out of 2 acres BSNL’s land only 0.5 acre was kept vacant for BSNL. Cost of land in the adjacent area is said to have cost of 2000 rupees per sq. feet. It was the absolute attempt of grabbing the BSNL’s land costing 6-7 crores by the encroacher. 

After receiving the information about encroachment, Com. Pravin Isokar, SDE RSU approached Police station to lodge the FIR on 28/07/2015 but he was asked to wait for 6-7 hours due to political influence. This has given opportunity to the encroacher to complete his encroachment work by building wall more speedily on BSNL owned land. When the matter was reported to Shri Ramashray Prasad GMT Amravati, he immediately spoken with District Collector and Commissioner of Police but it was too late and encroacher was successful before the police came in action and ongoing work was stopped. As usual our office was not having any information about the name of encroacher and hence the FIR was lodged against unknown person. When the Municipal Commissioner was requested to stop and demolish the encroachment, he also shown his inability to do so. It was the political influence that civil authorities were refused to act by giving reasons one after the other and passing bucks. Time was passing without any end result and everything was standstill.

By sensing the need, leaders of all the unions and Associations of BSNL Amravati came together on the platform of Joint Forum and conducted an emergent meeting on 30/07/2015. A memorandum was drafted which was addressed to District Collector/Commissioner of Police and Municipal Commissioner Amravati to safeguard BSNL’s property from encroachment. Accordingly Joint Forum delegation met all of them personally on 31/07/2015 and narrated the entire issue. By seeing the solid unity amongst all the constituent part of Joint Forum Amravati, District Collector agreed to JF Amravati to extend support of his office and Commissioner of Police also agreed to give task force to remove encroachment if BSNL wants to do so. On the same day Joint Forum Amravati conducted the emergency meeting in the conference hall where GMT Amravati and DGM Amravati were also present.

In an unanimous decision it was decided that BSNL Amravati shall remove the encroachment on its own immediately on the next day, Saturday on 02/08/2015 and accordingly GMT Amravati asked the civil executives to make the arrangement of JCB and other allied work. This decision was taken as per the discussions with District Collector and Police Commissioner as further delay would have caused court legal injunctions. Letters were drafted to District Collector and Commissioner of police to depute their officials and police task force as agreed in the meeting of Joint Forum Amravati. Finally on 01/08/2015, leaders of Joint Forum Amravati gathered on the site at 11.00 am and BSNL’s JCB removed all the encroachment including 62 mtrs newly constructed wall on BSNL’s land. Complete action was carried out in presence of huge police task force, nearly 100 constables, headed by DCP level officer keeping in mind apparent threat from encroacher. District Collector has also deputed his revenue officers, Land Acquisition Officers to measure the BSNL’s land on the spot.

Finally, after clear measurement of our land by revenue staff, temporary fencing was made by erecting telephone poles on the boundary at the same location of our old concrete wall which was demolished by encroacher. In spite of having strong political hold by encroacher in Amravati the Joint Forum of BSNL Amravati has successful freed BSNL’s land from the clinches of encroacher with solid unity and affection towards BSNL.

Joint Forum Amravati sets an example to all of us that nothing is impossible if we have stronger unity and we are ready to fight against injustice. By forgetting the internal issues the executives & Non executives of BSNL Amravati have come together under banner of Joint Forum Amravati to save crore rupees of BSNL’s land being swallowed by Rana Education Society Amravati which is said to be associated with strong political leader cum builder and acting MLA Amravati.

It was the strongest ever unity and immediate  action by Joint Forum Amravati and pursuing it at all levels um Amravati wherein SNEA(I) Amravati has taken leading role , which made this task successful. In the entire gigantic task  by Joint Forum Amravati, the role of Com S R Kalmegh ACS ( E ) SNEA(I) MH Circle, Com S H Gandhi DS SNEA(I) Amravati, Com D H Bhad Dist President SNEA(I) Amravati, Com R K Pote ACS AIBSNLEA, Com. V. D. Mishra, DS AIBSNLEA, Com P G Wankhede , DS SCSTEWA Amravati, Com S B Kawale ACS SCSTEWA, Com V R Bhakre DS AIGETOA Amravati, Com M Borkar CFS AIGETOA , Com R S Raut DP BSNLEU , Com Latif Khan DS BSNLEU Com M B Band DS NFTE , Com V R Ghadge , Com A M Raut DP AIBCTES, Com P J Masram DS SNATTA , Com N V Thakare DP SNATTA was  instrumental & deciding factor. On day of final operation about 40-50 employees & officers of BSNL under leadership of  Shri Ramashray Prasad GMT Amravati in support of  Shri Vijay Lilhare DGM Amravati , Shri D B Dange AGM N/W & Plg, Shri V S Labhane AGM Admn, Shri S B Dandage AGM CFA-III , Shri S S Tayade DGM Fin Amravati , Shri A V Gulghane Executive Engineer Civil, Shri O G Sorte SDE Civil, Shri V J Pande and Com. V R Jadhao, SDE Plg and others were physically present at site during the entire operation giving end to the encroachment on BSNL’s open plot..

Thus Joint Forum Amravati has set an unique example in the history of BSNL by saving our own valuable land by their stern & timely action which otherwise would have been impossible as happened as usual. Hats off to all the constituents parts of Joint Forum Amravati which include SNEA(I) Amravati, AIBSNLEA(I) Amravati, SCSTEWA Amravati, AIGETOA Amravati, BSNLEU Amravati, NFTE Amravati, SNATTA Amravati and AIBCTES Amravati.

 Joint Forum Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad, Our Unity Zindabad!!!!

Ø Photos <<<>>>           News in Media  <<<>>>           Correspondence by JF Amravati <<<>>>


4 AUG 15: Recommendations and minutes of the 3rd meeting of the Joint Committee to examine the implementation of E2, E3 scales replacing the intermediary pay scales of E1A and E2A.

The Committee recommends the following:-

a.     The standard pay scales for JTO and equivalent grades in replacement of the pre-revised E1A pays scales may be fixed at E2 level in revised scale. Similarly, those of SDE and equivalent grades may be replaced from pre-revised E2A pay scale to E3 in the revised scale.

b.    Necessary changes in the EPP may be made, if required, and also the approval of DoT for issues of related pension outgo, gratuity etc., may be sought by concerned wings of BSNL.

Smt Madhu Arora/GM (Estt) and Smt Smitha Choudhary/GM (EF) who are committee members submitted some dissenting note on issues which are already considered by the Joint Committee. Minutes <<<>>>


3 AUG 15: BSNL CO introduces promotional offers under prepaid mobile services on Independence Day. Letter <<<>>>


3 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued transfer orders of SDEs in which some are own cost and some are issued with any mention of cost leaving option to individual to claim TA/DA and creating discrimination on cost of transfers issued on same day. Own Cost Order <<<>>>  Order without any mention of transfer cost <<<>>>


1 AUG 15: Editorial August 2015 <<<>>>


1 AUG 15: Dept of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Govt of India issued instructions for revision of pension/family pension of all pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2006 instead of 24/09/2012. Letter <<<>>>


1 AUG 15: BSNL CO endorsed DoT letter on disposal of representations on provisional seniority list dated 31/07/2015 in grade of EE Civil. Copy <<<>>>


1 AUG 15: BSNL CO issued orders for revision in data plan under postpaid mobile services. Letter <<<>>>


N.B.: The information given on this site is restricted to SNEA (I) members only. The content of the pages of this site shall not be quoted or reproduced as evidence elsewhere either in part or full for any purpose.